The Gift of Shelley


Love knows no bound, nor does it wait for the right moment. Love challenges and begs us to join the race…even when we are in last place and without running shoes.


Love does not care about our weaknesses. It extends its hand, shakes the dust off of us, kicks us in the behind and puts us in place. It does not give up.


Love does not count the wounds. It doesn’t shout out fear. Love does not put a lid on itself. It does not rest safely in the bleachers. Instead it stands strong, unwaivering and bold. Shouting out…LIVE!


Love is made evident by the courage and grace that my friend Shelley shows in the face of death. Shelley is living proof that love can move mountains, she refuses to give way to ALS. She isn’t meek. Instead she shows me that love is tough and that those who embrace love are heroes…in her I see the guts of beauty.

I will miss you Shelley, and trust I will see you again.

Photos: Shelley’s flow blue collection.


54 responses to “The Gift of Shelley”

  1. Marie-Noëlle

    How on earth can I write a word here? Any comment upon this post would be insipid! There is so much in it!
    Beautiful message and beautiful pictures for your beautiful friend!!!

  2. Corey, ((HUGS)) to you and Shelley.

  3. Beautiful tribute, Corey. It is so inspirational to know people like your friend.

  4. Mrs.Staggs

    At times, love very quietly, and gently accompanies us.
    My love is with you both.

  5. Beautiful message of LOVE .You are such a special person , I guess all your friends are too . You will miss her but you will see her soon ..because she will wait for you

  6. What beautiful words you found to describe your friend. And what an inspiration Shelley is to all of us!

  7. You are a dear and special friend, and I am sure Shelley can’t’ wait to see you again and will think of your special freindship to get her thru her tough times….

  8. Much love to you both. xx

  9. It must be so hard saying goodbye to Shelley. I know you want to stay there and make sure she’s OK. She will be 🙂

  10. Your lives are truly blessed to have such love.

  11. Here’s to LOVE and your friend Shelley!! Keep up the good fight!!

  12. Corey & Shelley:
    je t’adore

  13. Dearest Friend, Corey. I will be forever grateful to have met you. Your sprinkling of fairydust over my head drew me into Shelley’s life and made a huge difference in mine. Safe journey to you and Sasha and Chelsea as you all wing your way home and back into Jan’s loving arms.

  14. Sweet Corey, this is a stunning tribute to a woman with enough love to sustain us all! Enjoy your celebration Shelley!!!

  15. Corey, there are no words but in their place a song from my heart.

  16. hey dear one…how special the time was…the memorie etched into my heart forever. thank you so for sharing shelley and her sweet family with me and the other special women. it was so special to finally meet you after a year of daily inspirations…til next time…mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! big hug!
    xo…love ya!

  17. amen.

  18. Very beautiful. And I agree, your friend Shelley is a true hero. I wish her peace.

  19. Meeting you beautiful Shelley, is forever a part of me. Thank you Corey for bridging our worlds so that we can know Shelley and she can come with us into cyberland. It’s a Full moon today, and it is full of love for you Shelley…

  20. Corey,
    Just beautiful. And Shelley is such an inspiration. She is truly amazing. 🙂

  21. Thank you for introducing us all to Shelley a while back. As I mentioned to you, I will forever think of Shelly when I see Flow Blue.

  22. what a beautiful tribute!

  23. Corey,
    Shelly is such a special person!! I do admire her.
    I love your words and photos! Travel safe!

  24. Corey and Shelley,
    Friendship like yours is rare and wonderful, a valued treasure. Thank you for the opportunity to glimpse into your worlds and be blessed. There are no words rich enough to express the love of two friends… just know.

  25. such a beautiful tribute to your dear friend Shelley…i love how you’re posts is accompanied by her favourite things!!!

  26. God Bless Shelley. And God Bless you too Corey! You are both beautiful loving souls!

  27. Corey, How beautiful! You’re words remind me of 1 Corinthians chapter 13, known as the love chapter…so inspiring. Cheryl

  28. What a path you two have followed ..both in different directions but sharing all the same and flowing blue in your friendship. xoxo N

  29. The Love Chapter in the Bible (I Corinthians 13) “Corey’s version”…wonderful words to live by! Thanks for sharing! My prayers are with you both!

  30. Shelley, like her exquisite collection of Flow Blue, touches us deeply with her inner strength and beauty.

  31. What a beautiful tribute to such a wonderful friend. Your words are always so touching, so meaningful!

  32. Corey, thank you for the kind words you spoke of me…and thank you for being the friend that you are…i will treasure our friendship forever…PS my flow blue looks great, doesn’t it…

  33. Bossy is relieved to know love doesn’t have anything to do with her running shoes. Pee-uuuu.
    (beautiful as always)

  34. Paris Parfait

    A wonderful tribute to a very special woman. Lovely photos as well.

  35. Beautiful blue and white and a a beautiful true blue friendship.

  36. so
    so beautiful
    so flow bluetiful
    so beautiful Corey
    so beautiful
    xox – eb.

  37. Love and hugs and many prayers……
    Love Jeanne

  38. ‘…the guts of beauty.’
    Ah, Corey I needed this today. I have a friend who is pushing us all away. Now, I will gentley push back.

  39. Every time I see ‘flow blue’… I will think of you, and Shelley. There is life that goes on in the hearts and sings through the words of those that have loved.

  40. This was such a beautiful post Corey. It is your kind of “Frister” love that makes the heart
    sing, that makes the soul dance – that makes the forever possible.
    I’ve read other tributes to this remarkable woman – how wonderful for her to know so many love her.
    sending love to YOU,

  41. ..and in you, a dear friend, is surely a well to draw this strength from.

  42. You Corey are a true friend.
    You trust that you will see your friend again; you have given her strength by trusting in her ability to fight this awful disease. Your faith in her will move mountains as well, make no mistake.
    You’re wonderful!

  43. Amazing Shelley I was thinking of your dear friend the other day wondering, hoping and praying for her!

  44. Thank you and Shelley for sharing .. May blessings be showered upon you both.

  45. Hi Corey,
    They say you can know someone by seeing who and what they love. Through your words and her beautiful flow blue dishes i almost feel like i “know” your friend Shelly, and she feels to be such a beautiful soul. Praying for her peace and comfort, and your own…

  46. Oh Corey! What a beautiful post for your beloved Shelley. Thank you for sharing your love of her with us, it is a gift to witness. And thank you for sharing a glimpse of Shelley’s shining spirit with us, you are an inspiration Shelley.

  47. YOu are an amazing friend Corey and Shelley is an amasing person. Yes Shelley your flow blue looks ownderful! Bless you both! Beautiful post.

  48. Like you Corey, your words, your love, your thoughts are beautiful!

  49. beautiful blues and comments on a dear friend.

  50. Many many blessing to Shelley. Through your loving and honoring descriptions of her, she has touched me so very deeply. Much peace,

  51. Ellen Cassilly

    It’s been a few weeks since I checked in with you – too long. Shelly’s is a beautiful soul. I am so happy to think that you two had so much time together this summer. what a blessing.
    Soft landings back in France.

  52. This is a beautiful post~ beautiful Flow Blue! I’m happy Shelley came into my life…

  53. Holly Myers

    In the heat of a California morning,
    Shelley’s Flow Blue …
    left me with feeling chilly with goose bumps!
    Shelley is amazing.
    Her outlook on life and love
    have certainly kept her alive.
    May we gain strength and courage
    from her example.
    May she know that she is loved
    and that she has given so much.
    All of which will live
    within each of us!
    thanks for sharing all you do!

  54. Shelley,
    Thank you for allowing Corey to share you with us. You have touched many with your spirit and your courage, and your love of life and loving spirit.
    I look forward to having Corey write new chapters in you “friendship journal” again next time.

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