

This is a post to answer a few questions I have been asked:

1)  Yes, Chelsea started university (called Class Preparatory) in Aix.  She is living in a studio and seems to be as happy as a lark. It is not too far away. No she is not joining the circus.

2)  French Husband passed his flying test. Though there is a period of time where he must fly alone before he can take passengers.  I will fly with him, and of course take photos.  He has yet to pick a name for his plane. But when he does I’ll let you know.

4)  My favorite antique market is a professional one in Avignon. My favorite flea market is Vanves in Paris.  To find out about the antique markets in France check here.   

5)  Thanks for asking me to be your guide in France…. though LE TRIP is the one to ask.

6)  A beautiful place to stay in the south of France La Madrone. I could live there for the rest of my life. It is a dream.

7)  My Father is as good as he can be in a not so good situation (he has a rare form of bone marrow cancer.) His morale is positive, his spirit strong. He is one tough old man with a heart of gold! Thank you for thinking of him.

8) I have a new camera Canon EOS 30 D . Though most of the photos on this blog have been taken with my Canon Power shot S2IS.

9)  French husband does not have a brother.

10)  I post everyday because I enjoy it. A book who knows.

*3)  Thanks  Star for reminding me that I didn’t put a three. To answer yet another question I am dyslexic and forgetful.

Photo: Vintage doll head.


52 responses to “Questions”

  1. Prayers for your Father and for you all.
    I am glad your daughter is happy and not too far.
    I love you dearly

  2. i think you’ve answered many more questions through the wise posts on your blog, inspiring others like myself.
    sending your dad my warmest wishes!!

  3. thank you for mentioning le trip & a place to stay in the south…all were brewing in my mind for ’09! & i had not even asked yet 🙂
    may your father be comforted & find peace & healing…i’m sorry to hear about his situation. & may you too find comfort & peace in this.

  4. I laughed at #9. That must be a question you hear all. the. time.
    I take it we’ll be going to those flea markets you mentioned?

  5. Prayers for your father dear Corey!

  6. 1. My prayers to your Dad.
    2. I will be going to Vanves in 2 weeks! I’ll let you know what I think 😉 Maybe I’ll leave a few things behind for you….
    3. I think you should run a contest on your blog to name FrenchHusbands plane
    4. Damn shame about him not having a brother 😉

  7. I am very sorry about your father Corey xoxox Clarice

  8. Marie-Noëlle

    7- First : My BEST wishes to your father !
    1- Tous mes voeux de réussite à Chelsea !
    2- Is that a contest?.. “Le petit Prince”…
    Thinking of Saint-Exupéry…
    8- Oh, my daughter’s eyes would eat up that camera !

  9. oh i love your answers. how delightful to give me a further peek into your wonderful self.
    i can’t wait to hear about the happy things and the sad things.
    and all the lovely photographs.

  10. Let’s all get together and plan a trip from the USA to France! Corey…you can be our guide! Just think of all the flea markets and antique markets we can do!!
    Did ya notice I have “no return trip”? 🙂

  11. glad to know your thougths and favs…a book would be a gift…blessings, rebecca

  12. I continue to keep your father in my prayers; his positive outlook has healing powers untold.
    I’m glad Chelsea is close. Is she taking general studies or does she have a particular area of interest?
    Did I miss #3?

  13. Oh Corey:
    Dads are “IT”
    They were so “hunky” back in the day. Dark wavy hair, panache and a love of life.
    You are so beautiful to me!!!
    je taime adore

  14. coming here after a long time, but blogrolled you on delhidreams much much before 🙂
    first, there is no number three there
    second, you are blessed to have a father like him. may god bless all of you there.
    pls take care and do keep posting daily. i love your words and wisdom.

  15. Catching up with you after a week away. Nice to read the little bits about you.
    The very best to your Dad, and hugs to you as I know this situation must be very hard for you and the rest of the family.

  16. Why thankyou my dearone.
    From one stranger to another…I shall think of your Papa tonight. Postive thoughts to him from across the sea.

  17. He doesn’t have a brother? Oh Corey I get the feeling you just broke a lotta hearts with that one remark!

  18. Oh to visit France. Boss and wife are going later this year but won’t pack me in their suitcase. Your Dad is very determined and surrounded by tons of love which keep him strong. A plane naming contest would be fun-with a great prize of course. Hope we get photos soon from the new camera.

  19. Hi Corey,
    Thanks for your answers.
    Glad your daughter is liking school.
    Glad your dad is doing as well as can be expected.
    Hope that you have a wonderful day in France!

  20. Bossy giggled about the “Does French Husband Have A Brother” question. Bossy isn’t that picky: Does French Husband have a second cousin? Married is fine (so is Bossy.)

  21. 1) I’m so glad Chelsea is settled and happy 🙂
    2) Mosquito sounded good to me
    4) Gawd I missed my big chance to go with an expert to Vanves..I will try to go by myself and look for all those things you mentioned. I am sure they will still be there 🙂
    7) I’m glad to hear of your dad
    8) WOW WOW WOW THAT is some camera! :O
    11) I LOVE your dolly pictures..

  22. How exciting for Chelsea…a new chapter in her life.
    I will be sending good thoughts to your Father and to all of you who love him…possitive thoughts and love can conquer all.
    Corey is still the best name for the plane…there is a long held tradition to name your plane or boat for the woman you love…well if it isn’t it should be ;>
    I will be thinking of you when I land in Niece exactly a month from now…on my way to Pigna in Italy.

  23. Yes, a book would be a delight, you have so much to share!

  24. Hi Corey! Thank you for catching us all up on your latest news. I got a big giggle out of number nine … do I remember that French Husband has a charming nephew/cousin or two for those interested ladies out there? 🙂
    I’m so sorry to hear about your daddy, I didn’t know he was ill. I’m glad to hear he is doing well and his spirit is strong. Thinking of you all and sending hugs and lots of prayers, healing vibes and positive thoughts your dad’s way.

  25. Corey, what a wonderful way to catch up! Happy that things seem to be well with you, Chelsea, Father, and Yann! Now to see you going from flea market to flea market in an airplane, that will be a post to remember!!!

  26. Oh you make me chuckle and breathe deeply for the preciousness of life… all at the same time…

  27. My prayers go out to you (for flying with FH) and your father for facing the monster that is cancer.
    My husband does crazy things like taking a bush plane out to hunt creatures in the wilds of Alaska. A bush plane is literally some sticks covered in a canvas like material with an engine and a propeller. The pilot sits in front and one guy can sit straddled behind him, and then he is dropped off in grizzly bear infested country to fend for himself. Now my son-in-law does extreme marathons – 100 miles up and over mountains and through the bush in the rain and dark of night for 35 hrs straight. And men say they can’t figure us women out?

  28. Great post about you !!!
    All my prayers , go to your dad.

  29. Good thoughts sent for your Dad.

  30. Hee hee….I’m forgetful, too. That’s why I have so many sticky notes around my house. If I don’t write things down…out of my mind they fly…

  31. i loved your answers, help me to know you a little better.
    i am sad to hear about your dad’s disease, my dad had a similar form of cancer, i am sending positive energy your way, corey.

  32. I’m glad Chelsea is still nearby – and not in the circus!
    Keeping your dad in prayer, Corey – and you and your flying French husband, too~XOXO

  33. Prayers for you father, Corey, and for you and Chelsea too…as the good experiences can be strange and challenging also!

  34. Well. Not so good news about your father. Positive thoughts and prayers for you all.

  35. Paris Parfait

    Your dad is amazing. Wishing him all the best…and best of luck to Chelsea in her new school. You’re very lucky she’s nearby.

  36. Corey, if you ever write a book, I will buy copies for myself and all of my best friends. Just the pictures and pieces you write here on your blog would work wonderfully into a book you could create yourself through the My Publisher website or any number of other self-publisher websites that are so easy these days. You could make enough money off of those sales to open your own business offering travel tours to all of us when we come to France. 🙂

  37. Ellen Cassilly

    I will certainly keep your father in my prayer list. He is a sweet dear soul who will always be with you.
    I will let names for the plane brew in my head.
    Last night was the film premiere for Bending Space – Georges Rousse and the Durham Project. It was FABULOUS. Frank and I are walking on air. We almost had a sold out crowd and best of all Georges really liked it. Probably it will be shown in Paris on May 13th 2008. I hope that we will be there and if so you need to come up to see it and we can go to the market together. Love and hugs,

  38. Cracking up laughing at number nine.
    You are a clever, funny lady.

  39. I have wondered about many of those questions. Thank you for the update :o)
    I was still wondering if dear daughter had passed her tests!
    Look at those lips on that dollie.

  40. Hehe, he doesn’t have a brother.

  41. Corey,
    I totally empathize with you regarding your dad. My father is 85 and is not in good health. He was cut from the same mold as your dad. He was extremely healthy until seven months, ago. At 84 he was mowing the lawn, digging holes to plant trees, and building fences. I really believed he would live to be 100.
    Now, I appreciate each day I have with him and hope I can remember all his stories and life experiences he has shared with me.
    Each day he spends with my mother seems to be sweeter for both of them.
    Prayers and blessing sent to your Parents.

  42. So sorry to hear about your dad, although I’m glad he’s not suffering in the spirit.
    Good information…I’m forwarding it to my sister in England. 🙂

  43. ooh! Thanks for the links Corey! I’ll save ’em for my (hopeful) trip to france!

  44. I think when your ancestors spoke their first witty remark, you were there. You clever girl!
    And love to your Dad

  45. Hmmmm…so I wasn’t the only one pestering you with questions…although I’ll still plead with you to join me in Paris whenever I finally make it there! Come on, can you really blame us for wanting you as a tour guide?! You’re FUN, Corey!
    Glad to hear that Chelsea is liking her new studio and university. What an exciting time for her in her life! She’ll be bringing you back wonderful stories.
    Yann wrote and passed his flying test already? Now there’s a determined man.
    I hope that your father feels better during such a hard illness. You speak with such pride and love for him (and for all of your family) in your posts, Corey. I’ll send up prayers for him.

  46. Hi Corey,
    I was wondering about Chelsea when the bac results came out. What Class Preparatory doing?
    Great to learn more about you.
    Take great care

  47. What a wonderful list, as always it’s a pleasure to know you better. Thinking and praying for your father…

  48. The disease is simply that a Diss ease of the body not of the soul or mind. your father is still your father and the diss ease is secondary. You all know about it and so it dissipates because love is stronger than all else. So it does not cloud who he is it is an aside.
    just like the doll head giving us a sideways glance it is not the whole or the essence that is still protected because it is shrouded in love, grace and purity.
    Sending you love and faith

  49. i have been thinking about dear daddy george…sending mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    to you and him! xo

  50. Can not wait to hear what he names his plane. Saving those links for when we come to France. Strolling the streets looking at treasures and drinking loads of Bandol! Sigh. . .someday!
    Much love and good thoughts to your father and you.

  51. I just wanted to give you a big warm squishy hug.

  52. Hi Corey, Just wondering if you could recommend one of the apartments at La Madrone. My husband, 1yr old daughter will probably be staying there in March next year after seeing it on your site. Thinking the Baroque room. Have you seen all three?
    Thank you, Leanne
    Hi Leanne
    The owners of La Madrone are close friends of mine. If I had it my way I would move in with them. I love being in their home, b&b, and hanging out with them.
    Each apartment is amazingly unique and rich in detail. It is hard to pick one…But if I must, Chanvre.

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