Just Right


The little girl who had short, red, curly hair, bobbed up and down the aisle while her Mother looked at swimsuits. I was amused by her non-stop chatter, and her Mother’s faithful replies. When the little girl wandered, the Mother would ask, "Where is my shadow?" The little girl would quickly return assuring her, "Here I am!"

Standing in the same aisle, I was captivated by their relationship.

Soon thereafter a large-triple-sized woman came into our aisle to pick through the swimsuits. The little girl looked the woman over a few times. Then pointed at her, exclaiming, "Look Mommy SHE’ S really big!

Her mother paused… then gathered the little girl in her arms, "Yes she is big and you are small. The woman is just right the way she is. I am just right the way I am, and you are just right the way you are too. We are perfect however we are made, big or small." The Mother put her daughter down, and the little girl started to twirl, her red hair danced on her forehead.

Isn’t it good to know we are "just right" the way we are?

Hearing that message (which I am certain was meant for me,) I held up the hot pink swimsuit, and winked at the little red hair girl.

Photo: Table art at Lauren’s home.


49 responses to “Just Right”

  1. That child is blessed in her mother and I suspect her own children will be, too, some day.
    Have a ball with that swimsuit!

  2. Beautiful post and message !!
    Where are you back ?
    Hi Melanie
    We return to France next week.

  3. Oooh La La take a picture in that swimsuit.
    I love your stories and you.

  4. Oh My! You just made my day! What a wonderful story and reminder. Wise mother, that one. Enjoy your new suit if it came home with you. xoxo

  5. Yes, you are “just right”.
    Don’t change a hair.

  6. What a wonderful story and message.

  7. To be a mother like that.
    And you just taught us all how.
    *Thank you,* Corey…and mama of the red-head girl.
    All’s grace,

  8. Lovely lesson today, Corey! 🙂

  9. What a wonderful mother! I hope her little girl hears those same comments constantly when she enters middle school!

  10. Good for you Corey and good for that mother! I am doing working on a post on that very subject right now. My daughter has Anorexia Nervosa. I know too well about this. I get so tired of what society makes us women feel like… I love the new dove comericals!
    Hot pink is fabulous!

  11. I had thought about posting things I overhear in public…
    Once I had a two year old with me in the mall and a very huge and ugly woman was near and this child was staring…I was waiting for the worst when she said to the lady “YOU’RE PRETTY”
    That lady about died and went to heaven right before my eyes and I was so glad this child had seen something that I didn’t!

  12. Wonderful story! We all need to hear that every day!!

  13. I wish I had been that little girl…then I would be more accepting of my body and age.

  14. Your message is just right.
    Hope you found a suit that made you smile.

  15. This is something we all need to remember everyday. I needed this today! Thanks.

  16. Love, love, love that story!! We all need reminding of that! Thanks Corey!

  17. If only everyone’s mother was that positive! That girl will have no worries about low self esteem. My favorite overheard comment was a 9 yr. old boy walking with his mom. Mom said “no you cannot sleep with her”(apparently a school friend/sleepover). Boy said-“you mean I can’t sleep with a girl until I get married”? Mom said, “yes, that is right” (good thing boy wasn’t looking at his mom while he was walking. She had a bemused grin on her face.

  18. What a great responce….I will have to remember this becuase with a two and four year old, you NEVER know what they will say!
    Did you find a great suit?

  19. That Mother had a wonderful response to what her Daughter said. I would not have come up with that. But I will have to remember that because my Daughter has said things similar to that. Thanks for sharing the story. 🙂

  20. Such a lovely story! One that I think would make a wonderful children’s book. (Corey I think you missed your calling…your talent truly astounds me.) xoxo

  21. Corey, I needed to hear that today. Thank you for sharing! You are absolutely, positively just right the way you are.

  22. Beautiful message, Corey!

  23. Beautiful story! But Corey did YOU have to identify the woman as being a “large-triple-sized woman”?

  24. Corey,
    Now there is a smart mother.
    Love that picture!!
    Have a great day!

  25. Lucky girl to have such a wise mother. And lucky us to have you telling us the story.

  26. What a wonderful vignette to take home with you from your shopping expedition. I’ll have to file it away for use verbatim when the occasion arises with my children.

  27. What a great writer you are, this story is delightful. Thank you.

  28. What a wise mother…wonderful words!
    Thanks for sharing them with us…makes me feel all better!
    P.S. Hot pink!…you GO girl!!

  29. What a beautiful story, and a perfect cap to an hour spent (not working, not checking my emails, not responding to IMs, but) browsing through your blog. I loved so many of your pictures, but didn’t want to comment on every one for fear of overdoing it 🙂

  30. Wow, the mother really handled that one with grace and poise!

  31. Great story but how about letting us see you in that hot pink swimsuit which no doubt you bought.

  32. What a lovely story and such a wonderful mother. I wish all mothers were as lovingly thoughtful as this amazing person.

  33. what a lovely little moment to over hear. That mother is giving her little girl the right idea from the very start.
    I, personally, never allow myself that courtesy so there is no way I’d be browsing in a bathing suit aisle. How I applaud ALL women regardless of size or height or whatever…that can don a bathing suit and enjoy a summer day at the beach.
    Hot pink eh? YOU GO GIRL!!

  34. What a beautiful response!
    I’m going to remember this one!
    You and your Fairy God Mother look so happy together!

  35. This is just beautiful. And how reassuring to know there are parents with just the right answers.

  36. Beautiful…as it should be.

  37. How I wish to have been a Mum like that – I feel I’ve been a good one but being able to talk to a child like that would have made me a great one perhaps!
    Brave you in the hot pink – my excuse is red hair so I stick to the black ones for the usual reasons when we’re this old, ha! ha!

  38. You may want to visit Angela Marie today if you haven’t already, she writes about this very topic…it is so important to stress to our children that they are fine the way they are. In fact, better than fine! They are PERFECT the way they are.
    Thanks Blue, Angela Marie does have a wonderful post about this very theme.

  39. Hot pink swimsuits are just right. Anytime. 🙂
    Love that story.

  40. I was in a crowded ice cream store once. There was an active little boy who noticed, I guess for the first time ever, that the man standing next to him was black and had black legs. He tapped on the man’s arm and said, “You’ve got black legs!” The man didn’t get angry or insulted but just said, “Yes, I’m chocolate, and your vanilla.” I thought that was sweet. My son asked an over weight guest if he was pregnant because he was fat like his teacher and she was fat like him. My guest didn’t laugh.

  41. Marie-Noëlle


  42. I hope you bought that hot pink swimsuit.

  43. hot pink – way to go, Corey!

  44. corey…your story gave me the happiest of chills!!

  45. I think this is the sweetest post I have read in a long time. Thank you Corey.

  46. What a great mom! Lucky little one.

  47. Wonderful story. Isn’t it reassuring to know we are all perfect in our own way?

  48. You are perfect the way you are – and I am too – though I have a harder time believing it about myself, than I do you – but thank you for the message! xoxo

  49. Hi Corey, this is just my attempt at following your instructions ..we shall see…

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