The Embrace


With his strong gentleness wrapped around her, he gave her room to grow.

photo: Iron delicacy.


41 responses to “The Embrace”

  1. Beautiful words! And gorgeous cast iron detail to illustrate them.

  2. A wonderful interplay of words and image.

  3. Corey, you have a gift.

  4. Hi Corey. I’ve been tagged by Mr Anthrope, and have to tag 8 other blogs that I enjoy. Would you have any objection to me tagging your blog?

  5. so meaningful words!
    sometime difficult to find such a “he”
    (I wrote for you on english as well on my blog, I will keep doing that from now)

  6. What’s your secret Corey? How do you manage to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary? and do it again and again..

  7. “Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing so gentle as real strength”
    Beautiful as always my lovely friend!

  8. I love the elegance and delicancy of such a strong thing …
    This work is great !!

  9. At first glance it reminds me of a Treble Clef.
    How are you my friend. Thanks for stopping by.
    Take care and hugs,

  10. The things you see in everyday life….you are a treasure!

  11. Held tight and supported, but not TOO tight.
    Have a nice day today Corey.

  12. I don’t know what it is about this photo, this post, but I am absolutely loving it.

  13. arms supporting you, but not restraining you from being what you are meant to be…love it…blessings, rebecca

  14. excellent!

  15. Oh my goodness! This is my favorite yet.
    What a treat to wake in the morning and read the words you have written! It’s like Christmas every day!
    My favorite.

  16. It is so amazing how you manage to just SEE things. What a beautiful image.

  17. You are so inspired every day…how do you do it? Beautiful thought this morning.

  18. You have such a unique vision; it encourages all of us to look closer inside and out.

  19. See! This is what I am talking about. You can take twisted iron, put an inspiring thought to it, and wha~la!
    Beautiful! I love the way your mind works!

  20. patpaulk

    Growing together into a wonderful embrace of one!!

  21. What a beautiful entanglement! ..Corey, you can express SO MUCH in just a few words ! Such an innate gift you have! I savor every post !

  22. This iron image is so soft when wrapped around your words.

  23. …and to become larger than life!

  24. …much like my husband, that. 🙂

  25. that is exactly how I think of my husband…thanks for the reminder.

  26. I love the image, what a sweet way to see an embrace and to have room to grow. You are the best at making inanimate objects come to life.x

  27. only you ONLY you:) always so wonderful! Hope you’re having fun:-)xo

  28. You have the most wonderful eye for beautiful photographs many people would have just passed this by and not seen the beauty.

  29. Love it!!

  30. i come here every day. if it is on a day or hour that i am upset with my lover, believe me, somedays he is lucky i come here. you remind me often of why it is that i love him so. really, thank you.

  31. Oh, how beautiful.

  32. Oh i LOVE this!
    And i hope all is well with you : )

  33. YES!!! I live with that man….

  34. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh.
    Bossy wants to draw those little ‘i’s in the shape of an aging blogger.

  35. Hi Corey:
    Constance and Marita’s comments (put together) are what I feel. They verbalized my humble thoughts perfectly
    Thank you

  36. Claudia

    What a wonderful image!
    Wish I had something like that at home. Even if it’d be rusty. As long as the gentle wrapping was there…

  37. Nice thoughts.Interesting picture.
    I have changed my url. Lets see if this one works.

  38. a tendril
    of love
    a living
    curve of energy
    drawing in
    to the heart
    xox -eb.

  39. Marie-Noëlle

    You have the magical touch to turn strong and raw material into poetry !
    Harmony is the major key in this post!!!

  40. His strong gentleness wrapped itself around her.
    Her buttons popped.
    She was growing…
    Would he ever let go?

  41. beautiful….I love how your creative mind percolates. To have brought that piece to life with human love is beautiful.

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