Playing Dress-Up with Five Little Nieces and one Batman


A large box containing princess dresses, of varied sizes and sparkle, was carried into the house, by my eight year old niece. "We are playing dress-up, Aunt Coco and you are the photographer."


First the youngest, Kate, was doll-ed up. Lipstick to boot. She tried to eat it, smacked her lips and declared, "More!" Though the four other little dolls needed their share too, so they took it away from her, and she started to cry.


Dressing up in Princess clothes, minus brushed hair, caps, crowns, and shoes. Who needs shoes anyway, it is summertime!


Though Miss Brown Eyes aka Molly, has a red bow.


…and Batman with blue eyes and the sweetest lips, was here to protect us.


This little one, who seldom cries, often makes us laugh and is very comical, threw a royal fit for the Queen. She simply did not like her dress, and tried to rip it off. Of course the other little Highnesses didn’t help her, and well either did I. I was the photographer after all doing my job.


Notice the pointed toe, on nature’s stage? The sweet Prima Donna poses. I asked May-May if she was hot in her Snowflake Princess dress. She looked at me like I really didn’t understand what it meant to be a Princess. This was the favorite dress, a FUR dress! I was told.


Ladies in waiting.


Gina, the organizer of the dress up party told me this dress, "itched," and she was going to take it off. I told her my Mom, (her Grandmother,) often said, "We have to suffer to be beautiful." And then, as if we had practiced our lines for the queen, we chimed in perfect timing, "Who wants to be beautiful!"


Surrounded in tulle, satin, silk, pearls, lace and fur (!) The crown-less girls sat and held court. Chelsea was roped into playing along, won’t you join us too?


70 responses to “Playing Dress-Up with Five Little Nieces and one Batman”

  1. What alot of fun!!!!! A bouquet of pure beauties.
    We are going to celebrate my parents golden wedding this week-end and The House in the Woods will be filled with four small princesses, two charming small princess and a few older cousins. Not to forget my brothers and my sisters in law…..and of course my parents.
    Like your family we live in different countries, so this will be ALOT of fun.
    Part of the celebrations have already started with family dinners every night now. I enjoy time in the kitchen with a heart full open to gather all the sweet memories.

  2. I would love to be part of this group of princess
    Mélanie xxx

  3. Wonder-filled post and photographs! Ok, I’m packing my dress and coming over to play with you 😉

  4. Corey, such handsome young ladies and gentleman you have there. Such F-U-N, too!

  5. I felt like I had been in a fairy tale.
    They are all so gorgeous and the costumes.
    Oh my you had fun.
    Memories for years to come.
    How precious and adorable.
    I am truly enchanted……..
    and they lived happily ever after.
    I love you

  6. I just love the mad princess!

  7. A bevy of beauty!

  8. Your nieces are gorgeous!
    What a beautiful summertime day with prancing princesses.

  9. I’ve said this before, Corey – you have a beautiful family!
    This is a similar scene to one at our house… my daughter has several of those same dresses, and my baby boy asks her to “dress up like a princess for me” and while she does, he dons his Spiderman costume! heehee

  10. Ahhhhhh…those were the days I loved…grandkids playing dress-up. I used to have a wicker basket full of old clothes, jewelry, belts, scarves, etc., for them to dress up in. They would go upstairs pick out their clothes…then stroll down the stairs modeling their “new attire”. Now they are all grown up…my oldest grandson is now 20…time goes by so very fast.

  11. I love all of your Royal Court. What a ravishing group of Princesses!

  12. Corey:
    What memories are made of !!!
    Molly’s brown eyes are it.
    Thank you for transporting to a day of laughter, tears and glee

  13. This looks like so much fun. I used to play dress up too when I was a child but as I recall, the clothes I was dressing up in were mostly my mother’s old maternity clothes–a far cry from princess gowns!

  14. This is so sweet! And what beautiful, beautiful children – princesses all. And a prince too.

  15. Living dolls. Each and every one!
    The crying picture gets my blue ribbon award Corey…waaahhh!

  16. Your blog is gorgeous and so are your photos. I’ve enjoyed my visit. I followed a link from Louise at Capecod Cupboard. xoxo

  17. Now this is what memories are made of… I loved doing this when I was little. Still do! 😉

  18. What beautiful little faces….especially the little one with her “fit on”…..

  19. Such beautiful photos and a wonderful tale.

  20. Beautiful children! The dress up clothes are fun except when they are “scratchy”. The little one in tears has not yet accepted that one must suffer (silently?) to be beautiful. (I’m not certain if that saying should be true anyway!)

  21. Dress up is the most fun. I remember when. And I remember my daughter’s and my son’s (the ninja!!). The imagination takes flight and little minds grow.

  22. Jeanette

    How fun! These are the days that the children will remember about Aunt Coco! Today maybe it will be tent or fort day….you get all the sheets, blanket, chairs or anything else you can use and don’t forget the clothes pins to keep the tent/fort cover from falling off. But the best part is everyone eating lunch in the tent. The laughs and giggle from all is music to your ears. Have fun! I am getting ready to pack for Fort Bragg!

  23. Oh my!!! what a wonderful childhood they are having.
    Your photos are wonderful such beauty, such fun.

  24. Oh Corey this was a truly WONDERFUL and MAGICAL post!!! What is more fun than playing dress up? Look at those faces…even with tears…beautiful!each and every one. The joy of imagination and the world of make believe….all of them joyous under the summer sun! What an honor to be chosen royal photographer for such an enchanting court!

  25. These pictures are so cute. Looks like they had a wonderful time. And it looks like you had a great time photographing them.

  26. Marie-Noëlle

    It would be real fun to play dress-up again…
    My favourite dress-up clothes were those of noble girls in the 19th Century together with those of Zorro… and of Fantômette…
    For your party, I will choose Fantômette. Because she’s French, she was a top character from French children’s litterature… I used to love her adventures !!! Just like Zorro, Fantômette helps the good and protects them…
    Packing up to catch the next plane to California. You will easily spot me: Black leggies, yellow top, black cloak (or cape?), black mask and a black balaclava with a black pompon…
    Till soon !!!

  27. So many princesses in one place..
    Are there enough crowns to go around?

  28. I want to be a princess
    in your court
    of lovely ladies
    oh what finery!
    oh what splendor!
    oh what delightful fun
    in the sun
    and if necessary
    I will itch…
    in fact
    I am itching
    right now
    to be there
    to be one of
    these beautiful
    xox – eb.

  29. When we were on vacation earlier this summer me nieces did the same thing. They had been to garage sales and wanted to show be everything they had purchased.

  30. Mary Kate

    Oh, if we were there we would dress up as peter pan or aladdin or shaggy and kiss the princesses!

  31. Sweet post…
    My mother also declared that one must “suffer to be beautiful”….as she brushed my hair into a ponytail so tightly that my eyes turned into slits!!!

  32. I loved dressing up when I was a kid. What a great Aunty to have in you.
    All those children have the most amazing eyes.

  33. those are simply precious… little girl went to a princess party this last weekend. It is amazing to see how much fun a little fabric can make a gaggle of girls.

  34. Corey,
    What fun. They are all such beautiful children.
    I love those princess dresses.
    Glad you are having such a
    fun time.

  35. Paris Parfait

    Ah, those itchy dresses with crinolines! But the princesses are quite beautiful! Wonderful photos, Corey. Is every single person in your family photogenic??!!

  36. What a FABULOUS party with all the princesses! They all look so lovely in their frocks. LOVE that photo of the royal fit! Sigh…that image may haunt poor Princess Kate later in life… You make for a very talented party paparazzi, Auntie Coco.

  37. I would love to come to your party! I’ll be the one with the high heeled shoes…4 sizes too big…that is how I used to play it! They are all adorable!!!!

  38. What beautiful children…sunkissed faces and beaming smiles.
    Looks like fun!

  39. You really do have a bunch of very beautiful nieces there, now which dress should I pick? So hard to choose 🙂 Enjoy the fun, you did a great job as photographer.

  40. So delightful. What fun to play the day away as someone else. *ah, sigh*
    “We have to suffer to be beautiful.” I heard those words so often as a girl as my mother tried to get my long naturally curly into some sort of order. Sweet memories for me.

  41. So Lovely! looks like it was a great time. Beautiful eyes on all of them!

  42. “We have to suffer to be beautiful.” My oldest sister would say that to me as she pulled off the tape that held my hair to my cheek – very necessary for creating “kiss curls”
    Such beautiful princesses and prince!

  43. love it…what wonder-filled memories that are being made!

  44. What a wonderful summer dress-up party! Your photos really capture the mood of all the little princesses, and batman too!

  45. You captured the magic. A bevy of adorable princess-girls and dress up! Just precious!

  46. Oh and a very handsome little “batman” prince! What blue eyes!

  47. You’ve captured an exquisite innocence, Corey. Beautiful!!

  48. What a great moment…love the story and the party! Too cool.

  49. They simply are the loveliest ladies in waiting ever to be glimpsed in all this fair land Corey. (and of course their escort Batman, was the most charming of defenders too.)
    And I wish I could cuddle and wipe the tear of the littlest one. Oh my, what a precious little face and what enormous tears. I hope she was treated to a home baked cookie from grammie to wash them all away.
    Looking forward to hearing about further events in the kingdom. 🙂

  50. Oh such fun! Weren’t you tempted to play just for a moment? I don’t think I could have resisted the change to play dress-up!

  51. I do so want to play! Laughter, giggles, a few tears but royalty each and every single one. Why not, their auntie (and Mom) has always been royalty to her loyal readers. 😉

  52. How can each and every one of those girls be gorgeous.
    I have to say. I look just like that baby freaking out in the unwanted dress. JUST like her.
    In the Jane Austen time, the house that held all those girls would be one important house.. and one, with hundreds of perfectly wonderful suitors lining up down the farm road…(in a few years of course…)

  53. How precious! I have to say Miss Molly is my favorite because I don’t have brown eyes and I think I always wished I did… if they were as gorgeous as hers, definitely!
    Aunt Coco, huh? It suits you perfectly!

  54. This is so magical, it sparkles. Just beautiful!
    Love, Coco
    (the other one. Really!)

  55. Childs play and so much FUN!!
    The children are beautiful!!

  56. Oh what fun! I want to go play with my nieces now! Yours are all beautiful…of course they are part Portugese ;o)

  57. Hey Corey,
    Just checking in. Looks like all is going well on your trip. Stopping in Colorado this time over?
    Those are some cute chilluns…a living storybook!!
    Meilleurs voeux!!

  58. What a beautiful bunch of darlings. All those big eyes and rosy cheeks. All girls should be princesses…

  59. Corey,
    What a lot of beautiful princesses, those eyes! Those rosy cheeks! ahhhh to be young again.
    I know you are locking each and every one of these memories in your heart.

  60. Oh what fun, playing dress up!! Beautiful Princesses and another lovely post!

  61. Every one of the girls has the most amazing eyes…truly amazing.
    I can see why they all love you!

  62. Delightful! Absolutely delightful. I have three great granddaughters who like to play dress up too.
    You did a great jog with the camera. I think the little one crying is just precious too.

  63. There’s nothing better than a princess party! The pictures are gorgeous Corey, as are the girls. They remind me of when I was little and had a pink taffeta princess dress that my mother made. A little girl’s dream!

  64. Such pretty nieces you have…you are truly blessed!!

  65. Beautiful girls – all of you!

  66. Lovely fairies…..out of a book, those faces….delightful!

  67. Oh my God. I’ve never seen such lovely girls!

  68. Merci pour ces moments magiques et féériques !

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