Hey baby you are way too cute



Why do baby boys have the longest eyelashes?

Photo: My baby nephew. Six months old.


47 responses to “Hey baby you are way too cute”

  1. Oh! The cuteness — it overwhelms! Those are amazing eyes overflowing with soul.

  2. Oh ,y oh my what a darling photo those cheeks and those sweet lips absolutely a divine little angel my friend!

  3. What a cute little guy. He does have long eyelashes. And just look at that darling little chin. He will be a stubborn one I think.

  4. Maybe. But the strongest muscle in a woman’s body is the one that flutters her eye-lashes.

  5. He has the most wonderful eyes I’ve never seen ..He is so cute.

  6. what a adorable baby…my boys, both, have long eyelashes… I love baby boys :}

  7. Oh what a little fattie boombah!
    Those cheeks need squeezin’

  8. Sweet precious bundles so fresh from Heaven for us to cherish and to love.
    Love you
    Kiss the little Prince.
    Love Jeanne

  9. Corey,
    You are right…my nephew has the longest lashes too! He is so cute…could eat em right up!

  10. Who could resist cuddling him?

  11. All the men in your life are good lookin’, this one appears destined to carry on the tradition.
    Lucky you!

  12. I like to nuzzle in under that warm little chin! Babies ought to charge for that…

  13. Oh my! Long eye lashes, huge eyes, and rosy cheeks. This baby couldn’t be any more adorable!

  14. Oh what a beautiful baby boy!

  15. He has beautiful lashes and eyes…and he will probably have curly hair in the future.

  16. Your family makes beautiful babies!
    I showed Jeff the picture of Yann’s “new” airplane and he said “When you go there, please don’t get on that plane.”
    I said, “OK Honey.” But I had my fingers crossed ๐Ÿ˜‰

  17. Chubby babies…long lashes….cooing…smiling….cuddling….and that smell! I adore baby smells, from sour milk to talc…it is all good. If they could bottle that smell they would make a fortune. He is a doll!

  18. Everyone in your family is good looking-from babyhood on. As one of my friends says when she sees something/someone beautiful..cute cute cute!

  19. Because life just aint fair. Girls get short ones so they have an excuse to buy mascara.
    Gorgeous baby.

  20. Such a precious little bundle…I love those cheeks! Would love to pinch ’em!! Beautiful eyes!

  21. He’s a dream! Gorgeous!

  22. Like little rays of light coming from his soul…

  23. It’s a mystery. And isn’t it the truth?

  24. T’ain’t fair, I tell you!!
    sweet boy…

  25. Chubby, chubby cheeks. You just gotta love it! What a handsome boy indeed!

  26. cutie patootieness!

  27. What a cutie!!!

  28. Always a ~little boy~ with
    childish JoY! Sweet baby boy!
    give him a hug for me!NG

  29. What a gorgeous baby! And I agree with Darla’s comment…must remember to stand closer to you:)

  30. yes, the do….I guess to woo the women later on in life.

  31. Ooooh! So very sweet. I hope he received some of your generous spirit along with those beautiful eyes. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  32. What a handsome and soulful little boy!!!

  33. OMG he is delicious!!! What a gorgeous child! and you’re right, all the boys get the long thick lashes!
    I bet he just gets smothered in kisses and cuddles!!

  34. WOW WOW WOW !
    I’m speechless
    for once…

  35. Corey,
    He is adorable!!!

  36. He is absolutely adorable and so huggable!

  37. Hi Corey!Your nephew is adorable! I know what you mean about boys with eyelashes, my grandbaby boy has long ones as well. Thanks for posting the photo of the little angel.

  38. Oh my goodness, those cheeks and eyes and lips…precious and oh so kissable!! What a sweetie, Corey ~ xxoo, Dawn

  39. That’s a good question! They often do seem to have long, brushy eyelashes, don’t they? Gorgeous picture!!!

  40. Really cute, what a sweet capture.

  41. I don’t know why Corey, but I feel like kissig him!

  42. Isn’t that crazy?! And they don’t even appreciate them. We used to tease my cousin Marc all the time asking him if he was wearing mascara.

  43. Oh my gosh, this child is too beautiful for words, and with eyes like yours, Corey.

  44. Brother Mathew

    Oh, this little guy…he really is something.

  45. THAT is a necky that needs some smooooches!

  46. what a sweet precious babe!
    my boys always get complimented on their eyes and long lashes…sweet!

  47. He’s beautiful! What a little cherub.

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