Flo Blue Salt Cellar Celebrates the Miracle of Life


Ah ha! Look Shelley look, a flow blue salt cellar!

My friend Shelley who collects flow blue, asked me to bring her a salt cellar the next time I went back to California. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would find one in flow blue.

But than again Shelley makes miracles happen. She makes me believe that anything is possible… even the impossible.

My friend Shelley, who is suffering with ALS, is completely paralyzed. She is on a breathing machine yet everyday she she lives her life passionately, and doesn’t give up.

Shelley reads your blog, and comments left here. Shelley has told me many many times that you are like salt that adds flavor to her day. And even though she cannot type a note to you, she thanks you daily.

Never doubt that someone somewhere is thinking of you and wishes you well. You are the salt of the earth!

Photo: The soon-to-be Shelley’s flow blue salt cellar sits on our reservation for California.


49 responses to “Flo Blue Salt Cellar Celebrates the Miracle of Life”

  1. God bless you and your friend Shelley………
    How blessed you are to have such a fabulous friend and her likewise.
    Love you
    Beautiful dish too

  2. That’s a beautiful little salt cellar. …and hi Shelley. You’re story is an inspiration. Thanks Corey.

  3. Your friend Shelley will love it..!
    “You shall find out how salt is the taste of another man’s bread, and how hard is the way up and down another man’s stairs.”
    Dante Alighieri

  4. How nice it is to have true friends…enjoy your treasure, Shelley!

  5. If only we could all remember, each day, each hour, each minute that we are connected. Connected to one another, to our earth, to our universe. What we do, how we think, how we live is a connection to everything else. Shelly — you are part of all of us and we are blessed to have you.

  6. Shannon

    Hi Shelley,
    I’ll bet you’re counting down the days until Corey comes to California….with your flow blue salt cellar, hehe.

  7. Thank you, Shelley. And thank you, Corey, for again leading us to her.

  8. Shelley will love it, it’s so beautiful.
    It’s a true blessing to have such a wonderful friend, two people connected by love no matter what life throws at it.

  9. and at this minute
    I am thinking of you
    Corey and Shelley
    and wishing you well
    fireflies winking
    from inside my heart
    at the intersection
    of the life web
    where we are all
    connected by love
    xox – eb.

  10. Coming to California? We are supposed to hit triple digits this week!
    Beautiful salt cellar! Blessings on you, Corey and your friend Shelley!
    Hi Dee
    Thankful for air conditioning!

  11. How perfect! You must have been so excited when you found it..knowing it was ‘Shelley’!! ..Ya know.. some days I get up and bitch and moan , and kvetch about my life..I complain because I have a “creative block”. Oh, how I admire Shelley..you are the best! Thank you for being a beacon to us all!

  12. Hi Corey and Hi Shelley,
    You are very lucky to have one another as friends! Your are both shining stars and special examples of how tender a friendship can be.
    I will continue to think good thoughts and send prayers.
    ps Shelly, I like your new gift!

  13. Hello Shelley!
    I’m still praying for you and think of you often. Anyone with a salt cellar that sweet has to be a pretty swell person 🙂
    (Well, you WILL have it before long…)

  14. Hi Shelley, sending you love, prayers and many blessings. How sweet that this little beauty will soon be with you in California! I wish you and Corey a miraculous time together. Beautiful friendships are miraculous, don’t you think? 🙂

  15. Good morning, Corey and Shelley! You are both blessing each other, I can tell! It is the “soul” that makes a person, no matter what your situation in life is.
    Corey + Shelley = 2 beautiful souls!

  16. hi shelly, i’m sending you many delft blue wishes from the netherlands.

  17. Shelley you sound such an inspiring person, enjoy your salt cellar it is beautiful.

  18. With my cup a coffee in hand, I just went back and read all of your beautiful posts of your treasured friend, Shelley. Your thoughts and her courage touched me deeply.I am thinking of her now and will again whenever I see flow blue.

  19. Hi Shelly and Corey,
    Glad you found something so nice for Shelly. It’s so nice you two are friends.
    Shelly enjoy the blogs.
    I’m thinking of you,

  20. martina

    Gifts to add to a collection are even more special when a dear friend gives them. When you look at the collection, you remember the giver and have to smile.
    Shelley, I hope you get many nice visits with Corey when she gets to California!

  21. HI Shelly. God Bless You. I love Corey’s blog too. Talk her into coming back to California so I can meet both of you.

  22. Merci Corey for sharing your dear friend, Shelley with us.
    I send my daily post off to her with a wish for a lovely day.

  23. No words for such loving friendships….
    Feel the warm embrace of all our love.

  24. Shelly! I have thought of you often since Corey introduced us!
    When I look at the beautiful Pacific ocean I think of flow blue – and think of YOU!
    Do me a favor and make sure Corey behaves when she is California 😉
    And don’t dare tell her I am hiding in her luggage when she returns to France!!

  25. Just popping over to say that I’ve gotten my latest issue of Romantic Homes and got tickled at seeing the photos of your goodies. Well done!
    I haven’t commented here in ages, but just wanted to compliment you. 🙂

  26. Hello Corey and it’s so nice to meet you Shelley! I am thinking of you and sending you lots of hugs.
    What a lovely post to your beloved friend and your enduring friendship Corey. You are such a gentle and sweet soul Corey, you bring tears to my eyes.
    Wishing you both a wonderful reunion in California this summer. (I wish you could take a side trip south to Los Angeles!)
    Oh! and I had never heard of flow blue before, so much fun to find out about something new. I think this one’s a beauty Shelley.

  27. Hi Corey and Shelley, It’s wonderful to have friends that inspire and that are there for you, no matter what. I’m in love with that s & P cellar. 🙂

  28. I am loving the flow blue but I can’t say I’ve ever seen or heard of a salt cellar before. Very interesting. It’s amazing to me that two women, one in California and one in France can teach one in Texas a thing or two about flow blue and friendship and salt cellars. How cool is that? Blessings on you both and love over”flow”ing.

  29. A treasure for a true TREASURE…thanks, Corey, for introducing us to your Shelley.
    Shelley, I will always think of you when reading Corey’s posts…and sending you smiles and prayers.

  30. Beautiful dish and beautiful thoughts. Thx.

  31. Your friend is an inspiration to us all.

  32. Which just shows that miracles do in fact happen! Blessings to you and Shelley! ♥

  33. Corey-what a great find…I am sure she will love it. What a blessing to have great friends.

  34. you have touched my heart today….

  35. Marie-Noëlle

    In the old times, salt was used to keep meat and fish… Salt was then as important as water and bread.
    This salt cellar is the symbol of your friendship: it will keep on and on for ever!!!

  36. Marie-Noëlle

    In the old times, salt was used to keep meat and fish… Salt was then as important as water and bread.
    This salt cellar is the symbol of your friendship: it will keep on and on for ever!!!

  37. Shelly could not have a better friend~you think of everything!

  38. Congratulations to Chelsea! And yes, the first thing I thought when I saw those chemises is HOW did they stay so white and pretty if a baby wore them? Now I know… But they are beautiful nevertheless. We have some gifts our baby received like that–handmade, beautiful, very impractical for a baby. But the love is there, and she will know it when she looks at these things from her childhood later.

  39. Oops, I meant to post that under the baby clothes! Obviously…
    That is wonderful about the flow blue salt cellar. Chance favors a loving heart.

  40. WOW, what an inspiration to us all……. Good to remember whenever I start to feel sorry for myself.
    Take a peek at my new posted pics of my daughter and my trip to the little towns in Mexico- incredible, and HOT time !
    sandy haynes

  41. Shelley is blessed to have a wonderful friend like you.

  42. judypatooote

    That is a beautiful salt cellar….and let me say hi to you Shelley…..you are an inspiration….

  43. I missed your first request and sorry I am. But I will make up for it.

  44. Toni Mason

    Hi Shelly, My prayers are with you and for you..

  45. Hi Shelley! Sounds like you are a bright, shining spirit just like Corey. This blogosphere really connects us to incredible, interesting people, doesn’t it? 🙂

  46. My son’s godfather had ALS – lousy disease. I’m glad you found such a sweet gift for your friend, friends like you are the salt of the earth.

  47. Enjoying your website, which was recommended to me by a friend with a blog at http://www.indigopears.blogspot.com. I am planning a trip to Paris very very soon…and enjoy your stories. Thanks!

  48. Enjoying your website, which was recommended to me by a friend with a blog at http://www.indigopears.blogspot.com. I am planning a trip to Paris very very soon…and enjoy your stories. Thanks!

  49. Hi Corey and Shelley.
    I’m just home from an Italian vacation, and haven’t been blogging for a while. I am now sitting here at my dininroom table blowing blessings and kisses to you both.
    My special salt story, which I would love to share with you Shelley, was written in my blog June 6th.
    Your beauty is like salt!

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