Holding Hands

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Trust the hands of friendship that come your way…
The giving and receiving, 
the gentle and the strong.
The hand that asks you to hold on,
and the one that helps you to let go.
Be the loving hand that creates a circle,
Big enough to hold the moon, yet small enough to wipe a tear.
Photos: A circle of friends, show and tell, laugh and celebrate, together at my cousin Judy’s home. S


30 responses to “Holding Hands”

  1. i am reminded of this wonderful last week that i spent with my friends. you know it hasn’t been easy for me to new friends although, i swear, everyone is friendly here. i am finally feeling that some of my relationships are becoming closer and stronger and it makes me so happy. i did not realize i needed to have such connections because i am so *busy* caring for my babies. it’s nature of parenthood to become friends with the parents of your children’s friends but now i beginning to feel that i have friends that are really my own that i like and they really like me! have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Marie-Noëlle

    The hand is said to have been the symbol of communication for 30000 years…
    Your post today is a BIG and NICE link in the chain, along with famous artists like Leonardo De Vinci, Auguste Rodin or Salvador Dali … and along with thousands of little kids who paint, print or plaster hands as first art project when in nursery shools… and who are taught to walk 2 by 2, hand in hand or to hold hands to form a ring for a game, a dance etc…
    A lovely clebration, Corey!!!

  3. happy gatherings in the home of your cousin judy. take the most of it, enjoy!

  4. Celebrate the hands of friendship, the delicate nature required to build relationships, the contrasts you described here is a perfect reminder.

  5. Beautiful post! . . . and so timely. Love the photos. xoxo

  6. Hands can tell an entire story, all on their own.

  7. Hands are fascinating aren’t they.
    I feel you can almost tell as much about a person from their hands as you can from looking at their faces.

  8. this post makes me smile deeply…i love hands…because i am kinesthetic and touch is important to me…but even more because i love the expression of all hands can do…i love to photograph artist’s hands at work…i hope to make a book of them someday…still smiling…blessings, rebecca

  9. I know that was a gathering to remember! Did you get to visit with Shelley?

  10. Shannon

    Can I come to California and stay with your family?
    Your pictures make everything look so magical.

  11. delphine

    Always inspirational. I first met my boyfriend based on his hands. He still has beautiful hands.

  12. I have had many a hand from the blogging community help in wiping away my tears. I am sure they have held a moon also. Lovely words..comforting words..hugging hands and arms NG

  13. Such beautiful words, great way to start my day. I am off to a day with my circle of friends spending time doing art, laughing and supporting one another. I will share these lovely words with them! (heart) leau

  14. This is a beautiful post!

  15. Clapping my hands for you dear one…………
    Lovely as always.

  16. Such a wonderful post! It is so important! I am happy that your time with family is so special…!

  17. martina


  18. Paris Parfait

    Lovely sentiments and photos!

  19. I love hand pictures….as well as feet pictures!

  20. I so enjoyed meeting you, it was a treat. Thankyou for including my passion for quilts and bikes in your pictures. Hugs to you…

  21. I hope you had time with these friends this year! How special it is!
    I absolutely loved the reference to the circle of friends as being large enough to dream yet small enough to wipe the tears! Beautiful!

  22. Everything that you do is so nice. I love your blog.

  23. Thank you.

  24. What a beautiful post and your blog is truly lovely! I’m so happy I stumbled onto it!

  25. Sharon at American Harvest

    I am excited to be expanding my circle of friends by meeting you tomorrow at Lauren’s home. Looking forward to a great time with you!

  26. my BIL is a hand surgeon, he has a glass house, in southern CA, he collects hands paintings, sculpture… and when Doreen died we held his hand this was… (deep breath) a sharing a holding of grief, love and connection we are lucky we are fortunate to have hands, to hold
    xoxo – eb.

  27. My favourite song is “Hands” by Jewel…
    If I could I would reach out, join the circle, and squeeze your hands right now!

  28. We ALL need the hands of friendship.
    Merci Corey 🙂

  29. You hold my hand everyday.I do check in but I have not really been able to comment. Thank you for extending your hand when I needed it. Thank you for your loving hand holding mine in friendship even when you are not aware of it.

  30. the hands that will carry you in your days

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