Wear Pink Cow boots


What is your best remedy to kick the blues?

Photo: My six year old niece’s pink cow boots, showing me the way.


50 responses to “Wear Pink Cow boots”

  1. Corey, boring answer, I know, but shopping does wonders for me. 🙂

  2. Morning Corey, are you still posting on French time, GMT+1? You’re still one of my early morning reads, despite being in California! Lovely photos, as always.

  3. oh – my, my, my!!!!
    They are THE MOST fantabulous boots EVER!!
    Best way to beat the blues?
    (Apart from stuffing my face)
    Singing at the top of my lungs – completely out of tune and like no one is watching!!
    One of the great gifts this world has to give!

  4. Marie-Noëlle

    This is exactly what a foreigner like me would expect from a Western American girl !!!
    Clichés can live on and on…
    Any (fuschia)pink cow-girl hat?
    No blues ever for her, I can bet !!!

  5. Dancing, singing, driving – FAST, laughing, loving… Oh, and shopping!
    I hope you are well. x

  6. I love those pink cowboy boots. LOVE THEM.
    For me to beat the blues… I have to chime in on the retail therapy but I’m trying not to do that too much. Another thing that I do is gather up my cats and crawl into bed with some books or magazines and there I stay reading and napping with the cats.

  7. Fotunately I’ve beaten the blues. If they were still hanging around a visit here to you Corey would most definitely turn the blues into a rainbow of joy!

  8. Counting my blessings and being patient with myself helps. If I had boots like that though, I think it would help!

  9. I have to quiet myself and focus on the good things.

  10. I beat the blues by visiting wonderful blogs!

  11. Oh my gosh! I thought you had taken a photo of my MIL’s feet! She has a pair of cowboy boots in almost every color! (She lives part-time in New Mexico… no wonder!)

  12. Getting out of the house…alone!…and singing with the car radio! That always lifts the spirit.
    Now if I were wearing pink cowboy boots along with the tunes…well, I can only imagine!

  13. Fabulous! I got married in pink cowboy boots…

  14. Family!

  15. I’d give my eye teeth for a pair of pink boots like those! WOW!!! Those could really kick some ***!

  16. How fun are those?! Can’t feel down in the dumps in those booties!

  17. Where OH where did she get those PINK BOOTS?
    I HAVE to have them!!!
    Or I shall have to do something drastic…

  18. I LOOOVE those cowboy boots.

  19. Buying my dream house!!! We close on the 17th…sigh.

  20. Uhhh going shopping. (I am aready shopping in my head as I write…hehhe)

  21. I seem to get the blues when I worry too much (money, relationships; everybody knows the list!), so I move my mind to focus on being grateful for the many, many good things in my life. Deep breaths and a walk help, too. So does loud favorite music in the car, as some have mentioned before. And reading inspiring blogs, YES, like yours, Corey! Thank you.
    Peace be with you.

  22. Giddie-up! 😉

  23. A good way to beat the blues? Browse through delightful blogs like yours!
    So beautiful, so inspiring, so full of love and life. Thanks for sharing with the rest of the world (I am writing from France).

  24. Let me just say that I LOVE…no I mean LOVE those boots…no, seriously…love them!!
    I kick the blues, or try to, by doing something creative.(sometimes it works, sometimes not) But boy would I be happy if I found a pair of boots like that…did I mention I like them? 🙂

  25. Go out dancing in those boots! That would kick anybody’s blues.

  26. Wearing my Red Converse All-Stars, telling myself that there is “lots to think and pray about, nothing to worry about” and of course, reading your blog.

  27. Waouhh!!! super les bottes. Votre blog est vraiment très beau. Amitiés. Fine

  28. Love the boots!
    Decorating my house helps to get rid of the blues. Shopping doesn’t hurt either.

  29. my best all time blues-buster – reach out and huge somebody! Or play the musical blue and sing along as loudly as possible. Plus dancing, sewing something, and flower gazing.

  30. My first thought: Yeah, baby!

  31. Those boots are awesome! Just seeing her in them would kick the blues.
    Sending happy thoughts your way… 🙂

  32. As so many wrote – LOVE those boots. They would work for me to kick the blues. Like “My Melange”, I’d have to say remembering to be grateful is the best remedy for me to kick the blues, that and I do have a favorite pair of boots that transform my mindset easily.

  33. What could be better than pink boots to kick the blues…I think just putting those babies on would send the blues flying! I must find a pair of pick cowgirl boots!

  34. Oh I do love these adorable pink boots! Hmmm my answer play with Conner and of course create create create.

  35. what to do about having the blues?… easy for me, i start thinking of the most worse nightmare that happened to me in the past and all seems a peace of cake after that…

  36. they are the HAPPIEST boots i have ever seen!!
    kicking the blues for me usually involves music

  37. Hoo-eee, those are some boots! Who could be blue in those? When I get down I go out. Nothing like fresh air and a bit of wind to blow the bad mood away.
    Glad to be home and reading here again. Missed you!

  38. Cute! I just bought my daughter Lindsey some very similar, yet in miniature, boots a few weeks ago. She LOVES them and so do I. Now if only it would cool down a bit so she can wear them!

  39. Those pink cowgirl boots are made for walkin’ on air – who couldn’t smile, looking at those?
    Hope you kick the blues away and are feeling ‘in the pink’ again, soon!

  40. oh darling boots!! They’d sure kick away my blues! And new pair of shoes makes me on top of the world again!

  41. oooooooooooooooo……
    xox – eb.

  42. Somehow I never pictured you in cowgirl boots. Go for a walk, write a poem, think about a pretty girl in cowgirl boots!!

  43. Oh Corey I thought they were yours and I was ready to fight you for them!

  44. Kick the blues? Why, reading your blog of course! 🙂 And thinking of all the reasons why I have such a lucky life.

  45. do they have those in my size? gotta luv ’em!

  46. the best remedy to kick the blues, is just to accept them for a while. there is nothing wrong with having a little blues here and then. Here is the poem I read when I am down, I had posted it on my blog several months ago:
    This being human is a guest house.
    Every morning a new arrival.
    A joy, a depression, a meanness,
    Some momentary awareness comes
    As an unexpected visitor.
    Welcome and entertain them all.
    Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
    Who violently sweep your house
    Empty of its furniture.
    Still treat each guest honourably.
    He may be clearing you out for some new delight.
    The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
    Meet them at the door laughing,
    And invite them in.
    Be grateful for whoever comes,
    Because each has been sent
    As a guide from beyond.

  47. Love to have those pink boots for myself!!

  48. Love love those boots!!
    Best way for me to kick the blues would be to dance, sing or write… Got to move that energy out.

  49. Put on the kettle, brew some tea, make some art 🙂

  50. Who could get the blues with wonderful pink boots ?

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