Beach Boys & California Girls


My son Sacha went swimming with his cousins. I asked him if he saw any cute girls?

"HOLY COW! Yes, everywhere I looked!" (Never before have I heard Sacha utter the words: "holy cow.")

Funny, the things a French boy learns while in California.

Photo: My nephew S. running from one point to another at Buck’s Lake.


43 responses to “Beach Boys & California Girls”

  1. Ah yes, California girls and French boys…you know that is a perfect match Corey! Does Sacha think French girls are as good looking as the California girls?

  2. Holy Cow is one of my favorite phrases. I learned it from my little brother when he was all grown up and way too cool.

  3. That your children have such bi-cultural lives is wonderful. With their lovely parents and the experiences you promote, Sasha and Chelsea will be true “citizens of the world”.

  4. Holy Cow-that’s right up there with Holy Moly.
    Hi Linda
    My Father likes to say… Sacha it isn’t a cow but a heifer!

  5. Holy Cow! and Don’t Have A Cow! gets the point across…:-)

  6. Holy Cow…..must be an adaption from India 😉

  7. Love the Ed Sullivan Beach Boys!

  8. It’s wonderful to see how adaptable children are to their surroundings, being half American and French really do have its advantage 🙂
    Hi Babelfish
    Yeah, flirting in two languages does come in handy!

  9. Oooo – that’s an evocative photo.
    It takes me back to those carefree days of childhood.

  10. I’m sure he has a soft spot for California girls…

  11. I always loved that song by the Beach Boys……….
    I love your stories, your photographs
    and YOU!
    I adore you!
    Love Jeanne

  12. I can see history repeating itself a few years down the road..!?
    A cute American DIL living in France perhaps..!?

  13. What, they don’t have holy cows in France? LOL.
    I’m sure he’ll have no problem “seducing” girls with his French accent and perhaps whispering some French sweet nothings the way his papa does to his mama.

  14. California girls : definitly the best.
    I miss you loopy !

  15. Beautiful photo!

  16. Holy Cow! Sacha is becoming a California boy!
    I bet all of the California girs think the same about a cute French boy!

  17. Loopy!!! So now we know….

  18. what a gorgeous photo!

  19. Too funny Corey! He can teach all of his french friends back home his new American slang!! 🙂

  20. Another flap of the wings!

  21. I remember so well, all the mirror time, trying to look like those California girls. *sigh*
    Good for Sacha.
    It looks and sounds as though you are enjoying your time. Thanks for sharing with us.

  22. I haven’t heard that expression since chidhood, the other was “holy smoke”.

  23. heehee We still say “holy cow” here all the time in New England. How does it translate into French I wonder?

  24. That got such a laugh, Corey. And he said it sooooo well. Sacha may have a California girl in his OWN future someday. Hummmm, like father like son. Yeah.

  25. And the beret…didn’t remember that beach boy touch 🙂
    lovely photo…

  26. Holy Cow with a french accent how perfectly sweet that must have sounded. What a lovely photo my friend.

  27. Holy Cow…I can only imagine how many girls are having their hearts skip a beat or two when they see him. Great pic, I think Sacha is running back to shore to see those cute girls!

  28. This post brought back so many memories for me…being a little Icelandic girl learning great American phrases such as Holy Cow…and using it over and over until my new American Father tought me annother one in self defence.
    Taking my 13 year old son to California…and his search for the California Girls.
    In the not too distant future, I expect I will hear my Danish American Grandson, test out new prases…perhaps even Holy Cow.

  29. Mary Kate

    My sister brought a Beach Boys CD and played California Girls for me at my wedding in Spain – gulp! 10 years ago!

  30. lovely photo! and tee hee on the holy cow. must have been a surprise coming from his mouth!

  31. Isn’t that a universal language? Holy Cow!!!
    Very cute!

  32. Vachement oui!
    Kind of close? 🙂

  33. Holy Cow, that’s funny. What is a French equivalent of that phrase? And have his cousins caught on to it?

  34. I was singing that song even before I clinked on your link :o)
    He will have very fond memories of California, won’t he?

  35. Now that’s funny! AND I agree with some of the others…history COULD repeat itself. Perhaps as he gets older and comes to Calif for a family visit his cousins will take him to a dance club. wink wink!
    I am sure Sacha has had a few second glances his way as well.

  36. Beautiful image, Corey (aka Loopy – Hey, if your husband takes up stunt flying THAT could be the stunt plane’s name!).

  37. Ah your little boy is turning into a man. I hope you enjoy his manhood as much as I have enjoyed my son’s.

  38. Your son sounds cool . He sounds like a typical californian boy .
    French boy and californian girl : un bon mélange.
    I can not wait for you to return to tell me all your californian story .
    See you soon.

  39. love that photo
    sounds like Sacha
    is having a wonderful
    California summer
    would love to hear him say
    “holy cow”
    xox – eb.

  40. PLAYing dress-up
    and thinking
    of you…
    xox – eb.

  41. I know a pretty cute chick in California. wonder who that could be???

  42. haha, that’s great. thanks for sharing that.

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