Follow those Dreams with Confidence.


This is freedom.

To be who you are where you are,

and not be afraid.

To be able to dream and

pursue tomorrow.

Trusting today.

Photo:  A child leans on her courage and sees the way. (A statue in Marseille.)


32 responses to “Follow those Dreams with Confidence.”

  1. Beautiful words, may we never stop dreaming and pursuing tomorrow. Happy 4th July!

  2. happy 4th of july in southern france, corey! 😉

  3. Happy 4th! Corey…lovely words, as always.

  4. This post was so spot-on reassuring for me that I didn’t even realize it was for the Fourth of July!
    I’ve been sitting here wringing my hands…wondering if I was crazy to move here. And I just happened to read this post.
    You’re right, this is a chance to follow one’s dreams…and what better place to do it, than in France? Thank you Corey…

  5. Happy 4th of July my lovely friend………….
    I always leave my visits with you smiling after I have read your journal……….
    and see your lovely photographs.
    YOu are a bright spot in our lives.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  6. Nothing is more liberating, than to be yourself..!
    Happy 4th of July ..!!

  7. What a nice find. I really enjoyed reading your journal. I am also from California and have been living in Italy for the last 22 years. Happy 4th !

  8. Happy 4th of July! Yes that is freedom… Priceless:)

  9. Shannon

    Happy 4th of July! I’m sending some thoughts of fireworks your way 🙂

  10. Happy 4th! Love that lion….

  11. Independence DAY! Sparklers!!! sparkly all day! Fear not! and be courageous! You said it all, my friend!

  12. YES to every single word you wrote!! Just beautiful.
    We are lucky that we live in the time that we do, where we are allowed have the freedom to dream. Many women went before us to make it possible for us to have the freedoms we enjoy.
    A toast to all that make our world a better place, including you Corey!
    Happy 4th of July! Let Freedom Ring!!

  13. Freedom … to surely be cherished. A Happy 4th to everyone.

  14. So many wonderful post regarding freedom, liberty, etc. Thanks for sharing yours! Happy 4th to you Corey!

  15. fireworks
    pop popping
    in the distance
    over water
    and later
    a happy boy
    an angel
    shares his photos
    of fireworks
    his eyes sparkle
    even more
    xox – eb.
    HAPPY FOURTH!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. I like that Corey! May I quote you? – Suz. 🙂

  17. Dear sweet Corey, you may be far from home, but your flag is still flying the same colours! =)

  18. “I am free to run…I am free to dance…I am free to live for Him!” I am Free!! Yes, I am free!!
    Let freedom ring!
    Happy 4th of July, Corey!

  19. Yes indeed Corey. As long as we have freedom within ourselves, freedom will never die.

  20. Happy 4th, Corey!! Praying for a day when every person in every nation will have the freedom to dream, hope and be who they are without fear.

  21. Happy July 4th Corey!!!!

  22. Oh Corey, you must so in touch with the Universe to be able to always say the right thing at the right time for so many of us! Yes, the freedom to be ourselves is a glorious discovery and well worth the struggle, just like America. Happy 4th and thanks again for the consistency of your posts! (heart) leau

  23. I knew you’d work it in somehow today 🙂
    Beautiful statue and sentiments! Happy 4th! Can you even buy hot dogs over there???

  24. Bravo, Corey. Your words come, as usual, at just the right time.
    Happy Independence Day.

  25. Happy 4th, even in France!

  26. Courage –
    I love how the French use this word!
    Here Rebecca Phillips, an American in Paris explains it for the Chicago Maroon.
    “In French, there are two ways to wish someone “good luck.” If you say “bonne chance,” it implies that they need dumb luck, the kind determined by fortune and the gods… So while my American friends may have wished me all the good luck in the world, I have found that what I need most is “bon courage.” My French dictionary defines “courage” as “moral fortitude; the strength of will which allows a person to persevere in trying times, to face danger or suffering, and to be firm.”

  27. patpaulk

    Very beautiful and true.

  28. simple and true

  29. courage…the freedom to be yourself, how wonderfully liberating! Happy 4th July…Nel xo

  30. A wonderful expression of freedom. Happy 4th! ~JP

  31. How absolutely perfect, so true. This entry makes me stop and realize that, at this very moment, fear is what holds you back from enjoying much of what life has to offer. Thank you for making me pause and take a moment; to think about my courage and dreams.

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