Happy Birthday Sacha


Fifteen years ago Sacha was born three weeks early.

French husband, Chelsea, our Great Aunt and I, had spent the day picking strawberries in the forest, and late that evening, after dinner at French husband’s Aunt’s house, I went into labor.

I won’t tell you about the wild speed racer ride to the hospital. Nor about being lost, and going around, and around the round abouts, with the contractions coming fast and steady. I won’t tell you how when I gave birth to Chelsea I was out of my mind with pain, and begged French Husband for drugs or better yet for a truck to run over me.

But I will say that during labor with Sacha, I asked French husband to sing that I could focus on his voice. He started to hum a song, one that was unusal and old fashion and as my mind tried to figure out what he was singing I forgot about being in labor … "DR. ZHIVAGO? Are you singing Dr. ZHIVAGO?" We both cracked up laughing, my water broke and Sacha was on his way.

Photo: Sacha at 8 months. Happy Fifteen Birthday Boy-Boy!


71 responses to “Happy Birthday Sacha”

  1. Lovely story, which makes me very nervous for the one day that I will be in this position. 🙂 However, what a lovely memory and what a lovely story! Thank you for sharing, this way.

  2. Joyeux anniversaire to Sacha! What a beautiful photo of him!!! Loved your story, as usual 🙂

  3. Sacha…they say it’s your birthday…we’re gonna have a good time…happy birthday to you! (Sacha, that was me trying to sound like the Beatles) 😉

  4. Embrace every golden moment with your loved ones………
    These times are sacred.
    Love you
    Thanks for all the joy you bring when I visit!
    I love you!
    Happy Birthday Sacha!

  5. joyeuse fête d’anniversaire parmis ta famille et tes amis, sacha!

  6. June is a wonderful month for a birthday! Thanks for the encapsulated version of Sacha’s birth! and Happy Birthday to Sacha!

  7. Happy Birthday, Sacha.

  8. Joyeux Anniversaire Sacha !
    Sacha was a beautiful baby..!
    What a fun story, could this be how Sacha got his name..?
    I hope he, and you have a wonderful day..!

  9. Sweet sweet pudgy kissy baby. Happy birthday.

  10. Shannon

    Happy Birthday!!

  11. Happy birthday Sacha! Corey, by any chance is Dr. Zhivago his favorite book/movie?

  12. patpaulk

    Happy Birthday Sacha!!

  13. wasn’t it fun when our bundles were young? 😉 what a darling baby! Happy Birthday to your boy Sacha! xo

  14. elizabeth

    Cute photo…looks very healthy too!
    Your 2 pregnancies there sounded like mine too…first one a nightmare, 2nd one was like falling off a log…3rd one…another nightmare!! We stopped then…old body wore out!
    Thanks for sharing your story! (My husband was sleeping during my few hours of labor with 2nd…sigh…to be so lucky eh?)

  15. It’s cool that Sasha knows what was going on the day he came into the world, by you recounting it.
    On my birthday every year, I ask my Mom to tell me about the day I was born.
    You know Sasha still looks as adorable as when he was a baby, except now he’s handsome too.

  16. Happy Birthday to Sacha. That adorable baby is growing into an adorable young man.

  17. happy birthday Sacha!! what memories giving birth writes on our heart…a pain, chosen, that you would choose again and aging…our sweet lovely children…blessings, rebecca

  18. what a sweet portrait!perhaps he was clapping? I love how he’s holding his hands up. a very happy birthday to your sweet boy!

  19. Aww happy birthday Sacha (such a handsome baby, and a great portrait). Every family story here is one of fun and laughter, thank you for sharing them.

  20. happy birthday, I hope your wishes come true

  21. You have such a fabulous way of describing things ~ important events like a birthday or every day things like the beautiful door in your last post! So creative with WORDS.
    Hope your son had a wonderful birthday!

  22. Happy Birthday wishes to Sasha!

  23. Paris Parfait

    Bonne anniversaire, Sacha! What a sweet photo and a lovely story.

  24. What a sweet little story and such a cute photo! congrats 🙂

    Fifteen – a very special age – as are they all –
    a lovely portrait
    and born in June…
    eating the Moon
    with a spoon…
    while we sing a little tune
    – this – a variation of a song I sing to my Boone – rhyming with his name – always makes him laugh or say “Mommmmm!”
    Oh happy day to you all!!!
    xox – eb.

  26. Happy Birhtday Sacha!
    What a beautiful baby photo!
    Celebrate your day and enjoy it!

  27. That IS a beautiful portrait! That is a really sweet labor story 🙂

  28. Happy B-Day Sacha! I love the story. No more back seat battles, now the front seat battles!

  29. Sacha really knows how to make an entrance, doesn’t he? 😉 I’m glad you made it to the hospital in time and that all of you were healthy.
    What a sweet photo. Happy Birthday, Sacha!

  30. Elizabeth Meredith

    Bonne Fete, Sacha!

    A lovely story. They sure grow up fast.

  32. Today is my birthday too!!! I’m turning 20. It’s nice to hear of other people with the same special day, and it’s the best time of year for a birthday! I don’t think I’ve ever posted a comment before, but I love your blog Corey, you have a beautiful way with words.

  33. Happy Birthday Sacha!
    Your story is so cute and funny. I would not have thought to have my husband sing while I was in labor. Dr. Zhivago LOL!!

  34. Oh, and I forgot to say – Happy Birthday Sacha! 🙂


  36. Toni Mason

    Happy Birthday Sacha! My Birthday was yesterday I am 44 years older than you!!
    Hi Toni!
    Or I should say Birthday Girl!
    Happy Birthday plus one day!
    I thought you were 44???? You look so young…what is your secret?

  37. Happy Birthday to Sacha!
    Teenage years and boys…it’s a great time, isn’t it!

  38. Beautiful, beautiful baby…beautiful, beautiful young man. Beautiful, beautiful parents. Beautiful, beautiful sister. Beautiful, beautiful surroundings.
    Wishing a beautiful, beautiful Birthday to Sacha!

  39. Marie-Noëlle

    Have you ever seen that film (Dr Zhivago)?
    If you have, did the song ring a bell when you heard it, Sacha…???

  40. Many Happy Returns to your lovely son. I am a sucker for a a French boy.

  41. Déjà ! je me souviens de ses jeux … une certaine cape rouge et un semblant d’épée … toujours à jouer dans le jardin …

  42. Shelley

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SACHA! We share a birthday month that makes you a gemini. Hope you are having a great day.
    What a very sweet picture of Sacha
    Happy Birthday Shelley!! I’ll see you soonxoxox

  43. Handsome photo!Happy B-day!

  44. Who could resist that little nugget? I want to reach through this computer and squeeze that precious little boy. What an amazingly gorgeous photo.
    I love the Jesus story. I laughed out loud. Clever little guy wasn’t he? Not more clever than mom though.
    Happy Birthday to you Sacha.

  45. What? Everybody doesn’t sing ‘Somewhere, My Love’ in the labor and delivery room? LOL
    Wishing you a wonderful birthday full of everything you could wish for…and many more, Sacha!!

  46. Birthday wishes abound!!
    Happy, happy Sacha!!

  47. Happy, Happy Birthday Sacha..all the way from Florida, USA…

  48. Happy birthday Sacha. x

  49. Ariane Cagle

    Such an adorable baby and lovely picture! Happy Birthday Sacha!

  50. Bonne Anniversaire SACHA!
    very sweet picture ::)

  51. What a wonderful photo Corey! And too funny about the theme from Dr. Zhivago!
    Wishing your boy-boy Sacha, a wonderful 15th Birthday!

    Back Porch Musings

  53. Aww…happy birthday, Sacha! And that is such a sweet photo of your son. Dr.Zhivago?! Oh, you and French Husband really are meant for one another!

  54. Happy Happy Birthday to your beautiful son! Hope he has a wonderful day!

  55. It must have been the Strawberries! ..Happy Birthday, Sacha! joyeaux anniversaire!!!

  56. Happy Birthday Sacha!!!!!

  57. Happy Birthday to the handsomest 15 year old in France.
    You must be so proud Corey! And he loves your jam too!!!

  58. Happy 15th Birthday to your beautiful son!

  59. That is such a sweet photo. It looks very old fashioned and rather sepia in tone-could have been taken 100 years ago instead of 15.

  60. What a beautiful baby picture! Lucky boy to have you.

  61. Happy Birthday to your Sacha. And to you, congratulations for being the kind of Mother you are, Corey! Fifteen years ago you worked hard at becoming his Mom, and you’re still working hard at being the Mother God wants you to be for him. 🙂
    xo Lidy

  62. One day when our second son was about 2 I found him crying. “Øystein, why are you so sad?” I asked “Uh,huuuu, I don’t want to be a boy, I will be a girl” he declared.”Why?” I said. “Because I want to wear dressses!”
    This was more than 20 years ago and I was not so openminded as I am today. My thoughts rushed all the way around homos, transversits and so on 🙂 Oh, did I fail as a mother???? We all laugh about it today.
    Happy Birthday Sacha.

  63. HI! Thank you for visiting me and leave me a sweet message 🙂 Always fun to got new visitors. And then i found your site 🙂
    Happy Birthday to your Sacha, so lovely picture of him :)And fun story to read! Thanks for sharing.

  64. I just visited and read your profile, fun to hear that you live in France. I am a Norwegian Girl who lives in The Neteherlands, and i am so in love with France! I do read that we have the same interests, like fle-markets, old linens and vintage scraps. It shall be fun to follow you ane your blog on your way. Greetings from Aina 🙂

  65. Joyeux anniversaire Sacha!

  66. What a beautiful picture and story. I can almost hear the theme to Dr. Zhivago! My “baby boy” will be 15 next month!

  67. I can’t believe it! Your Sacha has the same birthday as my Hayden! That’s two of my blogging friends now whose sons are on the same day!
    Joyeux anniversaire à Sacha!
    P.S. Aren’t Geminis grand?

  68. Happy 15th birthday to your boy…you’ve been taking beautiful photos for years!!! love the lace gown – was it his christeing outfit?

  69. A great birthday story and a beautiful little-big boy!

  70. late but here it is …
    happy birthday Sacha!
    another hilarious story 🙂 … not the pain bit but the rest.

  71. happy belated birthday, sacha! what a gorgeous photo and beautiful story of his birth {our minds are so powerful, but our bodies always know what to do, no?}

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