

Sitting still sat the hummingbird.

The seconds added slowly, I grabbed my camera anxiously, not wanting to miss it.

Calmly and well poised on the bent flower, his eye seemed to sparkle with humor.

"I am in no hurry, and neither should you be."

The teacher does come when we are ready to learn.


30 responses to “Hummingbird”

  1. Oh Corey! You have captured a beautiful photo! I bought a humming bird feeder in hopes that I could get some in my back yard. My daughter Diandra and I go for evening walks and see them all of the time. They are so fascinating!

  2. Hi Corey:
    He is majestic, patient and magical.

  3. Sometimes, something does wait for you, instead of the other way around.

  4. Amen life is a journey to be savored not a race to be rushed through.
    Too many are at full speed ahead all their lives now.
    Me for some time I have been slowing down and absorbing every ounce of beauty God sends to us…….
    Love Jeanne
    I love hummingbirds!

  5. Don’t you just love the little hummers! They so seldom slow down that it’s a treat to see them when they do. To be in no hurry – good advice!

  6. So true!

  7. Only you could make the little Hummingbird stop waving it’s wings for a photograph!!
    You’ve got a magic touch with Hummingbirds……. and people!

  8. Corey, What a shot! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a hummingbird just sitting still. Amazing!

  9. How marvelous!

  10. We share bird feeders with our neighbor. One of the feeders is a hummingbird feeder. So almost every night as we sit at our kitchen table we watch the hummingbirds come and feed. Such a beauty to watch. Thank you Cory for the photo.

  11. Corey,
    Beautiful picture of the hummingbird…I have to learn to keep my camera with me at all times. I probably miss many photo opportunities. I really enjoy your everyday happenings that you turn into wonderful posts!

  12. Well poised and well snapped!

  13. Beautiful picture. I wish we could get our hummingbirds to sit still like that. They just zoom around the feeder bickering over who it belongs to. I did get some great pics of our baby Bank Swallows though!

  14. Well done!!! Our humming birds love a branch that is quite high in one of our trees…the sit there for quite a while watching ower their feeder…I have taken quite a few photos of them siting there, however they just look like annother leaf.
    I shall tell them about your humming bird and his politness…perhaps I should suggest they find a a lovely flower pearch.

  15. Oh, just what I needed right now. Your little reminder about calm and no need to hurry. 🙂 And wow! That is no small accomplishment, as you evidenced the above, to capture that hummingbird, sitting still. Thanks for sharing with us. Love those little feathered wonders. Have a great day1 🙂

  16. You will not be able to believe the gasp of air that I drew in, as I saw your picture, before your words. I said that has to be a hummingbird! I am not sure why I reacted in such awed excitment but its just so beautiful its small little body pulsing with hidden energy.

  17. What an amazingly peaceful and still hummingbird you show! I’ve never seen one be still for that long. Perhaps I’m too busy hurrying around, and I need to take a lesson on waiting patiently!
    Thanks again, Corey, for the beautiful thoughts.

  18. a jewel of pure delight… time takes a well deserved rest…

  19. this photo says something about you,
    that he waited for your snap…
    this photo says something about you,
    that you had faith that he would wait…
    stories all around in this little bird portrait.

  20. i love perched hummingbirds. whenever i happen to catch a glimpse of one, i consider it a lucky moment and suddenly i feel at rest. thanks for this beautiful post.

  21. at another site
    a story about
    hummingbirds –
    oh yes – at Leslie’s
    a woman with hand
    hummingbirds gathering
    and here…
    chez nous
    the Luna doxie
    neither anxious
    nor impatient
    she barks
    with dog-glee
    at the gathering
    of hummingbirds
    from the bee balm
    xox – eb.

  22. OH! I love hummingbirds… they are so precious.. they feel to me, like they hold little secrets…Amazing…

  23. She is so graceful. Small. Sweet.

  24. I am so envious of those who have humming birds in their back yards!

  25. Oh, the art of slowing down and being patient….
    I have experienced the slow, beautiful process of mandala making this week and am breathing a little deeper and slower because of it!

  26. Corey, how funny that today you wrote of hummingbirds. They’ve been visiting my hanging baskets in front of the cafe’. I always make sure that I have plants with red blooms so they will come. Today tourists were photographing them, amazed that the birds didn’t fly away as I went in and out to water the flowers in my cart. Aren’t they the most amazing little things?

  27. today, while i was swimming in the morning, a hummingbird appeared hovering above my lane in the pool. she flitted about in the trees and lighted on the branches resting five times. i considered it a very lucky day indeed. : ) you are magic and blessed corey!

  28. A beautiful capture, humming bird standing proud preparing to inspire through your eyes and words.

  29. What a great moment to capture on film, Corey. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a photograph of a hummingbird standing still before.

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