Eating Pie


Today after 19 months of blogging every single day I drew a blank.

I looked at the empty screen and it looked back at me.


Maybe because there is a ton of laundry and an empty frig starring at me… begging me for attention.

I am easily distracted.

Photo: Vintage Quimper pottery salt and pepper cellar. Standing on a transfer-ware chipped plate.

Have you ever been in a pie eating contest? I have and I won. Mainly because I put my face into the pie and rubbed it all around, half the pie was on my face. Actually, I won because I had a chocolate cream pie and who can eat a pie like that slowly?


53 responses to “Eating Pie”

  1. Happy Saturday my lovely friend………..
    God bless you and yours always.
    Thank you for YOU!
    I love you dearly!

  2. pie contest? no i haven’t but baked many pies in my life so far. even bake them for myself, offering me a treat now and then. the salt and pepper including the plate look very country dutch to me.
    have a nice weekend.

  3. artists are an ingenious lot – who else would think of putting salt and pepper in little shoes?

  4. Hope you will take a pie break in between loads of laundry! 🙂
    I love chocolate cream pie! Chocolate pudding too. Thanks for reminding me about it. I haven’t thought of it in years.

  5. Shannon

    Even upon drawing a blank, you managed to post an entry…about not having anything to write about.
    That was something to write about!! LOL.

  6. Is that a pie plate them shoes is standing on???

  7. Wow Corey!
    Every day for 19 months! That is about 570 different posts! (Don’t quote me! I’m using my Mary for the math!) I don’t even know how you came up with 570 different things to say. Congrats!
    If I ever have the chance to be in a pie eating contest, I’ll remember your hint!

  8. I think my fridge is empty too. Yikes~!

  9. WAIT!
    Where IS the pepper mill?!

  10. That is a lot of posts. I am impressed..!
    I am better at eating pie than writing posts.
    A balanced diet is a plate of pie in each hand..!

  11. Such a pretty picture.
    Sometimes all I can muster is a picture or a favorite quote.
    I say a little prayer…and post a quote of what comes to mind.
    I am always so happy to see who is blessed by those simple posts :o)
    And about the contests…
    I never won a pie eating contest…but I won a bubble gum blowing contest!
    I won a large box of bubble gum.
    And a year later I had nine cavities!

  12. Corey, that salt and pepper mill is the cutest!

  13. mmmmmmmm pie! Pie is always delightful, isn’t it?! And especially chocolate cream pie. My mother had moments of deep clarity and wisdom … she said that sometimes one should eat pie for breakfast if they felt like it. Yeah Mom! 🙂
    I love quimper ware, that piece is so charming!

  14. Corey, you crack me up! From a blank screen your mind thought of a pie eating contest? Darling! And I think we all deserve a break from being witty and charming and thoughtful and inspiring and just plan wonderful. You more than most! Thanks for 570 or so posts that made me think, brought back memories, caused a spontaneous giggle or tear. Here’s to tomorrow and 570 more posts. Go eat pie! (heart) leau

  15. All those months of poetry and prose touching hearts and leaving memories! Not blank merely resting. love to you.

  16. patpaulk

    I would love to rub my face into your chocolate cream pie!!!

  17. corey, I can see you covered with pie…but the pie can’t hide your beautiful smile! Great post…those shoes are so cute, I wish I could wear them!!!

  18. thank you for all those wonderful posts and your kindnesses, love and inspiration – I can’t imagine a morning without you and it always so delightful when you visit me…
    after the laundry…
    a chocolate cream pie?
    xox – eb.

  19. Well, you may have been uninspired but it did not change the flavour of your post – great mental images as always!

  20. Oh my goodness…19 months? That is a long time! I love the salt & pepper cellar!
    I know what you mean about blank screen!…that’s why you see pictures on my blog…not so much writing! I just wish I could write as well as you do!

  21. Even the greatest of artists need a day off! Leave the laundry, forget the fridge, and just go out and enjoy your day! Take your camera, and you’ll have loads to blog about for days and days I’ll bet!

  22. OH COREY! I can just picture it! And Chocolate! I draw blanks all the time, especially now that menopause has entered my home… Fortunately there is always a window open somewhere, a light to follow when it looks dark! Keep your smile, and I can’t wait to see you in July!!!

  23. I am easily distracted too…but don’t worry, your pictures speak for themselves. MMmm I like the sound of chocolate cream pie!

  24. I’ve never been in a pie eating contest, but I would’ve paid to have seen yours 😉

  25. You crack me up Corey! I would pay big bucks to have you post a picture of that on your blog! Where oh where is Frenchhusband when you need him? 🙂

  26. Alas! I knew we were connected in some way. Distracted may be my middle name, procrastinator coming in a at a close second.
    It doesn’t seem you really drew a blank at all. You never disappoint.

  27. thanks for the Saturday morning laugh…what a hoot the pie throwing was.
    wish I lived by Ulla and Lauren too!!!!

  28. You are truely the “Queen of all Blogland”!! 19 months? How do you do it? All of us, your adoring ‘subjects’ are in awe of your reigning talent! Hail to the Queen!!

  29. Have a wonderful day. My husband and I are beginning a 10 day vacation but can’t go where we planned because it would mean driving 10 hours in thunderstorms and arriving at a flood. So we are going to create new things and be impulsive and have fun.
    Thank you for being here everyday…I so look forward to what you’ll create next.

  30. I never qualified for a pie eating contest! *drats*
    Blank screen, yep, I can understand that. On days when I feel too much pressure to get to my duties quickly, I draw a blank too.
    Love that plate, and the cup you are hiding in the left corner looks tempting too. 🙂

  31. And you didn’t even take the day off! My world is better because you are in it, but take a day or two for yourself!

  32. So lovely to see those familiar Quimper designs here 🙂 Memories of growing up in Finistère just rushed in!

  33. It is a lazy Saturday afternoon and my best treat was to come by and visit you. I have followed you through a magial attic and on to the beautiful streets and watched you dive into a pie. It is a wonderful day.
    Hope your weekend is as wonderful.

  34. Hee hee hee… this really made me giggle, Corey!
    You are such a love…

  35. Ah, blogger’s block. Not uncommon!

  36. oh yes- the block happens to all of us at one time or another. loved that pie fight scene, thanks for the smile. stop by and say hello sometime

  37. For someone having a mental blank you did pretty well!

  38. Corey,
    You are so funny.
    Have a great Sunday!

  39. No pie contests, but I love that Quimper piece! Pretty.

  40. love me some chocolate pie! Can you sit down and share a piece,?

  41. Yesterday was my husband’s birthday, so we picked up two Marie Callender’s pies on the way to a birthday barbecue–now that you mention it, I’m reminded that I have some of the double cream blueberry pie left and calling out to me from the refrigerator. I’m mailing the calories to you!



  43. THAT is the funniest video I’ve EVER seen!
    You’re too too much!
    de trop

  44. bonjour corey
    merci pour ce post ! je trouve cette faïence bretonne très belle
    désolée de ne pas écrire en anglais, mais je le parle vraiment mal !
    continuez encore à nous écrire de beaux articles
    bonne journée

  45. Don’t you just LOVE the random moments of life? I clicked on that link thinking “surely I will see a great pic for Corey being pied.” Well, I was disappointed but the YouTube was very funny.

  46. I keep smiling to myself and thinking (quite jokingly of course …) “well naturally she drew a blank and couldn’t think of anything to say because it’s my birthday. What else *is* there to say or think about on June 30th.
    Ha ha. I am really not anywhere close to being as egotistical as that sounds, and I think you know that…

  47. ohhh I would love to be involved in a pie eating concert…just the word Pie gets me going haha

  48. I guess i have something to look forward to! I might even try the face in the pie trick!

  49. Oh, my, chocolate cream pie is my absolute, all-lifetime FAVORITE. I think it would be a dream to have a whole pie to eat in one sitting.

  50. 19 months blogging every single day? … you are brave 🙂
    I think I would win a pie eating contest too … but like you only if it was chocolate.

  51. Oh my lord! Hah! Did you get a ribbon for winning? Has French Husband dared you to break your record? Or challenged you for a match? ;p

  52. PS – I think you should add this claim to pie eating fame to your About Page.

  53. Oh My Gosh! That was an absolutely hilarious video! Thank you soooo much! I forgot how funny the Stooges can be! I am going to watch a few Stooges’ videos before bed tonight – and maybe every night until I finish remodelling! Actually, it reminds me of my painting experiences! Foot in paint…paint, then rub wall with backside…paint ceiling and face at same time…
    (The down side is, however, I now have to go to Monty’s Diner for a piece of chocolate cream pie! Or cheese cake…or banana cream…uuummmm! I’ll think of you and the Stooges with each bite!)
    Thank you, again, for the cheer!

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