Sunshine, Starlight.


The setting sun dressed up like a star. I opened up my arms, as wide as the rays and proclaimed, "You are, you are, you are!"

Anything is possible. Seize the moment.

photo: Sunset at Buck’s Lake.


48 responses to “Sunshine, Starlight.”

  1. Welcome to the day!

  2. Welcome to the day!

  3. “Anything is possible” that’s my life theory…
    Pretty picture, I love lakes and where ever I moved, I chose to live near an ocean or a lake 🙂

  4. I could not agree more. I love to think of you opening up your arms and drawing the sun into them and such a wonderful picture of the sun.
    Cherry xx

  5. What a picture!
    Seize the day and enjoy every moment…

  6. You are made of stars and a bright shining star in my life…….
    Love you

  7. I was moved by this tonight Corey, i’m so glad you shared this “sun dressed up like a star” : )

  8. So great to read such a positiv idea this morning .
    For me it was a “bad day” . I will write a note about it . But thanks to you , Beautiful Star , it is getting better.
    Anyway What doesn’t kill you make you stronger …

  9. Oh Corey…you’re wonderful 🙂

  10. How beautiful! I love sunsets!

  11. The sun in all her raiments is a joy to behold. Dressed as a star she shines even brighter..!

  12. TICA – even the setting sun plays dress-up with you! No worries – even moments will never escape you unnoticed, thank goodness.

  13. and you are…good morning sunshine…blessings, rebecca

  14. Your enthusiasm is always moving to me. Thanks for being such an inspiration.
    Just a gorgeous photo.

  15. Anything is possible!
    Thanks for the reminder.
    And a lovely picture.

  16. A great beginning to my day. Thank you, Corey!

  17. The sun becomes a star and all is possible! Thank you for reminding me!

  18. Fabulous photo! Wow! Spledid! Divine! I hear a choir of angels in the background! ha!

  19. Stunning words and photograph!

  20. Absolutely beautiful, Corey!

  21. Beautiful Corey.
    It makes me think of a wonderful prayer:
    Oh sun,
    whose rays illuminate the world,
    Illuminate also my heart
    that I may do your work.

  22. I enjoyed catching up. Yes, playing outside until called was a great way to grow up. Which side of the ocean are you on now??

  23. I’ve had some stress this month and had difficulty being patient and not worrying. Your stories have helped tremendously to inspire and cheer. And-the worries all became good news! Thanks Corey.

  24. embracing the rays of the sunlight, shaking all demons away, joy to life!

  25. Great capture, glorious words! Great day to be alive. Thanks as always for starting my day off in beauty. (heart) leau

  26. Wow, let’s hope.

  27. Corey! Love that sentiment. And the photography, as always is an eyeful.
    Not Eiffel : )
    XO Donna

  28. What a beautiful way to allow the day to come to a close.

  29. Whoa! Fantastic photograph! I wish I’d been there to see it in person. It reminds me of Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the works of his hands.”

  30. That thare place looks every bit as good as France!

  31. What a beautiful photo Corey.

  32. I am warmed in its cool glow.

  33. Your words are perfection, Corey! The photo gorgeous!
    I enjoyed your previous post, too!

  34. Marie-Noëlle

    This post makes me think of Thoreau’s “Walden”, in which he wrote:
    “The sun is but a morning star”…
    When I read his description of his “pond” in the forest, this is exactly the picture I imagined… how strange…

  35. This pic is beautiful, best I have seen all day!

  36. Beautiful and inspiring!

  37. The shinning, brilliant sunshine you have captured in your photo is having the same effect on me!

  38. Lovely capture… both words and photo.
    take care, g xo

  39. Isn’t it great to be one with a sunset like that Corey? Trust you to seize the moment.
    Thanks for taking us with you.

  40. oh yes…
    you are
    you Are
    You are
    YOU ARE…
    xox – eb.

  41. Seize the moment, that is so true!

  42. Dearest (((Corey))))
    with the heat in the desert my body opens to this message at 10-11pm when the temp finally drops below 80!
    really not a practical rythmn for day- to day living.
    mb in jtree

  43. gorgeous photo. what a moment!!

  44. this is so close to me corey! :))
    thank you for the words.. you never fail to leave me inspired.

  45. beautiful photograph!

  46. Beautiful!
    What a moment.

  47. Beautiful picture. Beautiful place.

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