A Gift of Freedom


Chelsea completed her exams for her BAC. She is confident that she did well, and we are proud of her. We asked her what she would like as a gift to mark this moment.

Chelsea's smile had a tinge of mischief and her eyes started to sparkle. I thought to myself this is not going to be a typical response, I better prepare myself. I sat down. She said she would like to parachute out of a plane. I looked at my feet and thought to myself that is what you get for marrying a wild Frenchman. That is what you get for raising independent children. That is what you get… no Coco Chanel, no little something wrapped in a pretty box, that you can hold in your hand, and wear for years to come. No, this is what you have… a free-spirited daughter. I could almost hear French husband licking his lips with glee.

Chelsea jumps out of a plane today.

My words of advice to her were this:

1) When they ask you how much you weigh this is time to add several pounds to the number. You want the straps to support more, not less.

2) Before you "buddy-jump," with the professional- ask him where the pull cord is. That way in case he should faint, or get a bug caught in his eye, or die, you know where to pull to have the parachute open up.

3) If you feel like throwing up lean your head to the side, otherwise it will come back on you.

4) Keep your eyes open and breath, feel your freedom!


The little birds do fly away from the nest. I feel the fear of letting go… but instead, I hear myself say, "Fly little girl fly!"

Photo: The 18th-century painting depicts the drawstrings of a Priest's albs. I am pulling on them today. 


70 responses to “A Gift of Freedom”

  1. How wonderful a post.
    all our children are the same they flew the nest all right all the way to Asia…………
    God bless your daughter, her grades be fabulous and her life the adventure of joy
    She wants to live.
    Love you

  2. You must be so proud of your girl! Congratulations to her, and good luck at the jump today. – will there be photos tomorrow?
    Our oldest son is the free spirit among our kids. He was an exchange student in USA when he was 17, and only after he came home he told us that he had “sky jumped” (I don’t what you call it in English when you jump from a bridge with an elastic band)
    He is a student in Australia right now, in economics, and will finish his bachelor in November. He phoned me this morning to tell me that he would probably get 5 As out of 5 exams this spring, and he had a wish for a graduation gift in the autumn – he wanted to travel home to Norway by the Transibirian railway! So now I’ll start saving to help him with this! 🙂

  3. first, all my respects to chelsea for achieving a first goal; her BAC!
    second, fly girl i’ll be watching the grey skies of the valley today imagining you’ll flying by in a deep azure electric blue, wishing it may accompany you always on your ways…
    third; corey, fly with her in all freedom!!

  4. Well done Chelsea..!
    And well done momma to give her the wings to fly.
    It has been my experience that when you give them their freedom they will always fly back to the nest..xx

  5. I hope she loves it! I give her credit…this is something I don’t think I would do….I am surprised Frenchusband did not ‘offer’ to jump with her!

  6. Oh boy! What a great way to do away with all of the stress from passing the BAC.

  7. LOL Corey @ the advices (good ones though!!) And best of luck to her and her little adventure 🙂

  8. Shannon

    Boy, she took the adage “kick the baby bird out of the nest” to heart, didn’t she.
    Jeff went sky diving last summer. He loved it, but I won’t allow him to do it again until the kids are moved out of the house.
    Someone has to help me raise them! LOL.

  9. Congratulations to Chelsea! Let us see her exhilaration after she lands?
    My oldest son called just a week ago and was so breathless from landing his sky dive that he could barely speak. It was his second jump. The first was over New Zealand’s ice fields! What brave children we have!

  10. Congratulations Chelsea! ohhh Corey, I know how you feel. My son did the buddy-jump just a few weeks ago. He and a friend took the “plunge!” When he told me they were going to do it, the only thing that came out of my mouth was, “be careful,” even though deep inside I was freaking out! Yes, sooner or later they must be set free to do their own thing and make mistakes along the way, but it’s also hard as a Mother to let go. They will always be our babies!

  11. Congrats to Chelsea for feeling good about her BAC!!
    What a free spirit she is, so brave to want to make the jump! She is already a success!
    We are all so unique. Even if you paid me a million dollars I couldn’t jump out of a plane!
    And your advice? well put!
    Think I’ll go light my candle now. What’s the Patron Saint of Parachutes name again?

  12. Holy Moly! Wjhile I a msure it will be a great thrill for Chelsea….that is the LAST thing I would ever do! ha! Congrats to her ,though!~

  13. What a perfect choice as a gift. To jump into the clear blue sky and say “I DID IT”!! You have raised a wise and wonderful person.

  14. elizabeth

    What a brave lady you are. My daughter did this last year…but I did not know till after the fact and I am just as glad about that!!

  15. Brave! Both Mother and Daughter.
    Congratulations to Chelsea, this is an exciting time in her life isn’t it?

  16. patpaulk

    Mine better not tell me til after the fact. I’m sure it is fantastic, but, I can find fantastical thrills other places…

  17. oh my….i cannot imagine the praying that must be going on today…it is difficult to let them fly on their own even when the feet are planted on the ground…you’re gaining more mama stripes today corey…blessings, rebecca

  18. Oh sweet Corey! Beautifully written! Everything seems to be making me weep these days, and this one definitely had me crying! I applaud you for being so brave (and this quality equals love)!

  19. My palms are sweaty! I’m checking back here in a little while for the good news, okay?

  20. Congratulations to Chelsea, but Corey, oh my . . . I’m praying for a safe, wonderful flight and jump, and for your heart not to skip any beats today!

  21. Congratulations to Chelsea. She is so lucky to have a mother who lets her be independent and soar.

  22. Oh Corey! How exciting! I have always wanted to do this! …
    Now, for my daughter to do it… is another thing. 😉
    Yes! Fly, fly, fly!!

  23. Dear Corey,
    My oldest, Athena, did the same thing on her 18th birthday. Yikes! What is it about these kiddos? She ended up forgetting her ID at home. You have to be 18 to do this in California, or get your parent to sign off. They let her go anyway, without the ID. She fell hard and her tailbone hurt for 3 months. She enjoyed her adventure, but not the soreness.
    Hi Gail
    Three months of soreness!
    Chelsea had to have a note from the Doctor saying her heart could handle the jump.

  24. Congratulations to Chelsea and to you for raising such an independent spirit. What a great way to celebrate!

  25. jajajajaja! like always you have such an hilarious way to say things…
    Congratulations to your little girl!

  26. yeah, let her fly because you and i both know you’ve given her deep roots. and those words of advice are priceless and sooo wise!!! BIGLOVE Corey!

  27. Jeanette

    What an interesting gift to ask for…I would go for the jewelery or even a trip somewhere. Good luck to both Mother and daughter today the wind will caught you both and Gods love will bring you both home safely. Have fun Chelsea and Corey go on a hunt for an antique you might need.

  28. Oh my, Corey. When I posted my blog this morning I thought to myself “wouldn’t it be amazing if my post compliments Corey’s?”. Amazing. Honest, I didn’t look at yours first.

  29. What a spirited young woman! I hope Chelsea has the flight of her life!!
    Are you jumping too Corey? Life a “family affair”? That would be really brave!
    Hi Beverly
    I am not that brave. French husband might jump out of the plane, and Sacha too….but I would not. Maybe for a million dollars. Maybe even a thousand. No not for a thousand.

    wings with roots
    roots with wings
    and all the joy that freedom brings
    GO GIRL GO!!!!!!!
    I’m holding Mama’s hand
    xox – eb.

  31. Congratulations to Chelsea for all her hard work, and to you and French Husband for giving her the support she has needed to reach this moment.
    I wouldn’t have guessed sky diving in a million years 🙂 Although it isn’t something she’ll be able to hold in her hand forever, she’ll remember it in her heart…and maybe that’s more important.

  32. I HAVE AND it is incredible!!!!!!!!! Go Chelsea Go! a chip off the old block! and you’ll survive as well C! xoxox and congrats to the Graduate & my best wishes as you all open a new chapter in your book!

  33. My 18 year old chose getting a tatoo….ahh 18 they have to do something MAJOR to mark it!
    Hi Berrie
    A tatoo!! Oh I’d rather see her jump out of a jet! 😉

  34. Congratulations to Chelsea! Another milestone in life … wishing her a safe jump. She takes after her Dad doesn’t she? Enjoy life – that’s what it’s all about.

  35. Corey,
    Wow! You are so brave. I think I would have freaked out and said “no way! You are not jumping out of an airplane.”
    It must be so hard to let go. Congratulations to Chelsea!
    Can’t wait to hear how it went and by the way, great advice. I had to chuckle about the one dealing with throwing up. LOL!!

  36. Oh nooooo and oh yeeeaaah Chelsea at the same time! Good for her for going for it! And you certainly gave her wise advice, Corey. 🙂

  37. Your daughter has such a beautifully shining example in you for “jumping out of the plane” that is life…who can blame her for wanting to try it quite literally?
    But you know, it does occur to me that this the most courageous and radical thing you have done so far – releasing her with love and grace. I’m sure all of us who are mothers of young adults are sending you confidence, courage and comfort. Any time you need a hand to hold for extra bravery, reach out and you will find that mine is there …
    P.S. They never totally leave us, anyway. She will feel no differently (in terms of always being connected) about you and her father than you feel about yours …

  38. Oh my! I don’t think I could bear it! But, good for you for being brave enough to let her spread her wings!

  39. Wild Frenchmen make wild children, I can testify to that. Just shut your eyes and have confidence!

  40. Oh Corey, you are so funny…
    Hope the jump is all that she wanted it to be…and French husband is not the jumping buddy??? Oh wait…next time, right??

  41. Ariane Cagle

    Congratulations Chelsea on all your hard work!
    Another piece of advice is: try to keep your mouth closed the closer you get to the ground – you wouldn’t want to accidentally swallow any bugs. 😉
    They grow up so quickly, but think of the story she’ll have to tell her children and her grandchildren some day.

  42. How brave! At that age, I wanted to leap from an airplane too. A decade later, the idea petrifies me. I could not imagine my daughter (when I have one, I hope I have one or two or more) jumping from an airplane. How brave of you too. But what a wonderful experience and how perfect of a gift for completing the BAC!

  43. That’s one thing I would never do. That is pretty wild. I bet she loves it!

  44. (This flying-phobe is weak in the knees over here reading this … tremble tremble SHUDDER! Oh my!)
    By this time Chelsea must have already had her jump and has her feet firmly planted back on the ground and is regaling you with the exhilaration and delight of it. I hope she had a wonderful time Corey and that mom wasn’t feeling her heart in her throat the entire time.
    Hurray for Chelsea, for living life and being an adventurous soul and hurray for mom, for letting her soar, untethered.

  45. I’d never jump out of a plane, but if that’s what she wants to do then all I can say is:
    you go girl. Oh my. Good advice, Mom.

  46. Wow Corey,
    What a brave girl. You know how I feel about flying. I can’t imagine jumping out of the plane. A friend of mine did it not that long ago.
    Good for your daughter for being so free!
    Have a great day!

  47. You will have to let us know how she did.
    Jumping from a plane… what fun. I think I would have enough courage to do that until I actually got on the plane and looked down.

  48. You will have to let us know about her little plane jump.
    Jumping from a plane… what fun. I think I would have enough courage to do that until I actually got on the plane and looked down.

  49. She sounds like my eldest daughter. T doesn’t let much stop her. She’s also traveled the world! Just now, marrying, this fall, at the age of 43, the next adventure, for her!
    Congratulations Chelsea!!
    Back Porch Musings

  50. Oh my! I couldn’t help but catch my breath when I read this! How exciting! How did it go? How did Mom survive?

  51. ::gasp:: That is my daughters’ wish, as well! How strange to read that is what Chelsea picked!
    😀 My daughter says that is the one thing she will make sure she does before she dies.

  52. i must say that it has always been a dream of mine too! one of my dearest friends calls me “fearless annie”…what is it about flying that is so freeing…so very, very exciting? don’t know, but the big 50 will be here in a couple of years…and i just may have to treat myself…along with my karmann ghia! i like her spirit! momma, are you okay? xoxo

  53. very symbolic. However, if you still feel the need to purchase somebody a little something wrapped in a pretty box that she will wear forever, my address is…

  54. martina

    How did it go? Did Chelsea get her adventure genes via Papa Amaro the motorcyclist?

  55. Oh she so ROCKS! What an awesome choice!

  56. Will you post any photos of Chelsea’s dive? My son did the same thing a few years ago and came home with a video. I swear everytime I watch the darn thing, I just KNOW something’s going to happen and he’s going to crash! Silly, I know!

  57. Massilianana

    I love the advices you gave her . Sooo funny AND wise (especially the wind direction in case she feels sick !) What were Chelsea’s advices for you ? Something like :1/ stay away from the landing zone , as far as possible , in case she threw up 2/bring binoculars and check if the instructor is kissing her (with French men , you never know !) 3/ bring a magnum bottle of chilled champagne to soothe your nerves and celebrate her crazy wonderful brilliant spirit and sense of adventure !
    Bravo Chelsea et Corey . What a pair you make !

  58. wow! I am so impressed that she will actually do this. It is something I would love to think I could do, but would probably never have the nerve to test. And congratulations to her on the test!

  59. okay, dear Corey, I hate to break it to you, but Chelsea probably didn’t get her “adventure” genes only from that wild Frenchman! Her mother seemed to have plenty of adventure in her, too! From monastery to exciting places where she met a French man and fell in love…your girl is like both of you! and a great thing, too.
    Congratulations for getting thru the dreaded exams! enjoy the summer with your family.

  60. okay, dear Corey, I hate to break it to you, but Chelsea probably didn’t get her “adventure” genes only from that wild Frenchman! Her mother seemed to have plenty of adventure in her, too! From monastery to exciting places where she met a French man and fell in love…your girl is like both of you! and a great thing, too.
    Congratulations for getting thru the dreaded exams! enjoy the summer with your family.

  61. corey, as always you paint a beautiful picture with your words…congratulations to chelsea, and to you! now there is a young woman ready to take on this crazy world! watching them fly is such a beautiful thing to see ~ in your case, literally! xo

  62. Oh my…literally flying from the nest…..dear heart…

  63. What a brave Mommy you are! Oh my.

  64. To have a confident, courageous, free-spirited daughter must make you feel so proud. Congrats to Chelsea for completing her BAC, it’s time to show them how to fly.

  65. No.
    no no no no no.
    Just NO.

  66. I want to throw up just thinking about it but you must be one proud mum

  67. oh how wonderful! what a way to celebrate! ive done a bungee jump before and that was fun…

  68. Fly on, little girl. x

  69. oh … the way you write these things is just so vivid.
    have you ever thought of writing a book?
    I would buy it because you make me laugh.
    that is a brave girl!
    and congratulations of having done well in the exams

  70. Ok. That’s it. We must meet someday. You are an infectious personality. I love your writing and your wit. My mom, who’s here with me in Illinois right now, has lived in Frankfurt for the past 4 years and is moving to Bazel in October. I’ve told her about you, and you’ve inspired us to tinker in the world of European flea markets. She already has, of course, but it would be great to combine her finds with my folk art. You seem lovely and genuine. I hope very much that the Lord affords us the pleasure of knowing one another in the near future…Blessings.

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