Passionate Flame


These two vintage tassels hung out with me for years. (I didn’t even have curtains when I bought them in Paris at the flea market.) The silk threads were once before bold like red and golden poppies. But like the seasons, time had faded their colors softly into hues of autumn.

A few months ago I sent them off to a new home in Australia. Customs did not let them enter, siting they were old and possibly infested with bugs, which could endanger the environment. The officials threw them into a hot furnace.

Last night at a dinner party, a friend shared a story about an older couple in their late 80s. The story went like this: The couple loved to dance, and the man was often very jealous of his wife. One evening while dancing the tango the man’s jealousy got the best of him..he pulled out a knife and stabbed his wife.

Our friend said, "As terrible as it sounds, I admire the passion they must have shared. I hope I have such a passion when I am in my 80s…it was a beautiful death don’t you think?"

I leaned in close to French husband and said to the scary romantics who were agreeing with her, "Nah, I would prefer a passion where my toes were stepped on dancing a slow dance, and my death comes at night while asleep in my husband’s arms."

The two vintage tassels never parted ways, even when tossed into the furnace. When the going gets tough it is best to hold on to love, not let it go…or at least keep your knives in the drawer.

Photo: Tied true.


48 responses to “Passionate Flame”

  1. Corey, I just love your stories. This one has the Passion, the Drama, and the Comedy.

  2. I’m with you. Who wants to be stabbed in the heat of someone’s jealous passion? Passion like that takes so much energy. I’d like to die taking a nap, maybe, or sitting on my porch looking at the view with my husband.

  3. Oh, my. The tassles were tossed into a furnace? Typical of Australian Customs. Almost all my parcels from OS are opened and tampered with in some way! I’m so sorry about your tassles.
    Stabbed to death in a jealous rage? Non, non, NON!

  4. that’s terrible about the tassels and actually they didn’t need to do can pay to have them go through some kind of ultra violet scan for 80 dollars which is supposed to kill all possible parasites. Australian customs are quite full on, there’s a lot of fears for the delicate egosystem, but they seem to be a lot more full on since they started filming customs for a tv show….

  5. Sorry the tassels were incinerated, because they were beautiful. I like how things look as they age, including people.
    ps: The Tango is a dangerous dance.

  6. LOL! tassels infected by bugs down under, crazy!
    jealous husbands have nothing to do with passion. i would call a pretty disturbed mind. passion is hard to find these days and i prefer not to think about the generations yet to come…

  7. What a sad end for your beautiful tassels. While I understand the concern for the environment, I cannot apprehand why they didn’t simply reject them (would have prepaid return postage changed the course of fate?). Did they mail you a (bug safe???) little postcard, informing you that they “had to incenerate your tassels”?
    I cannot tell how many time letters and parcels to Austria land in Australia. Now I really appreciate that they sent them on, knowing that they could have suffered a worse fate than being shipped via the wrong continent. ๐Ÿ™‚
    And yes, I am with you, passion til the knife hits you in the heart I do not desire. A bit more heart, please.

  8. I’d like to die eating a caramel gelati, preferable from La Maison du Chocolat…
    Defintely less painful me thinks ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. How dreadful that these beauties were burned.

  10. Believe it or not..I am tering up! Over tassels!? What??? I am too much of a romantic…I think those officials had bugs!!!! I want to die in Paris.

  11. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
    What a Romeo and Juliet story that was!
    When I was pregnant the first time I flew to Barbados. Unexpectedly they walked up to me before I stepped off the plane, and sprayed me up and down both sides with PESTICIDE!!

  12. Shannon

    Someone in customs had an overactive imagination. Bugs housing themselves in tassles?
    As for that romantic, passionate murder…
    The poor wife probably endured years of hardship at the hands of her husband. I find nothing romantic at all about that story.
    I like your romantic version MUCH better, Corey.

  13. Oh, I love your beautiful reflection, Corey…goes straight to the heart…xoxox

  14. that’s ironic. Isn’t Australia itself, infested with bugs?!!!

  15. I agree with you!

  16. patpaulk

    No to guns and knives!!! Handcuffs and leather are okay!! That ain’t passion, that’s crazy!! Thanks for the laugh!!

  17. Love your posts! I’m with you on the “perfect” way to die!
    So sorry about the tassels…I’m wondering if someone stuffed them in their pocket and took them home to their wife! ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. I like your final aphorism!

  19. Sadly romantic Corey. I think the tassels had a happier ending for sure.

  20. What a sad end for the tassels, but they went together.
    When my mother died, my father showed how jealous he had been all their married lives by driving himself crazy speculating on whether she had been faithful.
    Total nonsense and completely unfounded, but to love someone so much that you would even speculate..
    He once said that from the day he first saw her, he never looked at another woman.
    He told his grandchildren this too, while Mother was alive, I can still remember her soft laugh..

  21. To be honest I didn’t find the stabbing story at all romantic. Your version on the other hand, WAS.
    How sad the fate of the poor tassels – luckily they stayed together. Bugs? How terribly odd. What happens when an elderly person, worn with time but still traveling enters the country? Is their fate at risk simply because they are old?
    Your stories always take my mind in so many directions of thought. I love it!

  22. One can never have too many Tassles, Castles, or Love stories. Thanks for sharing yours.

  23. Oh Corey, I never thought I would shed tears over the sight of two tassels, but I just did! I’ll take the slow road, thank you, and have my feet stepped on doing slow dances with no jealousy to fear. =)

  24. They met the end together…..tied true.
    A beautiful story.

  25. I think one has to be French to admire that sort of passion! I’m with you, safely in your loved-one’s arms is the best way to go.

  26. That’s Australian customs for you!
    Much prefer your way of exiting!

  27. Hi Corey:
    What wonderful love. Tried and true.
    What a joy

  28. I’m all for passion darling but not so far as to be murdered for it……that is madness……giggles.
    I love you.

  29. at the torch
    tied tassels
    a tear
    xox – eb

  30. How sad for the tassels.
    Crazy love story.
    I agree with your way much better.

  31. Corey, You have such a beautiful and tender soul, displaying it openly in your writngs. I always love to come here.

  32. Those would match the colors in my home.
    I like your passion much better!

  33. oh, Corey…that lovely tasle tie-back would look lovely hanging from my livng room curtains…tres chic.
    Those others you speak about with the bugs…did you perhaps buy them at a ‘flea’ market *smiles*

  34. The longer you hang onto love, the better it gets. I would rather go the way you described. Crimes of passion to me seem so self-centered, and not a true reflection of love.

  35. Always a lesson to learn…..never let your husband take a knive to a party……
    This is a stunning story……

  36. I totaly agree!! what a tragic story about the couple…Australian customs irritate me – they always open my mail and take out tea and other goodies…i guess we are protecting our land but still its frustrating haha

  37. Yet another Australian-customs horror story! What *can* one send to Australia safely?

  38. Hi Corey,
    This was another one of your unique takes on life. I too, would much prefer being held in sleep. July 1 st is our 35th wedding anniversay. Thanks for such a poignant post for this day.

  39. Corey only you could link 2 tassles to a man stabbing his wife. Wonderful post.

  40. i would rather die the same way as you too. i repeat i *love* your writing.

  41. What a sad fate for such lovely tassels that had already traveled so far through time.

  42. It may be a crime of passion, but it’s still a crime. No, it is a horrid way to die. Your way is much better.
    I am speechless at what happened with the tassels. Australia emits a lot more pollutants all by itself. It’s more likely that would have damaged the tassels, not the other way around!!!!

  43. What beautiful tassles they were~how coud there be bugs? this was certainly too bad~enjoyed your post, again.

  44. What sad stories, both of them.
    Jealousy isn’t love, it’s greediness. It’s total and complete disrespect for the other person, even when it doesn’t end in violence. And if someone I loved did something that earned my jealousy, well, then, better to let them go their own way, anyway.
    (I can understand where the customs officials were coming from, though. Sounds like they were a bit overzealous, but so many environments around the world have been destroyed by non-native plants, insects and animals. Oddly, just yesterday, I picked up a book in the bookstore about a man who traveled around the earth on a raft and when he got to Australia, he had to go home with an injury, and they burned his raft for that very same reason, even though an official had promised to keep it safe for him until he could continue his journey.)

  45. what stories you bring us here…I’m disturbed because of both.

  46. Great stories Corey. I hope your wishes come true.

  47. Another good story – and the makings of an opera! I agree with you about the knives, though. Passionate love doesn’t include stabbings!
    It’s sad about the old, beautiful tassles but as usual, you see the beauty in the tale. ๐Ÿ™‚

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