Lucky Charms


Anyone who knows me well knows I fall asleep at the wheel. Not a fact I am proud of, but one that makes going places rather scary when I am the driver. My sister in law Shelley drove with me last year. Her job was to keep me awake. Mind you I can carry on a conversation, my eyes are open and yet I am fast asleep. Weird huh?

Sure enough during the drive, I fell asleep. (One has to ask, "Why wasn’t Shelley driving in the first place? Better yet, why do I drive period?" Good question.) Anyway I was driving and fell asleep. Shelley who is calm, cool and collective, at all times, (how else could she be married to my dear Brother Mathew?) decided to do me a favor by throwing a cup of ice at me. Woke me up real fast. Stupefied I looked at my sister in law, who politely responded, "That sure did the trick didn’t it?" We burst out laughing. It was the best remedy to date.

Today is Shell-Bell’s birthday, I would tell you how old she is but heck she is my lucky charm!

Happy Birthday Shelley!

When is your birthday? I am going to be fifty…in February.

photo: Vintage porcelain charms from Limoges.


71 responses to “Lucky Charms”

  1. What a wonderful sister in law :-)Happy birthday to her!
    Like you I will be 50 next year – in April. And will celebrate with a huge open garden party in The Blue Garden around Midsummer. Welcome up to the land of the midnight sun.
    Or if you prefere – I’ll have an Italian party in my very special Cantina Campo de Fiori in Terracina in March, for just a few…….

  2. My birthday is in February as well. I get to stretch out the hearts and chocolates longer this way. 🙂
    Those ceramic charms? are they? are lovely. How big are they?

  3. How funny and yet how shocking. I would have stayed awake in fear of being pelted with ice again.
    Oh, and add me to the list of those turning the big five-o next year. In June. 🙂

  4. God bless our lucky charms in life and all the blessings from Heaven…………
    Babeee you can drive my car…….
    Ooops I better drive darling!
    Love you!
    My birthday is April 8th……..
    Each day you are with us we are truly lucky!
    You spread magic and joy!
    Stay happy healthy and safe.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  5. Hmmmm…
    I have been forewarned.
    If ever the occasion to get in a car with you comes up, I will ride armed with a watergun.
    Would you like to be spritzed with Champagne Mumm or Bolly 🙂

  6. first of all happy birthday shelly!! have a great day lucky charm 😉
    second, driving with you corey across the provence country site would be an instant danger so to read! so i prefer to take over then if you don’t mind as i never fall asleep while driving.
    we’re both pisces. however 5 years older than you 🙁
    perhaps the reason why i don’t fall asleep ;))

  7. Happy bithday to your sister in law . Well , I will drive if we have to go to the flea markets or somewhere else ….

  8. Turning 50 in May right behind you! (I already say I am 50, so I can get used to the idea)
    As long as I don’t look in the mirror, I still feel 21 though.

  9. I do not drive I walk or take public transport everywhere, so if we were out together you could fall asleep at anytime you liked I would just make sure that I had a soft pillow to lay your head. I also believe that 50 is the new 40!! I hope that your sister in law enjoys her day and looks forward to the next 50 yrs.

  10. Happy birthday to your sis-in-law! You know I just turned the big 40…last week in fact 🙂

  11. Happy Birthday to your Lucky Charm. We all need one of those in our lives to throw ice water on us when the need arises.

  12. In November…along with two nephews, a sister, and a son…I’ll celebrate another year. Squeeze in a rather large Thanksgiving dinner, and we certainly have a busy month!

  13. Thanks for the warning–I’ll remember the cup of ice next time I’m riding with you! My birthday is in April. Happy Brithday to Shelley!

  14. My birthday is January 24th and I turned 50 six years ago. I liked that one, actually. Not so sure about 60, although that age is looking younger and younger to me as time goes on.
    My mother told me that when they brought me home from the hospital, it was snowing – not too common here in North Texas, but it happens. Daddy was afraid to honk the horn, because he thought it might hurt my ears! Isn’t that cute?
    It’s a good thing Shelley was with you – I don’t think I’d like that much!

  15. Oh how scary to fall asleep at the wheel when you drive. It might be time to hire a driver ~ hehehe.
    Happy Birthday to your SIL Shelly.
    My b-day is November 18th and I’ll be 40! I’m looking forward to it ~ I think.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  16. Happy Birthday to the human alarm clock, LOL.
    My birthday in in February too! I’ll be 37.

  17. Brilliant, if not a bit chilly… 😉 Today’s my mom’s birthday and I will be 50 next April! I look forward to the celebration. xo-

  18. Corey~ I fall asleep at the wheel too. It is scary.
    I will have to tell my daughter that wake up method! Lol!
    My birthday is Feb 23. I will be 43.
    What do you plan on doing for your 50th birhtday? Something wonderful!?
    I had a friend in High School named Shelly. I also called her Shell-Bell.. Happy Birthday Shelly!

  19. Happy birthday Shelley!
    My birthday is February too Corey. I will be 59!!
    I may look it, but I don’t feel it..!

  20. corey…you are just like my husband! i usually drive after sundown.
    buon compleanno a shelley!!
    keep us posted on your fabulous fifty – you do make it look fabulous!
    i just turned 41 a few weeks ago

  21. Happy Birthday to your lucky charm. November 5th – 62 – social security! Still feel and act like I’m in my 20’s though. The big “0” birthdays are a tad unnerving. Have a wonderful day.

  22. I’ll be 55 next April.
    Happy Birthday, Shelly.

  23. Happy Birthday very very quick thinking Selley…wow!!!that is scary…falling asleep at the wheel.
    My annual 48th Birthday is on the 23rd of July.

  24. Hi Corey- You’ve always been in my links but now I’ve implemented Google Reader so I am ON IT!
    I’ve got a problem with sleepin at the wheel too. I always have a bottle of No-Doz in the glovebox for that long quiet drive from the San Joaquin Valley back up here to Eureka, but it just makes me jittery while my eyes still try to close.
    Sounds like we oughta have a big ol 50th party in 58! Mine’s in March. 🙂
    Have a good one! jen

  25. Of course you know I meant 2008 😉

  26. That must be scary – one of my daughters will sit up in bed and talk to you with open eyes, yet still be asleep. I don’t think she falls asleep at the wheel like that, but now I’m worried!
    You’re younger than me (by a little bit, anyway) -I’ll be seeing the big five-oh the month before you!

  27. Oops – I almost forgot to wish your sister-in-law a happy birthday – hope she has a wonderful day!

  28. Happy Birthday, Shelley! What lovely charms.

  29. Corey, I think next year will be a good year to be the that wonderful 50. Never thought I’d make it. I mean that’s soooo old or at least I used to think that way,now it’s just like turning 21 but with knowledge. Hope Shelly has a great B-DAY!

  30. Birthday Blessings to your ‘lucky charm’! Its so wonderful to see so many of your readers at or near the 1/2 century mark! I can only imagine the French Fireworks we shall see in February! Mine will be 47 in October… Almost there…!

  31. Thank goodness for Shelley! May you be blessed on this your Birthday!
    My b’day is in January…I’ll be 63…I think I remember turning 50 though…that was a very long time ago! 🙂

  32. oh Corey, how you make me laugh!
    Lord Bless your Lucky charm today.
    I’ll be the “speed limit” in February.

  33. comin’ atcha from the beautiful central California coast this morning…hurray hurrah for laptops and wireless. 🙂
    Happy Birthday to Shelley! May she always be beside you on the journey! 🙂
    Hey Corey, are you Aquarius or Pisces?
    I’ll be 54 on January 26th. 50 didn’t disturb me at all but 60 is beginning to loom large and give me oogie boogies. Ah, phooey. I still feel 15 inside.

  34. hello hello dear corey! Still in cali I see:) oh i love those lucky charms, yours are beautiful I am partial to the marshmellow kind:)I think my mom is my lucky charm & after her? my little gal* I feel like I’m the luckiest girl alive when I am with them both! xo

  35. p.s. I just turned 41 in May:) and I’m lovin this age!

  36. happy birthday to your SIL; I was 50 this past April. I think turning 30 was the shocker; 50 just slips right in.

  37. That’s very scary indeed and what a quick thinking Shelly. I don’t drive far places alone because I am directionally challenged…I get lost, then flustered..and it’s not fun.
    Oh and December will be my 54th birthday but truly that’s only the number – inside I’m about oh, 12…ok, maybe 25. ha!

  38. Happy Birthday Shelley!
    And I wouldn’t let you drive LOL!!! But that is one way to get you to wake up!
    I will be 37 in September
    Take care

  39. Oh my, I am even doubly glad that your dear sister-in-law Shelly was born! Happy birth~day Shelley!!!! May all the lucky charms sing a song of joy for your being!!!
    I will be 50 this coming June…
    And Corey, next time you drive, I’ll be more than happy to take over the wheel… or come prepared with and ice-chest…XO

  40. i’m certainly glad shelley had that ice…
    i just turned 45 last week.
    happy birthday shelley, happy vacation to you corey.

  41. Happy Birthday Corey’s Lucky Charm! Glad you both are ok!
    What a story… my brother’s best friend in high school would fall asleep in a second, almost as if he was suddenly drugged, every time he sat down. Soft chairs, hard chairs, couches, even boxes- it did not matter one bit! The child would be fast asleep. I wonder how he was in a car…
    So does this mean you will bring a cooler of ice with you when you drive the next time?
    My Birthday is coming up- yay! I love Birthdays… [September 28]

  42. Ummm, that is all around scary!! Sounds just like my mum. She falls asleep and continues talking. She is looking right at you, but asleep. Like a magic veil of sleep… So, I totally get it… Happy B-Day you your lovely sister in law…. Ice water.. hee hee

  43. Bottoms UP, Corey. I’ll be 60 in November.

  44. just to say hi!
    I love so much readding “you” 😉

  45. Hi Corey,
    That is scary!!! Be careful!!
    Happy Birthday to your sister inlaw!!
    I just had my birthday in June, and I turned 51.
    Love those charms.
    Have a great weekend!

  46. That is a great story! I’ll remember that the next time I get sleepy..have a good friend throw ice at me!

  47. I can dimly remember being 50. Enjoy it while you can, it will be gone before you know it.

  48. Happy Birthday, Shelly! (and thank you for keeping dear Corey out of trouble)
    November for me…47!

  49. I’ll be 42 in march
    Corey you drive better half a sleep
    Hey Brother Marty…

  50. Save your napping for the couch…YIKES!
    MY b-day is today. The big four-oh! (40) sigh…..

  51. oh my goodness Corey….please consider not driving:)
    Happy Birthday Shelley!! Mine is in 2 weeks…..51!

  52. oh my goodness Corey….please consider not driving:)
    Happy Birthday Shelley!! Mine is in 2 weeks…..51!

  53. I’ll be 42 on Tuesday, plenty of Virgos around here, all of us handy with the iced water I’m sure!

  54. So! You will be fabulous AND 5o in Feb! Awesome.
    Happy Birthday to Shell Bell~!
    (A little bird told me I am to be 37 in January.)
    Bring on the good years! Whhoooohoooo!

  55. Happy Birthday Shelley!! I don’t know how she rides with you though, I probably would have thrown the ice while shrieking like crazy.
    I will be 36 in November.

  56. Scary, but funny at the same time. 🙂 Another Virgo in the midst…42 this upcoming September 1st!

  57. Happy Birthday Dear Shelley!
    And thank you for pouring the ice water on our friend!
    Dear Corey,
    I could teach you how to turn fifty, but you will do just fine in February with all the love that surrounds you in your life!!
    P.S. My Mom gave me a surprise party today! I’m such a lucky 50!

  58. Happy Birthday Shelly! (I’m so glad she had that ice to throw on you!!!)
    I’ll be the big “40” in March.

  59. I’m hitting 35 on October 14th…in our new house!!!! 🙂
    Shelley is indeed your lucky charm!

  60. Please give Shell-Belle an extra huge birthday hug for throwing the ice! A Virgo, I’m one of the oldest here … drat … I’m really only 39 with a lot of late nights … xxx

  61. Hi Corey:
    I feel so bad that I forgot to mail Shelley her card : (
    Tell her it will be in the post Monday morning.
    I am 58 1/2 : )
    Take care you youngsters : )

  62. April 20 I will be 25. Funny thing I just particpated in a contests for artists age 18-25 and thought okay I am still right now one year younger then the oldest you can be. Yet I was the oldest to win a prize. It made me realize I was old, after always being the youngest everywhere it was strange. Now Here I am and I think I might just be the youngest posting, yet I don’t feel it. Not sure what I am saying makes sense…just age is such a funny thing.

  63. wishing your SIL a very happy birthday…keep the ice on hand I also fall asleep at the wheel…need a SIL with ice at the ready… alas -let’s see…I will be 54 next April now…
    how cool is that? xox – eb.

  64. Marie-Noëlle

    Your picture has charmed me !!!… HARD to say I’m going to be 50 … 2 months before you !!!
    NO “béret game” this time… No, no, no… (you will lose again…)
    No bingo, either vintage or modern… no, no, no…
    Let’s have an easy one -which can lead us to heaven: LA MARELLE !!!

  65. lovely charms corey!
    50? It was a piece of cake – August 1st – I beat you.
    Fifty is nifty!

  66. I love these charms! I haven’t seen any like them before, where are they from?

  67. Got it~ vintage limoges, beautiful.

  68. That is how my grandmother, Alice Lolita Judkins, died. She fell asleep at the wheel as she was driving home to her shack in St.Helena, in the Napa Valley.She was in a red 1958 Chevy convertable and drove right off a small bridge.Try no-doze Corey and stay awake for Christ’s sake.

  69. I’m a February girl too… coming up 38! Looking forward to 40 cos I remember my mother having a great time after that birthday!! She’s 60 now and still having more fun than me 🙂 Staying awake would be a good thing if you want to get to the half-century!!

  70. 50 is a blast! I turned 51 in July. My dad is 91 and every year he says “life begins at” -whatever age he is turning. That has been a huge lesson for me to hear him begin all over again every year. It’s a great way to live!

  71. I’m 45 on Monday. I must have had a grand joke in mind when I came into the world… on “Labor” day!

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