The Answer to the Secret


Photo: of a french vintage candy box.

My name is not Marie Antoinette. Thanks for thinking otherwise Ariane Cagle. I am flattered that Kristy thought I could be on the cover of Vogue, and a bit horrified that Charlotte said I got a tattoo! Jamais!

Fear not Papa, I am not going to throw your laundry at your feet like Cherie said…and I would never join "Les Folies Bergere," because I cannot dance, to save my soul!


Photo: French vintage postcard of Lourdes.

Speaking of my soul …EB thought the guy I was going to meet might be the Messiah. No no no, don’t get me wrong he is good but he is not that good! On the other hand Susan please do not tell, I am good girl but I have been kissed more than once.

Hey, ho Beachy, I am in love and I do have a secret but it isn’t the nunnery I am running off to.


Photo: French antique undergarments.

Pat darling call me foolish, call me young, I embroidered his initials on my undergarments. Love makes you do crazy things.


Photo: My baby nephew’s hand at his baptism.

Tsk tsk tsk. There isn’t a bun in the oven. Though many of you thought that was my secret. I would never dream of doing such a thing. I use my eggs to make quiche Lorraine!


Photo: A detail of a French postcard Mr. and Mrs.

Dear Rob, I am not a guy, though I gotta admit you gave me a good laugh with your write up. Unfortunately my man does not think it as funny… you might want to hide.


Photo: French antique santons. Hand made clay pieces for the provencal nativity scene.

Surprisingly many of you guessed that I was going to run-off,

or going to go to school,

or that one of my hens gave me a golden egg,

or that I was really a undiscovered princess and that I was going to live happily ever after now that it was revealed to me.

Sorry that is simply not the way the egg rolled.

My name is Quiche Lorraine and happily like Sally guessed correctly,

"…(I) just found out that (I) won the Pillsbury Bake-Off!"

Now who would like a slice of my winning quiche before my lover boy eats every last piece?


Thank you for playing along! As always your responses are the best ever! The next guessing game will be in a few weeks.


32 responses to “The Answer to the Secret”

  1. I came and saw the last post, and came back two minutes later to see this one! Its neat to think of someone across the ocean writing at the same time. I also love these little figures you are showing – do they have a story?

  2. *smile*
    I wonder how she pronounces “Pillsbury Bake-Off. 🙂

  3. INcredible stuff! I’d like a slice of quiche please : )

  4. quiche lorraine…
    mentioned at the top of your post!! i was close though but thought this might be too obvious!! looking forward for the next game. have a great sunday, corey! how is your headache doing?

  5. HUMPH!
    Makes no sense at all 🙁
    Mille. Lorraine would NOT be living in Provence but in the Lorraine.
    Musta been a very bad headache…

  6. always a pleasure to visiste this parcel of my country trugh your romantic eyes !

  7. Kiss the cook often and season everything with love
    In my house when honey pie says what is for dinner more than likely I say

  8. Won the Pillsbury Bake-Off…ever clever! always fun to play and read everyone’s guesses, then finding out the answer!!! can’t wait for the next one.

  9. very clever my friend…it was a fun game…can’t wait for more…blessings, rebecca

  10. patpaulk

    I guess a peek at those initials would be out of the question??
    Hi Pat,
    Yes, out of the question.

  11. Quiche did you say quiche? Yes please.

  12. Ha! That is something I never would have guessed. As always, fun guessing game.

  13. Congratulations to Sally!
    This begs the question? Might Quiche Lorraine use “frozen” pie crust in her prize winning recipe?
    Please save me a large slice. I adore Quiche Lorraine and most all type of quiche!

  14. So glad you are feeling better today 🙂

  15. Well now I know why I got the answer wrong… I’ve never made a quiche in my life! heehee But we ARE going to the best French bakery in New England today, which makes the BEST quiche (and yes, it is run by a legitimate Frenchman – an award-winning baker). I hope to post on my blog tomorrow. =)
    Happy you are feeling better, dear friend!

  16. Quiche is good, very good. Congrats to Sally for coming up with that one.

  17. What a beautiful french vintage candy box.

  18. You amaze me. Have a great day for yourself.

  19. You are so witty and delightful –
    and I love quiche so Yes PLEASE
    (is there any left?)

  20. Oh Corey! You are too sweet!
    I’m barely awake over here and I had to check in and see what her secret was! As always the lead-in to the pay off was delightful.
    But oh my! I still cannot believe my eyes. I have left and reentered three times to make sure that my eyes are not still full of sleep and dreams and betraying me.
    I’m glad you enjoyed my answer and I’m thankful that Mademoiselle Quiche Lorraine’s winning recipe, is a secret and I do not have to reveal it to you all. 🙂
    Thank you again for being such a dear soul and such fun Corey and I hope you’re feeling better today!

  21. what a delight
    its brunch time
    and I’m hungry
    after all the
    xox – eb.

  22. Yes, a slice for me please 🙂

  23. Congratulations, but I’m at a loss…is it (Pillsbury Bake-Off) an American thing?

  24. Good for you!! Isn’t that what all of us “Betty Crocker” types aspire to?

  25. What a fun, fun story!
    Mmmmm…. quiche lorraine and the pillsbury bake-off… two of the pillars of my childhood. Well, not the bake-off, but the little cookbooks they sold at the checkstands in the stores. (For someone who doesn’t like to cook, I sure spent a lot of time reading cookbooks as a child.)

  26. Congrats! I love quiche.

  27. Only you could be so imaginative and clever. I missed this one but probably best I did, as I’m too slow to have even come close.

  28. Peelsburie beq-oeuf???

  29. I missed your last few….this was stunning!!!

  30. WOW! Congratulations….I bet it is wonderful!

  31. I love a happy ending to a story, in this case, a delicious one! Glad she didn’t have any ‘smellie” chicken in there~

  32. Congratulations, Corey! I’m sorry to have missed the first post but enjoyed reading the guesses! ♥

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