The Interview

                                   (Photo: A detail on a vintage 1920s illustration.)
Blue has asked me to share in an interview.
1. Corey, you live in France. You have a French husband. If you hadn’t ended up there, with him, where would you be today?
Probably, standing in line somewhere in San Francisco talking to myself. Dreaming about living abroad. Wishing on stars. Eating burritos, and thinking up new ways to cheat at cards.
Teasing aside, I have no idea. I have never been a goal oriented person, nor someone who thinks about the, "what if…" I make most of my decisions "spur of the moment," and seldom look back.
(Photo: Antique sculpted face, carved above the window of my neighbor’s facade.)
2. What is your one daily ritual for inner peace that you HAVE to do…will you share?
As a young  girl I kept a journal and dreamed of being a priest. I started to go to daily mass. Then I lived in a monastery. Which lead me to work for the Catholic church. When I came to France I belonged to a spiritual dancing/yoga/Tai Chi/energy healing/meditation
group. After which I started a blog.
Inner peace is easy to obtain when we are healthy, happy, at peace with ourselves and surrounding. I admire those who have inner peace in the middle of a personal battle. Inner peace in the face of darkness takes a hell of alot faith and courage. I hope if ever I am pushed against that sort of wall that I can claim I have inner peace.
                (Photo: My hand print, when I was a child, at the bottom of the front steps, of my childhood home.)
3. Your dad just turned 80, and must have a lot of life wisdom under his belt. What are 3 distinct qualities you share with him?
A kind-heart,
and an appreciation for red wine.
(Photo: A collection of two hundred year old things. Found at the French antique market. White iron-stone "pot de creme" cups on a serving tray, a book of hand-written music, an hand-woven linen sheet, and an hour glass.)
4. Do you listen to music? If so, what do you listen to.
Blue, This reminds me of the question on "American Bandstand." My answer echos their’s, if it has a good beat and I can dance to it, any music will do, any period of time, style or place. I am not a music buff. I seldom hear the words in music. I like it all…except heavy metal, or the sound of bickering, or fingernails on a blackboard.
(Photo: Old fashion roses.)
5. One thing you would change about the world.
That each person felt loved.
Thank you Blue for the interview.


42 responses to “The Interview”

  1. Your answers to Blue’s interview reminds me of why I like the person you are so much. Your last answer is particularly a good one!
    Thank you Blue for the interview, and thank you Corey for sharing it. Now, I’m off to meet Blue.

  2. Lovely words from a lovely lady.
    Blessings my beautiful friend.
    I love you

  3. That last answer summarizes you…your purity of heart comes through in all you do and say. You are a joy!

  4. I especially like your answer to the musical question! And, like Constance, I’m off to discover who Blue is.

  5. Well said Corey! Just as I suspected…your answer to number two doesn’t surprise me in the least. I believe you have an eye for the spiritual, your work here on this blog is a shining example.
    Thank you so much for participating.
    Your photos are great, I love the two hundred year old items. xo

  6. Oh! Those roses.
    They would make a lovely print! Gorgeous.
    Your photography and words are both beautiful.
    And about the inner beauty…
    Ten years ago I was ‘bumped’ extremely hard. What spilled out was not pretty.
    It was the most difficult spiritual time of my life.
    Those precious fruits of the spirit were no where to be found.
    But God was near.
    And I grew.
    And survived.
    I hope next time I will not be so rotten on the inside.
    And I’m not asking for trouble so I can find out! :o)

  7. That was fun. I especially loved the photos that went with your answers. Are you writing a book?? If not, you should!

  8. Excellent post, Coco Puff. (chewwy chewwy coco puffs ala my humps) This one goes in my “Top Ten Truely Representative of the Genuine Article.. Vintage Corey” archive. OX

  9. Couldn’t leave this morning without saying how much I enjoyed all.
    Thanks for sharing.

  10. awesome interview! I also saw your article in Somerset Lifestyles special issue when I was browsing in the bookstore yesterday! Congrats on your fabulous coverage–I love your blog and I’m glad it’s making the “big-time” so everyone can enjoy the beautiful photos and thoughts you post!

  11. You would find inner peace in times of trial…you probably already have!
    I wanted to respond to the cherry picking yesterday, but time was scarce…will you post a sweet recipe for cheery jam? I’m sure it will sound lovely!

  12. Thanks for starting my weekend off with great writing, a glimpse into YOU, and the best photos. The Eden’s are amazing!

  13. A beautiful interview, Corey- I love hearing about your life…

  14. Beautiful indeed, the comments, humorous and serious, and the matching photos, again, you’re very talented.

  15. Shannon

    great Q & A. Loved it!

  16. Wonderful interview with a lovely wish at the end. It’s great knowing a bit more about you, Corey. Much peace, JP

  17. martina

    This just confirms what a wonderful person you are. Great interview!

  18. As you said to me recently, all these answers make me like you more. It is a wonderful interview.

  19. Spontaneity.
    A kind-heart,
    and an appreciation for red wine.
    These three qualities alone, are sure to make for an interesting and happy life..!
    Great answers Corey, good questions Blue!!

  20. I enjoyed reading your inteview, it’s always inspiring to learn more about you. I believe you already hold inner-peace in the face of adversity. Spontaneity is a sign of a free-spirit, a kind-heart…I feel I should give you a big hug for being you 🙂

  21. Such good answers, Corey. I appreciate the way you responded to the question regarding inner peace; it is so easy to feel put upon or and like we’ve done a major work to achieve balance when something has gone wrong in our lives, when really, our trials are but a drop in the bucket of what others deal with daily.
    I agree wholeheartedly about the kind heart.
    Gorgeous, gorgeious roses…

  22. Great answers….the inner peace one is one I work on daily, I cannot change my circumstances, but I can change my REACTION to them. That alone is my saving grace some days!

  23. Lovely interview, Corey! I can tell you have certainly achieved “inner peace”!

  24. Good for you…I’m into forward motion too…never look back, no regrets.
    I know what you mean about courage in the face of darkness…I think the hard(scary) part is submission. Turning over ones self, letting go of control. I know for me this leads to inner peace.

  25. I love your answers. The pictures are really beautiful. You are an interesting person.

  26. Corey, a perfect example of why I have fallen into your world, like a happy petal off of a delighted rose…Wait, was I getting a little heavy on the cheese? Well, it is true, what can I say? You are easy to like…And, as for your dad, you know what I think about him..Love muffin. xxo

  27. Articulate, intelligent answers. Bravo m’lady. x

  28. Lovely interview all around (and your always-stellar photos make it even more so). I especially liked your answer about your father, and your last thoughts!

  29. Des roses, un pot de crème autour d’une belle musique … que d’émotions !

  30. love your answers (very wise and kind!) and the kind of person you are. I guess wherever your life you would be the same so kind and sweet person

  31. great interview and gorgeous pix…thanx for sharing both!

  32. wonderful!! Love to learn more about my favourite bloggers!

  33. And thank you Corey for being yourself.
    No time to read each comment, too bad, cause I am sure your readers share somemething great.

  34. What great answers. Reminds me why I like you so MUCH.

  35. I know you a little better. I’m glad… 🙂

  36. What a great interview! The questions were interesting and your answers had me thinking that I’d love to sit down in a cafe for a coffee & a chat with you one day, Corey. 🙂

  37. I have read this post 3 times and each time I have found an inner place of peace –
    is acceptance simple?
    simple acceptance…
    xox – eb.

  38. Toni Mason

    I am glad to hear I am not alone at goal setting!! Love your blog Corey

  39. i love the interview and i feel like i know you a little better now. thank you for sharing it, corey!

  40. What wonderful answers!

  41. Marvellous pictures! For the answers, i have to read it again, my english doesn’t allow me to undertand after one reading!

  42. Marvelous pictures! For the answers,i have to read it again, my english doesn’t allow me to undertand at the first reading…

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