Collecting Odds and Ends


When the urn was younger she did what was expected of her. She stood outside and held plants. More often than not the people passing by, praised the flowers that grew from the plants she held. She knew her role and she was happy.

And in that happiness she looked around-

and discovered that life was full of surprises-

and that being a planter was just the tip of the iceberg.

You can be whoever you are, and more importantly, those odds and ends you gather, can bloom the prettiest flowers.

photo: French antique garden urn tipping her iceberg and blooming anew.


37 responses to “Collecting Odds and Ends”

  1. And your bum can rust right through – and you can still be happy!

  2. Go forward in the direction of your dreams live the life you have imagined is what I say to my son always.
    I embrace you.
    I love you.
    Thanks for all the joy you add to my life.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  3. Shannon

    Wow, you described me to a T. Now that I’m looking around, I see so much that I missed out on and am now taking advantage of it.
    The best part is that my husband is either willing to take part, or encouraging me to do it on my own!!

  4. Sometimes being what is expected of us can be tiresome. She dutifully held the flowers, but now she is older she is showing the world what she aspired to be all along.
    Her exterior may not be as pristine as it once was, but now it has character.
    And her interior is filled with a shiny assortment of memories, each with it’s own story to tell.

  5. And look how what that urn is hold accentuates the colors of her rust! We all need to readjust our thinking and “repot” ourselves from time to time.

  6. Encore une coupe à délices Corey …

  7. patpaulk

    I relate well to oddities. You have such a unique view/flavor to your view of the world. I love it!!

  8. thank you dear Corey for such beautiful things to think on and to see. My heart & mind are full to the brim with beautiful Coreyism’s…and there’s always room for more.
    This rusty garden urn has begun her life anew.
    thank you

  9. eXquisite! Love the teXture and contrast. Poetic, inspiring words. ThanX.

  10. martina

    I love it.

  11. Corey,
    I love odds and ends!!
    Is the book, Make Way for Ducklings???

  12. OhSoVintage

    I have just found your blog and love it! And this urn is lovelier now it is aged with its own identity and character, not like all the others when it was newly manufactured. It is beautiful in its own right.

  13. Love this post Corey…one of my favorites ever, and you know I love ’em all!

  14. She decided it was time to leave home.
    She gave her urn a twist..
    The chotchkas fall all over the floor.
    No one was home.
    She could do as she pleased.
    She left the door ajar…
    And headed off to find her iced-berger.
    It was hot…

  15. What a beautiful post to visit you on…lovely.

  16. Yes, I like it! I like this unique urn very much! Today I feel like this urn.

  17. I love shabby, rusty, worn urns! The urn is just like me…what you see is what you get,imperfections and all.

  18. The urn has many functions and adapts easily.
    The urn is obviously female. 🙂

  19. What a beautiful verse to read when a get home from a busy, though fun, day with the family!
    I know what blooms in this old(er) urn!

  20. How lovely and how true…

  21. Corey, love your clever use of story telling. YOU are the Giving Tree.

  22. well said!

  23. words of wisdom
    It is never too late

  24. Marie-Noëlle

    I can spot a “C” in the shape of the handle of this urn…
    C for collection
    C for Corey

  25. What a hopeful story – and a lovely urn.

  26. You obviously get a French side as you describe this beautiful urn as an old lady, how lovely.

  27. marie french

    thank you for your insights and wonderful posts…each more charming and captivating…always look forward to reading your blog…thanks

  28. “You can be whoever you are, and more importantly, those odds and ends you gather, can bloom the prettiest flowers”
    Isn’t it WONDERFUL to be old enough to know this is true?

  29. Bonjour! And thanks for popping by my little blog. I’ve been lurking here awhile, living vicariously in France through your words and images. C’est magnifique! Merci, merci!

  30. Fabulous photo Corey!

  31. beautiful classic garden urn, corey! the older they get, the more beautiful they become. i think that’s a true lesson of life always to remember…

  32. I love this thanks for sharing!
    “You can be whoever you are, and more importantly, those odds and ends you gather, can bloom the prettiest flowers”

  33. This post really resonated with me, Corey.

  34. Oh I love that picture and its contents so much!

  35. *hugs* You’ve probably heard that a lot before – you have a magical touch with words and are a huge inspiration to me. One day I’ll feel brave enough to play with the words and the imagination. Am toying with the thought but still too much of a chicken. Thank you.

  36. your site is truly beautiful. you paint a real experiance with your photos and writing.thanks so much.

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