Some like it Hot, I Like it French


Her style was over the top sweet, nearly sugary. Never subtle. Some might say flowery, yes flowers on everything, and certainly pink with splashes of gold. Her world was a garden of delights.


Perfume too, in ultra feminine French antique bottles. With hints of Italian powder, and Egyptian rose. She imagined a girlie bar, where sweet liquors were cached in perfume bottles. "Divine Secret," she laughed pouring seduction towards fantasy.


"If you must tease me, spoil me by…tossing in some jewels." She said as she caressed his face, aiming her big brown eyes deep into his pockets.


Then she grabbed his hand slipped it under her chemise, biting her lip she teased, "Carve my name in your heart, pleeeeeeeeeeeeease."


He trembled asking her, "May I charm you by wearing roses in my hair? Come let’s dance under the moon?" He carried his torch high above her head. She followed stumbling on purpose just to feel his arm tight around her waist..


"Oh no no no!" She giggled, as she toyed with his hair, twisting it around her little finger, giving it a pull. "Dance with me, let me feel the stars, untie my pearls with your words, Ah yes, sing me your love song in long soft notes!"

Photos: Bits and pieces of French romance that hide inside me.


45 responses to “Some like it Hot, I Like it French”

  1. Hi Corey ,
    This post is so sensual . I love it …
    You are such a good writer .
    And I’ve just seen I’m hideen under ” divine secret ” I Love it , thank you so much . And thatnk to the others links I’ve just discovered wonderful blogs .
    Corey , tu es une fรฉe …
    Mรฉlanie xx

  2. OOOOh la la!
    Long live love and romance and you and your journal.
    I am enchanted as always.
    Love Jeanne

  3. Oh lordy, lordy – I do declare.
    Where is my fan – so that I may cool my reddened cheeks!

  4. The things a girl will do to get a man to notice her…!
    As the old saying goes,
    ‘He chased her until she caught him’..!

  5. Ohh la la…Corey, You have quite the imagination…I think you do miss French husband!!!!!

  6. Are you tugging Frenchhusbands curls today? Vous รชtes un tel romantique !

  7. Me thinks you’d better hurry home!
    I love the way the pictures relate to the story.

  8. Someone is missing her BoyToy…
    Oh la la la la la…
    Hi PB
    Boy toy,isn’t that a funny expression, Boy Toy. I need to get FH outta that plane ๐Ÿ™‚ and dancing under the moon.

  9. You do miss FH!
    Hi Carol
    Does it show?

  10. Corey, you’re turning the blog format into performance art; you’re creating an entirely new form of expression. I’m glad I’m along for the experience!

  11. oh you must be home sick…french husband sick…your passion boils forth…blessings, rebecca

  12. My favorite part…”aiming her big brown eyes deep into his pockets”!
    It should be a novel Corey, we want more!

  13. Your French style has melted my Scandinavian heart. Ah ! oui.

  14. Hide inside you?! Ha! I know how you caught dear Frenchhusband…he didn’t have a chance…

  15. Corey ~ No wonder French Husband has such a wonderful expression on his face….he’s looking at you, of course. What a lucky man he is.

  16. There is nothing like a long shivery swoon first thing in the morning! Corey you are an enchantress! xoxo n

  17. Stick a fork in Bossy because she is Done. Sigh.
    Hi Bossy
    Your comments are hilarious, often the tongue in cheek humor I like!

  18. Corey! You are missing french husband really bad.
    giggle* It is no secret how you got him now.
    thank you for all of the wonderful links!

  19. Steamy…luscious…so seductive…
    driving French husband mad.

  20. again lovely romantic words woven inside beautiful pictures.
    thank you corey!

  21. You do understand “romance”…
    he’s a lucky french husband.

  22. Definitely not a hapless heroin, methinks, but a material girl (she plays the game well, though *g*), far from looking for a “Knight in Shining Armor”.
    A new line of romance novels for Harlequin publisher?

  23. I am so inspired by your writings…you are a true romantic. Just beautiful.
    Thank you for sharing your lovely story.

  24. Thank you Corey for the very nice mention in garden of delights,
    your writing is very flowery… I’m so happy to be reading it!

  25. love the star in the last picture….reminds me of a quote..”Always reach for the moon, if you miss…you will land among the stars!”

  26. Blimey! I’m moving to France. I love a bit of bodice-ripping bosom-heaving blood-rising passion… The Husband needs to read this, but don’t tell him I’m emigrating.

  27. I’m thinking you like it Hot AND French!! Still looking for that blue shirt!

  28. My God, Woman. You describe the ultra of romance with such charm, insight, and wit!
    No WONDER French Husband is mad about you!

  29. I’ve decided that you need to write romance novels. I tell myself that I have such little time to read but visiting your blog is like reading a novel ~ beautiful with words and pictures.
    When you write your first remember me and send me a signed copy please as I’m sure it will be hard to get my hands on!
    Have a lovely weekend.

  30. Can we buy your novels on Amazon, or do we just Paypal you?! lol You have a beautiful talent, Corey!

  31. OMGoodness, Girl!! Are you missing that hunk of a man or what!?! I do want to read more though…..xxoo, Dawn

  32. Hi Corey! Missed the last several days of your blog, but what great reading tonight! First off…French Husband is so CUTE! You are certainly a cute couple. Next; Getting on that plane…if you do, you are a brave, brave woman, and of course…you need to write a book!Also, I loved the measuring spoons. Happy week-end to you….x0x0x

  33. Very romantic sensual and the images delicious! sigh hugs NG

  34. oh oh oh I so love this..this touches that place sweet, scented, sublime…at the source of ALL THAT IS…SENSUAL DELIGHT
    xox – eb.

  35. Sounds a bit like the Songs of Solomon, that romantic bit in the Bible, of all places.

  36. Lord, woman……it’s time to pack it up and go home..whew, I am getting a hot flash.
    I haven’t even read the other comments,lol!

  37. Whoa! Me thinks it’s time to go home to FH!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰
    (btw, such pretty little things-love them!)

  38. i love these musings paired with the beautifully styled photos… my favorite is the shining star, pearls and penned letter. funny coincidence is that moments before, i had just posted a sherrif’s star photo on my blog. so lovely, corey, thank you. big hugs, snowsparkle

  39. Hi Corey, You have hit a total homerun with this one. Annie xx

  40. wow
    It’s getting hot in here
    Definitely getting hot in here…

  41. Hot little post and pics here… ๐Ÿ˜‰ I really like it!
    Did you intend to link to this from the SS prompt “Dear Diary”, or have I ended up on the wrong post on your blog?
    Hi Rob,
    To answer your question yes, it is my link, a post about my diary thoughts, my thoughts without saying Dear Diary I miss my French husband. ๐Ÿ™‚

  42. Wonderful post. I loved all the sensory elements you have added here teh antiques and teh scents, the girlie imagery. I love all the pictures and how teh painting relates to teh story. What a delight to read.

  43. What a lovely post, and the photos just add to the visual delight…thank you!

  44. Wow! Gorgeous pictures (truly amazing) and words…I wish I had your life! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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