

Even without color there is still the scent of rose.

photo: Roses growing wildly outside.


42 responses to “Memories”

  1. Marie-Noëlle

    Even without colour they look and smell gorgeous!

  2. Oh! Lovely photo – may I reprint it on a calendar of poetry and photos I am making, please? Credit is always given and I don’t sell them but my family and friends have begun to expect them each year lol. I’d be happy to send you a calendar, too…

  3. How beautiful…..and I can smell them from here!

  4. Shannon

    It’s amazing how a black & white photo can be so rich.

  5. Heaven scent.

  6. The picture says it all and it’s beautiful.

  7. Pretty Corey~
    Come see me today 🙂

  8. bringing back the memories…
    pale white roses and soft pink hydrangea from my dad’s blooming garden!

  9. Life is your canvas
    Splash upon it all the colour you can…….
    When your heart speaks take good notes.
    Love you

  10. What a beautiful photo

  11. How comforting and peaceful to be surrounded in such fragrant beauty!

  12. the lovely scent of roses is floating around me as I write, thank you for such a delicious photo this morning.

  13. I can still smell my Mother’s Day roses (long gone now), by the memory your photo has just given me!

  14. I rather like the black and white! It is rare to see any photos of flowers in B&W…I think it makes the roses even more provocative….

  15. I love black and white photography. This is beautiful!
    Back Porch Musings

  16. Just wanted to tell you that I love the black and white photo. Wild roses, how great!

  17. I agree. I think black and white photography makes you use your imagination to a much greater extent. Beautiful image.

  18. What a beautiful and evocative photo and post Corey, thank you.
    In my minds eye, I imagine them as my favorite, a soft pink climbing rose.
    I’m in a thoughtful sort of place this morning. Your post makes me think of missing someone … even though they are not here with us in body, their essence is impressed upon our hearts and we carry them with us, like the scent of a rose, filed away in our being, long remembered and cherished.

  19. So poetic and thought-provoking.

  20. I want to visit you! And eat that cherry jam and look at your roses. It looks so relaxing in your garden.
    I’ll bring the beer! xo

  21. I like that this is monochromatic. There’s something incurably romantic about roses cascading down a wall and then translated into the retro look of b&w. I took the dog for a long walk today and found this massive hillside of heavenly-scented magenta-coloured wild roses! It was like hitting the jackpot.

  22. This is so beautiful; I just have no sense of what would make a good b&W photo. Mainly I take color photos and then experiment with Photoshop Elements if I get the urge to play.
    These roses make me feel like getting on a bicycle and exploring the South of France.

  23. —beautiful. scent and memory… my grandmothers perfume – lily of the valley – orange trees in blossom – mmm – fresh strawberries – the list goes on and on.

  24. Love the zen of this — how your mind colors them in anyway. Great pic!

  25. These are lovely, even in B & W.
    I’m told the senses are heightened when we cannot see or hear, is it possible for a rose to smell any sweeter..?

  26. Corey, so few people can work with black and white photos but obviously you can. Beautiful! The imagination allows them to be any color rose we choose for the moment. Thank you.

  27. Thank goodness for that….

  28. …and it always lingers….

  29. One word

  30. Sometimes black and white says it best.

  31. So true. So lovely!

  32. Oh! the scent of Rose!
    Greeks and Romans believed roses symbolized Aphrodite and Venus, the goddesses of love & the aromatic oil was used to anoint British monarchs at their coronations..& the Rosewater.I use it as a tonner on my skin every night! 🙂

  33. Aren’t the roses incredible this Spring? I have a bush with red roses really going to town.

  34. Oh Corey your roses are gorgeous! What color are they? White or pink? Btw yesterday I finally got my very own copy of the wonderful Somerset Life Magazine thanks to a fellow blogger and I was so proud of you when I read your article!:D Hugs Carol xox

  35. patpaulk

    And I know the scent of what rose I like the best!!

  36. Perhaps the smell of roses is even stronger in black and white – distilled, almost, without the (albeit lovely) distraction of color.

  37. Corey,
    I am struggling with the words to describe the pending loss of my grandmother and these words just touched me…..
    can I use them? with credit to you?

  38. So.beautiful.

  39. Just beautiful ~ both the words AND the photo!

  40. Corey, I’ve been checking your blog periodically for a few months, and it’s always great. I love the guessing game. You are an inspiration.

  41. The nose knows a rose when it scents it…

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