

French husband said he wanted a lamp for his bedside.  He said he wanted one that worked.  What he meant was he wanted a NEW lamp, a MODERN lamp! Not a find at the flea market standing on its last leg and flickering a romantic glow like a candle.

"Oh,"  I muttered.  A new ugly lamp is what I thought.  Though I knew French husband would never actually go to a shop and buy one.  He hates to shop.  I think the last time he stepped foot into a shop was to buy me a birthday present,  and that was only once years ago.  But that is another story.

I thought many moons would go by with the sweet, little, romantic lamp by his bedside flickering. Certainly he would forget his request by morning.

At the break of dawn he said he was going to buy a lamp.  "Oh no, no-no-no, I already did!"  I lied.  "I bought you a new, modern lamp for your birthday!" 

French husband laughed, "A lamp for a birthday gift?"

"Sure," and I added in case he forgot, "Remember when you bought me that printer that you wanted, then claimed it as my birthday gift a few years ago?"

He shook his head in disbelief, "I cannot wait to see it this evening."

"Doubt worry it will be wrapped up with a big red bow!" I smiled at him and freaked inside.  I had to go buy a lamp fast!

When French husband came home there were two packages wrapped on the table. He opened them proudly. Two lamps, matching his and hers. New, modern and they work.

Happiness is love glowing brightly.

Photo:  His new lamp by his bedside.


62 responses to “Nightlight”

  1. Hi Corey,
    Oh wow was this a co-in-see-dance. I have fallen in love with lighting with olive oil, and recently found these cute little “lamps” that i use with olive oil. That chosing a lamp stuff, its personal isnt it, its central…its a bit of the hearth. Anyway i was thinking of that stuff and then opened up here and see “Happiness is love glowing brightly”. Wow! You go straight to the heart of the gift of light. May i qoute you m’dear : ) ?
    Peaceful Week,

  2. You are such an inspiration!
    Unique 🙂

  3. Love always lights the way.
    Love you darling one.
    I love your stories and your photographs.
    Love and many blessings!

  4. It’s divine and I love how it’s standing there, all proud and tall.

  5. Funny story! Did FrenchHusband like his lamps? A printer, huh? At least it wasn’t a blender or a toaster!!! 🙂 Men.

  6. His and her lamps – only you, TICA! I once received an iron for my birthday, presumably to press the new shirt I’d given my former husband…I like lamps better 😉

  7. That is one tall bedside lamp.
    Happy Birthday to Yann!!

  8. Wonderful lamp , Corey . Where did you find it ?
    Did he like it ?
    His and hers lamp : wonderful way to say it !!
    I love when old lamps don’t work well…

  9. i love it corey! beautiful and so elegant! i love the table and the paintings reflecting in the mirror too. your entire bedroom must be beautiful.
    happy birthday to frenchhusband!

  10. This lamp is perfect for your room – what a lucky man he is to have your sense of style surrounding him! You pick such beautiful furnishings and accessories Corey…… really light up our lives too by sharing these amazing photos, thank you.
    I linked to your “morning cuppa” story and laughed so much because I had recently gone through this with my dh – guess they’re all cut from the same cloth!

  11. I like the contrast of old with new when decorating. The lamp looks good, is useful– and you got a nice story out of it. Such a wonderful light you have there.

  12. Wow! You have a terrific eye for both old AND new lamps, Corey. It looks absolutely perfect. Jeepers, I could use your sense of style and taste in MY home!
    PS- When you have a moment, come by my blog today. 🙂

  13. A very handsome lamp indeedy do.
    I hope he has very long arms…

  14. new, modern & yet, delightfully romantic!!
    well done 🙂

  15. A lesson on handling men today! I love it, I need it 🙂

  16. Corey,
    Beautiful and perfect. You’ve got amazing taste, style, grace…

  17. Wow, great find, even if it’s new! 🙂

  18. and everytime he uses the lamp he will think of the light of his life-you! That is a beautiful design with the lamp,table, mirror, etc. At first I thought your photo was from a magazine.

  19. Oh, Corey, I am the contrarian here. I don’t like the lamp! Well, correction – I love the lamp, but not the shade, unless you are pulling out a color in a duvet or curtains or something else. I love the beside table, the mirror, the other pieces, but the lamp is like Kirklands in the USA. Not romantic enough. Don’t be offended. Probably just a shade change would make me like it more. But, you are such a romantic, and this lamp is moderne!
    Happy birthday to FH, and remember, I want a clone of him when that science is available.
    I met a sweet Frenchman recently. I told a friend, I didn’t want to take him home for any other reason than to just have him talk to me all day!
    Hugs, GiGi
    I am not offended. I only wish Kirkland’s was in France (I assume I could have saved alot of money?) The shades do match the duvet.

  20. Very elegant! You do have a knack for shopping, old and new!!!

  21. Corey,
    You are so funny! I really like the lamp.

  22. Great save Corey! That is a funny story. LOL! Nice lamp. Thanks for sharing.

  23. Oh Corey, only you would be able to find something{s} modern, which fit so well with a romantic decor! Once again, you are amazing.
    And so cute, the way you kid French Husband. 🙂

  24. And what a perfect fit! It does it’s job and the beauty of the mirror is not the least bit obscured. Wonderful.

  25. Corey, you have to be one of the funniest souls I know! I adore you for that. Joyeux anniversaire French Husband!!

  26. Were they brand new? they look wonderful against your antique decorations (love that mirror). Great find, and happy birthday to French Husband 🙂 Ah, the familiar story of a man getting you something that HE wanted, lol

  27. They match perfectly Corey!
    you made me laugh! (I would do such a thing: to say I already did something and not yet…)

  28. This picture grabbed my attention since I have an OBSESSION with both mirrors and lighting. I collect both. I too prefer vintage lamps. Your room is beautiful and personally I rather like the mocha shade and think it is a romantic color. I bet it puts off a lovely chocolate glow when lit. Changing shades is fun and an easy way to change a look. I have covered some lamp shades with a worn vintage tablecloth that was my grandmother’s. It was a lovely shade of gold, and had a shimmer to it. I cut the cloth up and now I have a chandelier and sconces that cast the most beautiful golden glow in the room.

  29. hehe! That brings to mind many moons ago, visiting a couple where the beloved wife had just been gifted with an *aquarium that the husband wanted* for her birthday. She, not being as an evolved soul as you Corey, was not shall we say, exhibiting much gratitude on the subject and was liberally hurling epithets at the beloved husband.
    So I’m very glad to hear there was no hurling or hissing out of FH! 😉 Wishing your hubby a (belated) very happy birthday! May you always see each other by the light of love. 🙂
    Pretty pretty pretty! You have such lovely taste. I especially love your mirror! And do tell, what is reflected in it? Is that a mural on your wall? Ooooooohhhh!

  30. They are not ugly! I always like the mix of old and new and sleek.
    Funny story. you are a stinker.

  31. If French Husband never go shopping, how does he surprise you on your birthdays? Or may be I should not ask …..
    French husband takes me away for the weekend. He picks a place, plans it and we go. I love that far better than a printer.
    I do the same for him… but this year we were moving Chelsea into her apartment where she is attending university. So he got matching his and her lamps 🙂

  32. Love your story, and happy birthday to French husband. And….I don’t know too many husbands, French or otherwise that go shopping!

  33. Going away for the week-end is what we do for our anniversaries, and I agree totally with you, I love that much more than a printer!
    Next year it is my turn to make plans, and I already know where I’ll take us 🙂

  34. Very diplomatically done!
    I went shopping for my husband’s birthday and came home in triumph with the things he wanted, only to find that the fake Crocs were actually a ladies size 8 and so too small and the DVD was a Japanese version of the movie he wanted…Shall We Dance. I think he is actually better at shopping for me than I am for him!

  35. Love the photograph & the story. Nice to know husbands around the world are really not that different 🙂

  36. LOVE THE LAMP! When you have time please tell well where you got it… ;O)

  37. Mirror, Mirror, on the wall,
    That’s the most lovely lamp of all!

  38. Love the story, and love the picture. The lamp works beautifully in it’s surroundings too. Just a magic photo! Happy Birthday to French Husband!

  39. I think the lamp is lovely, and such a sweet gift! (Remeber, from someone who got an excercise machine for our first married Christmas!)
    You really make me laugh!

  40. Lovely lamp! Really, it’s very pretty. How lucky that you got to choose it in the end. And I seriously want that mirror! That’s excactly the kind of mirror I was describing to my mother the other day, explaining my wishes… Love this post! 🙂

  41. You are a wonderful storyteller, Corey! The lamp fits well, with the mirror and table! I like the mix. The photo is beautiful.

  42. I love that lamp, especially in front of that mirror. I know, it takes all your strength to buy new, but I think this works.

  43. The lamp is stunning, as indeed is that bedside.

  44. Beautiful and way to think fast! Heh-heh, a sign of a good and long marriage!

  45. I think that is true love.
    Truly and so beautiful too –

  46. Hi, Corey, that’s a great story! And what a beautiful pic of your lamp & nightstand. It makes such a pretty vignette.

  47. I’m in love with EVERYTHING I see…FH and my husband have something in common. Hugs!

  48. Good thinking and it looks pretty. I hesitate to think what kind of lamp you might have had LOL
    Thank you for stopping by and commenting on my new blog

  49. Corey,
    I can just imagine FH’s smile and sigh of contentment upon seeing the “new” lamps.
    Awwwww, what a woman will do for love . . . flying in teeny airplanes and buying “new” lamps.

  50. i am playing catch up here…and don’t know if i should comment on each post separately, or now…they are all so wonder-filled! ok…here goes…love the new lamp, you did good on this one! i got a garbage disposal once! and he’s never heard the end of it…it actually didn’t get installed for fives years…it went to the basement! i hurt his feelings.

  51. Leau Phillips

    And now he knows…he does read every word you write, doesn’t he? What a clever girl you are! (heart) leau

  52. I love that lamp but, what I want to know is…where did you hide all of his stuff?! Our night tables are covered with books and clocks (we each have one), etc…

  53. the modern lamp matches perfectly with its surroundings corey!! its silvery stand glides into the beautiful frame of the antique mirror in the back and the elegant ficture on the wall. pretty good decision.
    he must have been pleased…

  54. Marie-Noëlle

    …and now your love lit the way for him every single day … thanks to those (bed) side lights …

  55. Wow, you really have an eye for bringing things together. The lamp is lovely and it goes well with its surroundings…
    Oh, and congrats to Chelsea for starting college and being a little butterfly in Aix!

  56. oh my gosh, that is so funny. I had something very similar happen a few years back. My husband had this little bity nightstand, and every night he would try to set his glasses on it before falling asleep, and he would miss the little stand and they would fall on the floor, so he said he wanted a “real” nightstand…I went to this lovely little shop, and proudly bought an old peely paint table for his birthday, I came home and was placing it in our room to suprise him, when I realized that it was so beautiful, it looked much better on my side of the bed because my side faces the doorway to the room…so I had to put it on my side…what else could I do??? It has been a running joke ever since.

  57. That might be the prettiest new lamp I’ve ever seen.
    I’m not sure my husband would notice if a lamp by his bedside worked or didn’t. Or a lamp anywhere in the house, for that matter. The bathroom light’s been out for two weeks, and he’s the one who’s tall enough to fix it but no….

  58. I tend to buy all flea market stuff as well, but I love the modern lamp, hahaha. Mod- in a sense is vintage yeah? 🙂

  59. Corey you always make me laugh! That has to be the best bedside table I have ever seen and the lamp is perfect with the mirror and table.

  60. Corey……gorgeous and perfect for the spot! Was there ever any doubt that you would find something chic and perfect????? NO! I love the clips of your home. Thanks for sharing your life with us:D

  61. Corey……gorgeous and perfect for the spot! Was there ever any doubt that you would find something chic and perfect????? NO! I love the clips of your home. Thanks for sharing your life with us:D

  62. lovely lamp and story – (my father once bought my wheelchair bound mother a (non seated) lawnmower for her birthday! Such a romantic…and then there was the iron, the powerdrill, the vacuum cleaner – I swear it’s true)

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