French Cafe and the Internet Cafe, all in one day.


Photo: Last summer I met fellow blogger Lauren. This is a gift she gave me. find more of her creations at Alice land’s

Yesterday, I went to Aix en Provence to meet an American friend. We had lunch at one of those sidewalk cafes. Hours passed by as we shared stories about living in France. It is wonderful to have a friend who speak the same language, and who laughs at my jokes.

At the end of the day we gave our double kisses and said good bye. I was in my own happy world as I walked back to my car. At the crosswalk, an American couple asked me if I could help them with their parking meter ticket. I explained to them how it worked, afterward I asked them where they were from.

"Arkansas," they said, "and you?"

"I am originally from California, though I have been living in France these last twenty years." As I said this I saw them exchange glances.

The woman asked, "Do you write a blog?"

I said yes. She then poked her husband saying, "I told you it was her."

We chatted at the crosswalk, like old friends who haven’t seen each other in years.

They asked me if there were any good fairs this weekend in the south of France…I told them I would list them on my blog. So Jenny and Rob, here is the list of fairs this weekend in the South of France, and by the way do you want to come to my home for dinner tonight?

MARCHÉ À LA BROCANTE – Place Audiberti et Place Nationale – 7h-17h30. – Extérieur – Entrée gratuite
Tel :
40 Professionnels
MARCHÉ À LA BROCANTE – Les Allées – 8h-18h. – Extérieur – Entrée gratuite
Tel : –
70 Professionnels
BROCANTE ET COLLECTIONS – Cours Honoré Cresp – 8h-18h. – Extérieur – Entrée gratuite
Tel :
15 Professionnels
VIDE-GRENIERS – 111 route de Marigarde – 6h-18h – Extérieur – Entrée gratuite
Tel : – – Fax:
MARCHÉ À LA BROCANTE – Boulevard des Lices – 8h-13h – Extérieur – Entrée gratuite
Tel : – Fax:
15 Professionnels
MARCHÉ AUX PUCES – Rond-Point de la Fossette – RN 568 (embranchement Arles – Port-Louis) – 6h-16h – Extérieur – Entrée gratuite
Tel : – Fax:
450 Particuliers
MARCHÉ AUX PUCES – 130 Chemin de la Madrague-Ville – 4h-13h – Extérieur – Entrée gratuite
Tel : – – Fax:
300 Professionnels + Particuliers
MARCHÉ AUX PUCES – Parking "ART BROC" – 413 Avenue Robert Brun – 6h-18h – Extérieur – Entrée gratuite
Tel :
50 Professionnels + Particuliers
PUCES ET BROCANTE – Aire de Sports – 5h30-13h30. – Extérieur – Entrée gratuite
Tel : –
120 Professionnels + Particuliers
VIDE GRENIER BROCANTE ET ARTISANAT – Route de Carpentras – Le Terme Roux – 6h-14h – Extérieur – Entrée gratuite
Tel : – Fax:
Professionnels + Particuliers + Habitants
MARCHÉ AUX PUCES – Quartier Bompas – Route de Marseille – 5h-13h. – Extérieur – Entrée gratuite
Tel :
150 Particuliers




75 responses to “French Cafe and the Internet Cafe, all in one day.”

  1. If I’m ever in France…if you are ever in Massachusetts…

  2. Oh I know that was a thrill! Being recognized on the street like a Hollywood star…well you ARE from California. I hope those people have a computer and don’t miss your invitation!
    Note to self…carry laptop if you EVER get to go to France…
    Shabby you make me laugh, your comments are often so funny! I appreciate your humor.
    You are invited whenever you come to France, no need to bring a laptop.

  3. And you ARE a star!

  4. Etoile. I’ll get it straight in a minute.

  5. Your stories enchant me.
    Have a fabulous weekend darling one…….
    Love you

  6. How wonderful! The world is small and full of coincidences, to run into you in the street would be like meeting someone famous 🙂

  7. Ah the beauty of “chance” encounters!! So glad you had such a beautiful day yesterday. Lauren’s creations are always a delight for the eyes… so gentle, so comforting yet so magical.

  8. Ahhh, I have a mental image of you sitting somewhere on the Cour Maribeau sipping coffee.
    Wasn’t that fun to be recognized?

  9. What wonderful serendipity! My dear you have friends all over the world!!

  10. I am singing it’s a small world in my head right now! Fun story! And I’ll put the list in my secret spot until I can use it…someday soon!

  11. How cool!
    Hope they come to dinner.
    Many parts of Arkansas are stunningly beautiful. My friends from Arkansas are some of the nicest people in the world.
    You’re a celeb!¡

  12. Amazing. You live a charmed life. And I’m enjoying watching you live it.

  13. ??
    I think I may have met Jill at a wine cellar in Venelles when I was playing a Big Band concert there?? I met an american lady there and I think it may have been her. You’ll have to ask her if she remembers the american female trombone player…if it was her…
    Hi Meredith!
    Maybe! They have been here for a week or so. Jenny had a million dollar smile and blonde hair tied in a ponytail.
    Wouldn’t that be so funny!! Small world!

  14. That is just too fantastic! You are a star – I hope to recognize you on the streets of France someday myself. . .

  15. Shannon

    LMAO!! That’s WILD! You’re famous Corey!!
    That’s incredible that she recognized you like that.
    Do you think they were really having trouble with the meter, or was it her way of getting a good look at you to make sure you was THE Corey, LOL.
    Hi Shannon
    I hadn’t thought of that?
    I was so stunned when they said they had read my blog…at first I thought maybe they wrote a blog too, and I should know them. They looked familiar like nice people do. I was happily taken aback, and laughed like a ding bat.

  16. Shannon

    I meant “you ‘were’ THE Corey”. Can you please take the ‘was’ out? LOL. The error is perturbing me 🙂

  17. Love this story! Amazing how we draw people our way!

  18. You ARE a celebrity!

  19. OMG! how lucky are Jenny and Bob! They’re in France, run into you, and now dinner too!
    I’m so jealous!
    have a wonderful trip!

  20. What FUN! Can’t wait to hear about dinner.

  21. Serendipity comes to mind. How lovely…

  22. Serendipity!!!
    (That’s a word I learn in New York some years ago visiting a cafè with that name, and now I understand it’s true meaning…..)
    I know no one with such a big heart as yours Corey.

  23. I want to come to your house for dinner tonight. Really, I do.
    Hi Amy
    I love parties, you can come. I hope they come. Potluck chez moi.

  24. How cool was that?
    Meeting for the first time, yet being old friends! Amazing!
    And Corey, it might be years before we ever make it to the south of France (think college), but if you’re ever in Florida…we will meet you at a great little seafood restaurant on the beach!
    New aquaintances…but old friends!

  25. How cool! It’s amazing how small the world is, isn’t it?
    So, I’m curious — did they accept your invitation for dinner?

  26. jenny and rob must have thought…’encounter of the third kind’ when they met you as vip in the streets of aix 😉

  27. you should see my big smile
    this story just makes me grin
    and the sun is shining on my back
    the bird’s are twittering
    and the delight shared by so many
    from this story of serendipity
    and so…
    when are you coming to Vermont?
    xox – eb.

  28. Throws her grown-up-self on the floor kicking and screaming…”I WANNA GO TO FRENCH FLEA MARKETS…I WANNA GO NOW!!!” Ahem, um, er, excuse my childish behavior, please.

  29. How exciting! You are a celebrity, Corey! People notice you without even having met you before!
    Most of the fabulous French antique items I’ve purchased came from a lady on ebay who lives in Antibes (she buys most of her treasures there at flea markets) and she summers in California! Just the opposite of you, Corey! =) Her ebay id is MRUBL (she is a sweetie). (I saw Antibes on your list.)

  30. Jeanette

    How wonderful for Jenny and Rob recognizing a celebrity when they see one. I would be she looks formular, but no I don’t know anyone here. Then later that night I would think wait that was Zane’s sister. LOL It is such a small world! Not matter what side of the water you are on!

  31. Oh Corey! This is awesome! Blogging has made a “small world” even smaller!
    How wonderful!

  32. Oh Corey! How awesome! Blogging has made our “small world” even smaller!
    This is wonderful!

  33. I wanna come for the flea markets AND stay for dinner AND perhaps breakfast? What fun!! I love flea markets!

  34. oh!…
    and yes – I also want to come to that pot luck – ratatoille – (sp?) anyone?
    and then shop, shop, shop
    oh dear here comes a hot flash
    xox – eb.

  35. i will be in aix-en-provence in august. i will make it my plan to bump into you and get asked over for dinner. 😉
    what a fun story.

  36. Elizabeth Meredith

    How lovely to be recognized as the somebody special you are!
    My only semi-brush with such recognition came when I was exiting Sardi’s one day in the 1970s and a stringer came up to me and asked, “Are you somebody?” To which I replied, without hesitation, “No.”!!

  37. Isn’t that amazing!! But then I always knew you were a celebrity (aren’t you in another magazine this month?)!! I don’t know if you are coming to CA this summer but I’d sure like to arrange a ‘bumping in to you’ if you do. I promise, no paparazzi, just coffee! 🙂

  38. So cool! I’m all giggling reading that, how much fun is that?! So did they make it?

  39. Corey,
    How cool is that! What a small world it is. I can’t believe she recognized you. You must have been so giddy!

  40. Approach the French Tourism authorities! They owe you!

  41. Corey, you are just the nicest person! You have taken the time to encourage me on my blog and I know you are just that way….you deserve all this fun recognition! Your blog is so special.

  42. How wonderful; most of us are hesitant to post photos, but look what being open has allowed you to share!

  43. See? I told you you were famous.
    What will you make for dinner? Hamburgers and beer or Coq au vin? Oh yes–veggiegal! Maybe Ragoût aux Pois Chiches?
    (p.s. thanks sweetie-pie)

  44. oh, yes, you are famous!! Soon those pesky photographers will be following you and you will have to appear “in disguise” everywhere. lol.
    especially when the Romantic Homes Magazine arrives everywhere.
    I can’t wait to see the issue, even though Romantic Homes is based in CA, we get our magazines last.:(
    ps. how sweet is that, you invited them for dinner!

  45. Ohhh…I’m so jealous!!

  46. What a wonderful lady you are and so famous! I am so envious of you – all those flea markets to choose from in one weekend. Sigh!

  47. Hee…what does French Husband say, Corey? “Where do you find these people?!” LOL You have such an amazing way about you… I really do aspire to be like you. 🙂

  48. The world IS small…that’s so great that they had you to aide them. I’m so jealous! (of the flea-ing and dinner)

  49. I’m sooo jealous.

  50. This is so wonderful. What are the odds? How fun. I can’t wait to hear about the dinner. There will be shared details of your fabulous meeting with food, won’t there?
    I hope I bump into you one day too!

  51. What a small world!! You’re famous!

  52. that is wild! it’s not that small of a world if you think about it. that must have been so fun!

  53. Corey,
    I can’t wait to run into you someday in France. How lucky they got to meet such a nice, interesting and fun lady.

  54. Corey, what a great story! I hope they came to dinner.
    And, wow my dear..did you ever score on the attic lady’s stuff. I know you must have just been in heaven. What a dream come true.
    Southern Hospitality

  55. Wow! That’s so cool! Lucky Jenny and Rob to see you enjoying the afternoon. Blessings, yay!! 🙂

  56. See….you are famous!!!!!!!
    Wow…wish I can get to “work” that list….but I will save it!!

  57. WOW! Magic! You are famous, you are! hehehehe. What fun. Serendipity. xxxooo

  58. Corey, I noticed your treasures as soon as I opened my Romantic Homes. This is wonderful seeing how you are so loved by your blog peeps!

  59. Oooops!
    However did I miss this post!?
    And a very important post indeed 🙁
    Is the dinner offer still on?
    Can we do it tonight?
    I’m free tomorrow too…
    In fact we’re free the whole week/month/year…

  60. PS
    Did I mention my cousins are in town too…?
    In fact we’re having a family reunion..
    Wouldn’t it just be grand if…?

  61. I love small world stories. Actually, I grew up in Arkansas and studied French there with a native Frenchwoman. She was trying to bring French into the hinterlands. Lovely blog.

  62. Totally cool!

  63. Wow. Is it a small world! What a sweet littel meeting!

  64. Corey you are a celebrity! With your readers here on your blog and the articles in American magazines..soon you will be signing autographs!!
    hugs NG

  65. this is so awesome…if I am ever in the south of France I will be looking for you!

  66. Corey, I will NEVER, EVER, stop being amazed at how small our world has become. There you are on a street corner and Arkansas salutes in recognition. Yes indeed, amazing.

  67. ah, i love love aix! would have been fun to meet up with you there!

  68. NO WAAAAY!!! LOL! That is too much. This world is just too small.

  69. I stayed in Aix above a bakery,every morning the aroma of bread was intoxicating. I remember a central fountain and the women carrying wicker baskets for shopping. I bought a pair of snake skin ear rings,and I’m pretty sure I went to Cezanne’s studio/home? It was so long ago. I did run into some friends from SF at a flea market in Paris that same trip. It is a small world. How nice that you invited them to dinner.

  70. how wonderful that she recognised you…was her husband rolling his eyes? haha
    I always talk about blogging friends to my man…
    the world is indeed a smaller (and nicer) place!

  71. I adore hearing stories like this!! Such a very small world we live in!!

  72. I adore hearing stories like this!! Such a very small world we live in!!

  73. I adore hearing stories like this!! Such a very small world we live in!!

  74. What a wonderful story – and funny too!
    Actually, the very fact I´m in Paris theese days make me feel you are just arond the next corner…
    Well, one never knows!

  75. Aww…how FUN is THAT?! Oh, I hope you all DO get together and have a fun night. SO so cool.

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