Saint Molly


My niece Molly at the tender age of "just turned 4," is a holy roller. She thinks of God like most kids think of candy. Though my sister-in-law and brother are not your bible type, church-going, praise God every breath you take, kind of people. Don’t get me wrong they are loving and good and Christian, they just don’t go to church every Sunday. So it doesn’t stand to reason why Molly is so…spiritual.

One Sunday several weeks ago, they took Molly to church. Later in the day they saw my Mother (who is the kind of person who devotes most her time, energy and money to the church,) Molly asked her, "Vavie (Grandma in Portuguese,) I didn’t see you in church, where were you?

My Mother who never misses a beat, especially with children said, "Hey, Miss Molly, there are two masses every Sunday, I was at the eight o’clock mass." My Mother continued, "Did you see anyone you knew at church?"

Molly nodded her head and said, "Yes, I saw Jesus."

I love stories like this, they make me homesick.

Photo: An cast iron angel at the gateway to Lourdes.


44 responses to “Saint Molly”

  1. Thanks for sharing this cute story Corey. …..and as a small cure for your homesicjness, imagine the day when Molly can fly over the Pound to visit her dear aunty.

  2. so lovely.
    Once my son had similar feeling. He closed his eyes during his prayer at night, I asked him why do you close your eyes, he said, because I can see Jesus when I pray.
    Kids are much more closer to their true spiritual self than adult.

  3. Molly is a cutie pie. She looks like an angel. Children seem to have a very special gift for feeling the presence of God.

  4. what a lovely story – Corey and what beautiful children…
    they are the truest teachers
    ah – what the heart does hold in her sweet embrace
    xox – eb

  5. Bonjour! Such a cute story. Thank you for sharing. Just discovered your blog. I’m half French, half British and have moved back to the UK leaving all my (large) family in France, so I get homesick sometimes… Hope you don’t mind if I come back and visit your blog often!

  6. Dear Cory, your Mother must be the most perfect embodiment of
    being a Grandmother, ever placed on this earth. How lucky you are to have had this Mother model and this Grandmother model, in the very center of your life.
    I’d love to write the following, in private email… But have _never_ been able to make _any_ email links {found on blogger’s pages} work. ???? But I can not. -sigh- So I say here, that you are one of the most amazing bloggers and one of the first I found, in my quest for the refuge of ‘My Pretty Blog Land.’
    You are so popular, and yet so lovable. You are so brilliant a writer, and yet your meaning is accessible to all. And I won’t even try to describe your photography.
    And on top of all this, you are a shining example of being a survivor.
    That you have stopped by to see me, takes my breath away.
    See why I long for private email? -sigh- I tend to rattle on and sound too flowery and… I mean it but… It doesn’t always come out ‘right.’ But, I wanted to say it. I can’t access your email link. Sooo, I did it this way.

  7. Little children say the most beautiful things, don’t they?

  8. Shannon

    LOL at Little Miss Molly keeping tabs on the family’s whereabouts.
    What a keen little girl 🙂
    I’d hate to see what she and Jacob (who just turned 4 too) would get themselves into if they met!

  9. What a beautiful story. My daughter, Sarah, has always been like that too. She is five. She likes to tell me that she loves me as much as God loves her. Melts my heart every time.
    Our pastor at church says that children are that much closer to God because they are so fresh from seeing him. I think that is so true.
    Thank you for bringing joy and beauty to my life every day. I enjoy every word of your posts.

  10. Oh I love stories like that. … and don’t you just know that God is smiling down on Molly that she loves Him so much! :o)
    (PS – thanks for stopping by my blog – I loved your idea regarding the hot flashes!! I don’t think I’ll look at them any other way now.)
    Debi and I are cancer survivors…and chemo rendered both of us menopausal. Overnight. Hotflashes are the first sign that your body is going through the change. The word,”hot flashes,” should read, “ON FIRE.”
    I read once that hot flashes burned off cancer cells. When I read that it made me trust that everything has a reason for being, and that hot flashes must have a good reason for being…Like Debi I looked at them in a whole new way and they never bothered me again.

  11. Molly sounds like an adorable, loving little girl. I love all your nieces and nephews, they are too cute!

  12. I loved looking back and reading your story of how you and France came together.

  13. Matthew 18:2-4 tells about Molly~

  14. Too funny! I love the conversations you can have with children. They constantly make you smile.

  15. Marie-Noëlle

    Your little Molly sounds delightful, Corey… so genuine, down-to-earth and so mature at the same time.
    My husband and I are not “church people” either and my son (who’s just turned 17) used to have the same fascination/concern about Jesus when he was 3-4ish.. He used to draw churches and Jesus a lot… Jesus as a baby, as a man, as a friend, … in a church, on a bike, in the sun, in the moon…
    This kept us puzzled at times then…
    He used to hold long conversations with his great granmother about Him.
    She always took great interest and pleasure in those moments…
    Your post helped me recover the sight of my gran with my son… I wish I had taken my camera then…
    Anyway, thank you!

  16. What a precious story. I hope Molly will maintain her fresh perspective always. Sounds like your mom and Molly are kindred spirits. 😀

  17. Corey: What love shines through the generations of your family. Spiritual little girls (and boys) are a special gift from God’s hands to our hearts. As always I find such gentle inspiration here. Blessings,

  18. 🙂
    I wish I had written what Rebecca did in the first post!
    Thinking of you, and being homesick….hopefully you will be able to see littel Molly and the rest of your family soon.

  19. Toni Mason

    Ahhh Corey….I never knew Miss Molly was so spiritual!! What a little angel she truly is! p.s. I made cherry cinnamon jam last night with Gary…soooo good we are thinking of fresh blueberries next! Eva May’s daughter is growing them as a crop out of Orland. Thanks for the reciepe!

  20. What a sweet story. I love it. That statue is beautiful.
    Have a great day!

  21. I love to hear all about your family and their lives……
    Love you darling one

  22. I love hearing stories like this too, so thank you for sharing it. xoxo

  23. Have you ever heard of indigo children … the story about Molly made me think of that. Much peace, JP

  24. What a sweet story – no wonder you’re missing them so – thank goodness for all this modern technology, so we can stay up on our loved ones lifestories.

  25. Paris Parfait

    You’re so lucky to have such terrific nieces and nephews to keep you thinking – and entertained!

  26. Oh my! Little Miss Molly is quite the entertainer, isn’t she!
    Loved the very cute story.

  27. Gail Sullivan

    Dear Corey,
    You must be close to coming back to the USA for your summer visit. Love the post.

  28. Such a lovely story Corey. Another notch on gramma’s love belt. And you know – children are closer to God, sitting at his feet. No wonder Molly is so in touch with her spirituality.

  29. Ahh~! This is such an adorable story. So sweet!
    I can see why you would feel homesick! 🙁
    Kids are so darn cute! 🙂
    Thank God for them!

  30. I just had to go see what all this was about….thanks so much for reminding me why I love where I am today.

  31. Saint Molly.
    Noble and humble.
    Love it!
    To be a little serious.
    I think the Bible says faith is a gift. Molly has the gift of faith.
    I was like Molly. It has always been so easy for me to believe.
    ( I did not say such cute things tho :o)
    Not so much my parents nor all of my sibs.
    Why me?
    I think it’s the Holy Spirit. :o)
    Molly sounds delightful.

  32. sweet molly and grandma talk. precious coversations from back home, i can so sympathize with you…

  33. What a good kid!

  34. Little Molly sounds precious! Out of the mouths of babes …. ♥

  35. Saint Molly sounds like a fun character. My ‘little’ Molly just made her confirmation.

  36. Wow! Sounds like your Molly has been touched by God’s own hand, doesn’t it? I wonder what she’ll grow up to be???
    God bless…

  37. just 4 years old! a saint among us indeed!!! what a gift she is to the world. love the way you wrote this, corey! i can hear your mother’s voice here even though i’ve never met her! when i was 6, my priest friend thought i had similar spiritual emphasis and so one day hoped to prove to himself that i may be a little saint… he asked me “If you could eat just one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?” (i’m certain he was expecting me to say “holy eucharist”) instead I emphatically replied “Corn.”

  38. I love this! What a wonderful child!
    Back Porch Musings

  39. She sounds like such a cute little girl. My little sister is almost that age. 22 days until she is 4.

  40. Oh my. If only we all kept faith like that all through our lives.

  41. I wish I could get back to that faith I had as a child…
    a beautiful story. I hope Molly always sees Jesus as someone she knows…

  42. patpaulk

    Can’t beat the purity and honesty of a child. I love these too.

  43. Awww…sweet!

  44. beautiful corey..
    i’m so glad I took the time to stop by..
    I just wish I had a cup of coffee to go along with the visit..
    you are always such an encouragement to my spirit.

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