French Antique Linens


Last weekend at the antique market I was digging through a box, pulling out one piece of handmade linen after another. I love moments like this… a card board treasure chest and nobody around to watch me drool.


One beautiful thing after another. Roses seemed to bloom. Their stories like fragrance filled the air. The dealer said, "I have a whole attic full."

My mouth dropped, my heart skipped a beat and I composed myself saying, (in French with that twangy American accent,) "Can I come and take a look."

"Sure." She beamed back (rubbing her hands together, as I hugged my heart.)


Today is the rendez-vous, and I can barely type this blog, because I am so very happy. Like a kid in a candy store. Imagine Chocolate corsets, Lollipop linens, Sweet sheets, and me!! (PS. French husband, I am not talking about what you might be thinking, not yet at least.)


I thank the hands that took the time to create such treasures for the home. I thank the cloth and thread that allowed to be bent and woven with thought and care. I thank the person who washed, ironed and folded these pieces…did she know it would be the last time when she placed them in the drawer? I thank every stitch that connects that time to this moment.

Photos: French antique everyday linens, collected throughout time.


71 responses to “French Antique Linens”

  1. I just made up my mind. My family and I are moving to France. I hope Grandma’s home is still standing! Will call from a cafe when we arrive ๐Ÿ™‚
    An attic filled with antique still my heart.

  2. What beautiful linens indeed.
    You are truly blessed……..
    Vintage treasure troves
    beautiful memories…….
    YOu are a very lucky lady.
    Love and hugs

  3. woaaaaaah, corey. i’m shiffering here!!!

  4. I’m sure you will report on your findings – it sounds nearly too good to be true! I have dreams about this kind of thing. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. have to come back again… still :O

  6. The thought of that attic does make the heart flutter, doesn’t it? Sounds like me with a container full of old buttons and/or lace. I envy you the experience. Enjoy!

  7. Beautiful work, espcially the cutwork. what will you do with all of it?
    Hi Tut-tut,
    Save some and sale most.

  8. I am sharing in your joy!! Textiles especially old linen with handwork make my heart swoon. All the pieces in your pictures are beautiful and I can’t wait to see what will turn up in the attic!

  9. Just the word *attic* is enough to excite me let alone the promise of all that linen and lace. Be still my heart!

  10. I am so excited for you…but green with envy! Antique linens are one of my passions……do show us your finds Corey…

  11. how wonderful…what a score…happy purusing…blessings, rebecca

  12. My heart is beating double time just thinking about going t osee an attic full of linens of the French Antique persuasion! OH my! I am going to faint!

  13. Oh what treasures. I love what you said at the end. Just looking at these linens, feeling the cloth and thinking about someone working hard to create them — that gives them a deeper value that they truly deserve. Have fun!!

  14. third time around… :O

  15. The words and sentiments in this post are as beautiful as the linens!
    I have some of the old linens embellished with handmade lace made by the French women in my family. They are indeed delicate and lovely and remind me of the desire those women had to make utilitarian things beautiful.

  16. Bonne rendez-vous Madame Corey!
    Et beaucoups du bonnes memoires too ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Shannon

    ooh I know you’ll have fun. I wonder what other treasures she has in her attic….oh the possibilities…..

  18. how lovely! – and what a treat to visit an attic full! – oh my gosh that stuff is pretty – all the patterns, the textures, the full bodied linens, mmmmmmmmmmmmm
    what a magnificent treat!
    xox – eb.

  19. How I would love to find an attic full of such treasures x

  20. Oh no. People! We may never see Corey again.

  21. What a magical way to spend some time.

  22. You lucky dawg to get to play with all those beautiful linens! Enjoy! ๐Ÿ™‚
    I can remember my mother working on several cutwork pieces when I was small … alas not of this caliber but still a work of her heart and hand for the feathering of her nest. Thank you for the sweet reminder.

  23. Oh my gosh! I envy you and your find. They are simply gorgeous. And might I add – I’m a tad jealous.

  24. Camilla

    Thank you for your message, I will indeed come every day, such beautiful words you write, and oh such beautful pictures. I absolutely adore linen, so much time and effort in making these beautiful cloths. On the subject of Roses, love them, especially the pink variety, I have recently bought a climbing one named Madame Gregoirre Stacchelin, it has a wonderful sweet-pea scent.
    I do believe you live in Brittany?

  25. So beautiful!
    That comment you made about packing them away the last time really tugged at my heart. I always think that way when I pack away the Christmas ornaments each year.
    If only she had known that you would be the one lifting them out.
    It would be a comfort.

  26. Corey,
    Thanks for all of your nice comments on my blog.
    I love the linens. How I wish I could find a stash like that in someone’s attic. Lucky!!!

  27. martina

    My Grandma did a tremendous amount of crochet lace work, including a large tablecloth that she gave me. It is used every special occasion, with other grandmother’s green Depression glass plates. Too bad women of our generation don’t have the time or energy to do handwork very often. Your linens look beautiful and I love the expresion of hugging your heart.

  28. Paris Parfait

    What a treasure trove! I’d be giddy too.

  29. I have never wanted to visit France as much as I do after reading your blog and seeing your pics. Not many blogs can take you to a whole ‘nother world but yours never disappoints and I thank you!!! Wish I could be there to dig thru her stash with you!

  30. My heart skipped a beat when I saw your first photo of the nightgown … oh, how I wish I could be there with you as you look through these treasures (although I don’t think my pocketbook would survive!) ♥

  31. Oh Corey. I. am. so. jealous. These linens are amazing!! I hope you have the most fun and buy TONS! xxoo, Dawn

  32. Now you are speaking my language….my heart would have been hugging these beautiful linens as well. I look forward to seeing your discoveries in the attic!

  33. Ooooo…I cannot wait to see your photos from this meeting in the attic.

  34. And I thank you for showing us these wonderful items. More and more please Corey

  35. What a treasure trove…heaven!

  36. I could hardly contain myself reading this post. What a stroke of luck or was it actually MEANT to be? Such treasures such as these are the things that make the heart beat a bit faster. An attic filled? A magical moment it will be – I cannot wait to read of what you see and experience.
    Oh how fortunate you are to have connected in that moment.

  37. ohmigosh! What exquisite treasures! They made me gasp out loud with their sheer beauty!

  38. Oh you lucky dog you! I can hardly stand it waiting for pictures to see what treasures you found. I LOVE antique linens. I’d kill to be able to go with you today, well, not really but you know what I mean. : )

  39. Oh My! Did you acquire it all? If not, how could you resist? I saw that nightgown about dropped my biscuits! Antique linens are my absolute favorite thing to collect! I love seeing the delicate intimacy of the lucky!

  40. Beautiful! Whenever I come across linens like that I always think I should hang it on my wall.

  41. THAT sounds like a delicious day (although the other that french husband will be waiting for sounds nice too… *ahem*…albeit with MY hunk)
    Have a wonderful time digging through the linens in the cozy attic with a (hopefully) knowledgeable antique dealer, in the south of france…
    Oh dear, that’s just disgustingly unfair.

  42. No, I’m not flying over there, so hush.
    Hi Lauren
    If ever you fly over to France you won’t regret it….I promise I’ll take you to all the best antique fairs….

  43. Three words: I LOVE LINEN.
    ok three more . . . Crisp, Clean & Cool(as in breathable).
    Dreaming of some fine French ones now.

  44. I love linen as well, especially hand decorated antique ones. I like to think that the craftsperson’s thoughts and dreams are stitched right into the work. What a dream to find a whole attic full!

  45. Oh, how beautiful…all of them! I’m quite sure the Europeans have a much better skill at making these linens than we do in the US, such fine, fine linen & artistic touches on everything they create. What a treasure trove for you!
    Southern HOspitality

  46. How fun! How did you still your heart? By the touch of the linen, I’m sure! I found you through the Romantic Homes Magazine (August 2007) that arrived in my mailbox today! Lovey article and photos!
    Hi Heidi,
    Thank you. I have yet to see it…I hope Romantic Homes mails me one!

  47. I am thrilled beyond words to know you will be in Romantic Homes………..
    You are bright beautiful gorgeous and talented and my friend. Do I know how to pick friends or what?
    Smile gorgeous.
    Babeeeeee you ARE a star!!!!!!!
    I love you beyond measure!
    You are a golden treasure!
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  48. I have always loved linens myself- especially doilies! Just the name alone makes me smile!
    What beautiful treasures, Corey! Thank you for sharing them!

  49. What an artful life you lead, and it seems that beauty seeks you out. Trying hard not to be envious…

  50. breathtaking!! i’m happy no one can see ME drooling here looking at these on my monitor.

  51. sigh…I am not a jealous kind of girl. Today, I am. It’s a good thing that I LIKE you so very much, Corey, and I can be happy for you, in the throws of linen heaven. ( i hope you didn’t drool!)
    And, if there was ever any doubt about why you, smart girl, “caught” a Frenchman, “Chocolate corsets, Lollipop linens, Sweet sheets” explains it all.:) yes, it does. You are a keeper.

  52. Corey, darling!! You lucky, lucky one. Beautiful old linens and lace, how fabulous. Hope you enjoyed yourself in the attic.

  53. Oh my…my…my…can’t believe you get to “treasure hunt” in an attic! I so envy you! Just holler if you need help carrying all that stuff home! ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m sooooo here to help ya! I’ll be on the next jet!

  54. Diogenes

    OK Cor-
    If you are not a professional photographer, you need to be.
    Every time I check this site, I am amazed at what your eye sees, and how you capture a feeling, a time, a sentiment so clearly.

  55. Hello sweet Corey,
    I must tell you how proud I am to open up a magazine and see your name inside!! We just received our August issue of Romantic Homes at the antique store and you are featured!!! Take a look at my blog if you want to see photos but you might already have your issue!! xxoo, Dawn
    Hi Dawn
    Thank you for the sneak peek! I haven’t seen it yet. I am giddy.

  56. These ended up in the right appreciative hands Corey.
    Gratitude is what makes the world a much more special place.
    These are real treasures. I’ll bet France is full of them waiting to be discovered.

  57. Gorgeous Corey. Hope you and French husband got to talking. TeeHee

  58. Threads woven with care like you weave stories amongst us all.
    Meilleurs voeux!!

  59. hey corey…what a fabulous find! you lucky girl. i love the part about the american accent…don’t act too excited…they may just double the price! xoxo…annie

  60. What an exciting adventure going through treasure troves of old linens. I’ve started a box for my daughter which I hope she finds as fascinating as her mother does one day!

  61. I love it when I have hit the motherlode so to speak…

  62. OMGosh…I must get myself a copy of Romantic Homes! I always come back to peruse the other comments, and today, I’m so glad I did, or I wouldn’t have known. Oh, Corey, I’m so excited for you…maybe my wish of an upcoming book is in the works?! ๐Ÿ™‚

  63. Do you have matching tops and bottoms?
    Are they bits and pieces?
    My chemise is in tatters…
    I can’t wait to hear tell of your vintage adventures! :O

  64. You always know how to take photos of the simplest of things and, they look absolutely gorgeous!

  65. What a stunning post!!!!!
    That lace and linens are absolutely amazing…..dear Corey, thanks for the mention and the link to my blog…I appreciate

  66. Je fais toujours un merveilleux voyage avec tes photos ๐Ÿ˜‰

  67. Corey, when my husband comes back from Rome with the camera, I will take a picture of the sheets my grandmother’s family embroidered for her dowry 77 years ago. They have lace angels on them! She was born in Venissieux, near Lyon.

  68. Camilla

    Bonjour Corey,
    What beautiful finds in the attic, wish I was there, how exciting for you. I marvel at your wonderful pictures, and I adore antiques. I have told a french friend of your website, and she is so excited, she did not know about it,she lives in Britany too and is married to a French Pattiserie. I am sure she will be looking in every day now. I do not know how one can purchase some of your wares, I especially like the box with lady on. I live in England, would one have to send you Euro’s. Thank you Corie. Have you ever thought about other bloggers sending pictures to you with their blogs?

  69. And I thank you for this beautiful post. Merci, merci, merci. x

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