

Faith is knowing that there is light on the other side of darkness.

photo: A curtain made out of a vintage tablecloth.


34 responses to “Faith”

  1. You are such a source of reflection .
    I am a tongue in cheek’s addict. Can you imagine that

  2. Beautiful photograph, beautiful words all in all a beautiful post.

  3. So simply put and so true.
    I have a table cloth just like that – it used to cover the porch table on summer Sundays when we all sat down together for dinner. What a beautiful rebirth for that one!

  4. Simply beautiful imagery.
    Thank you also for the star-shaped sun. 🙂

  5. Yes Melanie is right. You are a beautiful source of reflection.
    Today your message is just what I needed. Thank you!

  6. The one thing that unites us all. Wonderful post Corey.

  7. Amen even after the darkest night birds still continue to sing in the morning.
    Love you
    Keep the faith.
    Love and kisses

  8. Amen to that, Corey!
    Love the curtain…LOVE the tablecloth!…that would so be on my table!:-)

  9. Keeping the notion of the light is sometimes difficult; what a wonderful image to keep before us when things seem darkest.

  10. Lovely, Corey!

  11. Faith, is knowing that when you visit one of your favourite bloggers, she will have inspired you YET again.

  12. so very true…faith is all we really ever have…blessings, rebecca

  13. And hope is the beginning of faith. Here’s hoping!!

  14. What a lovely curtain and I love your thoughtful connection with the light and faith.

  15. Faith- That is such a gift I received from my parents. Not necessarily the religious kind of faith but the glass is half full kind of faith. I coudn’t survive without it.

  16. Amen to that!

  17. Beautiful curtains, so perfect with your words.

  18. Yes it is.
    Love the curtain!

  19. keeping the faith is a truly difficult subject, often endangered by the darkness of events following each other in a short term of periods… seldom captured by a glimse of sunlight. sometimes a struggle to see trough!

  20. Yes. Yes. Yes.
    Yea and Amen.
    Thank you, Corey….

  21. Just Beautiful- like you-precious Corey.
    mb in jtree

  22. Rings true…

  23. Ahh, I have never ever opened up your comments. But, ohhhh, I just had to share that I love to drop in now and then just to look at the beautiful pictures you take with the thought provoking commentary that goes with them. Thank you for sharing your gift in both areas with all of us!
    Tammy ~@~

  24. That looks so sweet. What a wonderful idea.

  25. It always amazes me how you find the words that so perfectly fit your pictures!
    It’s beautiful!

  26. So simple. So true.

  27. Just wanted to let you know that I really like your blog and that I`ve awarded you with the Creative Blogger Award because of it 🙂

  28. I jusr received the sad news that a favorite aunt had just passed away and opened your blog to find this post. Divine intervention… thank you. xox Deb

  29. great picture

  30. it seems every time I am feeling down about missing my husband, you manage to make me ‘see the light’….thanks!

  31. “a belief in things which are not seen…”
    That’s a beautiful photo!

  32. That is just beautiful. Is this in your home? if not whose or where.

  33. And that is an absolute. Your photo captured that thought perfectly.

  34. Wonderful quote about faith … yes, we hold out for the light. xx, JP

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