What’s Your Name, Who’s Your Daddy?


The other day I was talking to my children, Chelsea and Sacha, about meeting people. I told them that it is a good thing to have on hand an imaginary list of five questions to ask a person. That way when the situation arises, and they meet someone for the first time, they are not tongue tied, nor stuck saying something like, "Isn’t it nice weather we are having?"

Sacha asked me what five questions I had on hand?

I laughed, and told him that was a good question. Then I said, I usually try to talk about whatever is going on around me, for example let’s say I was at an antique fair, I’d ask, "What type of antiques do they collect?"

Sacha said, "Mom, when I meet a girl for the first time the questions are as simple as this:

What"s you name?

Where do you live? (and,)

What’s your phone number?"


Oh. I guess I am old fashion.

Photo: A vintage doll’s empty hand.


29 responses to “What’s Your Name, Who’s Your Daddy?”

  1. Shannon

    Simple and direct. The best way to start off a conversation. Thank goodness Sacha hasn’t broken out with corny pickup lines.

  2. You are taking after your own mom who told you to take risks…and make cookies!

  3. Sweet! My boys haven’t asked girls those questions… yet. As for me, I have no list. I am the one tongue-tied. That’s why I like to blog — the pressure is off! =)

  4. Love and hugs………
    Thanks for your food for thought and your lovely postings each day and for
    Love Jeanne

  5. patpaulk

    I like Sacha’s question, so…

  6. Youth! It’s wonderful isn’t it?

  7. Dear Corey and Sacha,
    One of the best secrets to connecting with others is to ask people about themselves. People like to talk about themselves because it is a topic they know a lot about. You can learn intriguing things while listening!

  8. Teenage boys…they’re wonderfully entertaining, aren’t they?
    I’ve missed you guys! Good to be home!

  9. Good tips for your kids! I keep reminding the two still here in the house (ages 15 and 16) to “look people in the eye”, “speak clearly”, “shake hands properly”. Manners matter and so do good communication skills. My husband’s “skills” at small talk reached an all time low after we had enjoyed a dinner with his daughter and his ex-wife at a local restaurant. Just before we parted ways, my husband looked at his ex and said “well, it’s been good to meet you”. She and I kind of froze for a minute before we burst out laughing. Considering they had two children together, I think it’s safe to say they had already met. lol

  10. what a great idea, I’ll have to think about what my five questions would be.

  11. it happened to me as well, corey! indeed, we’re far too old for our age 😉

  12. That just goes to show Corey that when you are young things are simple, direct, black and white. Only as we grow older does life become more complicated and the possibilities emerge. Ask him that same question in ten years. In twenty years. More. It would be interesting to see how his answer might change.

  13. I am not outgoing and rely on my husband to make small talk. I would be better armed with five good questions, but then I’d have to remember them 😉
    I’ve been gone from here so long that I’m just now realizing that you’re on our side of the pond. Yay!

  14. For a good looking guy like Sacha? I think it’d be the girl who’s tongue-tied 🙂

  15. So clever! 🙂

  16. Where did you find that lovely doll’s hand?
    If the hand were yours – what would you be holding?
    If the hand were yours – what would you be letting go of?
    If the hand were yours – what would you be giving away?
    Is there another hand such that this one can clap with glee?
    I love questions…
    and being asked…
    can I tell you how much I enjoyed this post?
    xox – eb.

  17. hello corey !
    si je vous rencontrais maintenant, je vous poserais ces cinq questions auxquelles j’aimerai bien que vous puissiez répondre :
    1 – pourquoi avoir choisi une main de poupée ?
    2 – qu’aimez vous le plus dans la vie ?
    3 – quelles importances ont les antiquités pour vous ?
    4 – aimez-vous la poésie ?
    5 – comment trouvez-vous la France et les français
    bye bye

  18. I think that is great advice for people who are generally shy and get tongue tied! But for me….it’s more like people walk away because they may feel like it’s an interrogation 🙂 I’m such a chatter-box!

  19. Leave it to the kids~they think of everything, don’t they!

  20. Perfect! Just goes to show how our idea of conversation changes as we age.Lidy

  21. Yep Sacha, that’s pretty much what my friends and I always heard from the highschool guys over here…I think your normal.

  22. you’re boy’s right on the bat =)
    though come to think of it, we really should have a questionaire ready hmmmm

  23. Where was that imaginary list when I was younger? what am I saying…I still need that list! 🙂

  24. Corey, I like that idea.
    I had to laugh at your son.
    Get right to the point.

  25. Marie-Noëlle

    I read your post while correcting my pupils’last exercise (1st year in English)…
    Here are the first 3 questions:
    – What’s your name?
    – How old are you?
    – Where do you live?

  26. Corey,
    That’s a great idea. Now why didn’t I think of that? Here in a “new” place, shyness is something that at least one member of my family is battling, despite a strong desire to be here.
    Maybe we could work on these questions just to give a more secure base. Thanks for the suggestion.
    Meilleurs voeux!!

  27. LOL!!
    At least he is direct and to the point.

  28. No, you aren’t old-fashioned, you are right! It’s good social training. It’s one of the things I always like about my French family, in fact–they know how to truly engage people they don’t know in a good conversation. That’s an important skill!

  29. j’aime la simplicité effocace de nos ados !!
    lovely child!

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