Picking Cherries and Hugging a Tree


I am in a tree.

Picking cherries.

Tomorrow I am going to make jam.

The first kiss of knowing,

summer is around the corner.

photo: Mr.Porte’s cherry tree. I love this tree!


46 responses to “Picking Cherries and Hugging a Tree”

  1. You’ve very lucky to have a cherry tree!
    I adore cherries , they’re my favorite fruit.
    Yesterday I saw that Lauren (Alice Lands) grows grapes, today you cherries!
    Your photo is looks so fresh and happy.

  2. Love you ………
    Home made with love…….
    ah the very best.
    You are berry special.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  3. I just realized tat this is Mr. Porte’s tree.
    Still you get to pick from it! Lucky you.

  4. Mmmm… yummO!

  5. Wow! What a picture! We used to have concord grapes that grew in the back of our house. I decided to make jelly with them one year. After all the work of putting enough grapes thru the hand cranked food mill until my arm was on fire….we enjoyed every jar..knowing it would be the last time! Enjoy your jam making Corey!

  6. Aha!
    We have two huge cherry trees, and I have never thought to make jam..
    you have a recipe perhaps..trade you..!!

  7. Cherry, my favorite tree to dine in! 🙂

  8. Marie-Noëlle

    I love cherries… They’re my favourite …!
    Favourite fruit, favourite dessert, favourite snack,…
    only one, then 3, one handful, 2 handfuls, the bowl, the crate … the whole tree !?!
    They NEVER last long here … I just CAN’T resist them … They’re always gone within no time !
    They’re in my genes (both my parents were the same!).

  9. That’s a beautiful “eye candy”.

  10. Yum. About the photo and the jam.

  11. Shannon

    I can’t wait for summer!
    Are there lightening bugs in France?

  12. I remember a year ago when I had just started blogging, reading Meredith’s post about cherry picking in the south of France. It all looks just as juicy and delectable a year on. They are one fruit we don’t have here but the taste lingers from my years in Italy.

  13. Mmmm – I love cherries. I tasted fresh cherries for the first time a few years ago. I always thought that I didn’t like them – but I had never tasted FRESH cherries – only cherry pie filling and maraschino cherries. I love them!
    It’s so fun to be on this side of summer – the tulips are blooming here – the mowers are cutting grass – the sun is shining – the leaves are the bright green of spring – I am enjoying the anticipation of summer! It’s the promise of a kiss 🙂

  14. I love cherries! (this is such a beautiful summery photo)

  15. Cherries are my favorite fruit. We have a neighbor with three cherry trees. He begs us each year to come pick as many as we can. I’ve learned how to make jam too.

  16. Ooooh this is such a fun thing to do, to sit on a branch and just reach out until you can’t take anymore, spitting out the pits as you go, of course… This brings back a beautiful memory.

  17. As a child my mother would take me to pick cherries (among other things) and at the time I just hated it. Being just a child, I wanted to be out jetting around on my bicycle.
    Near our neighborhood many Italian immigrants had settled and planted fields and orchards. Each year there would be produce to pick yourself and my mom would can, freeze and make jams and jellies. Corn, cherries, plums, pickles, pickeled beets.
    Today, many, many, MANY (!) moons later I wish I had a cherry tree to pick from !!
    But what I really wish is that I could have a “do over” with my mom. Things were never good between us. Even though she will never know, I now look back fondly at my mom in the summer kitchen making those pickled beets.
    Corey, once again my dear, thank you for the memories.

  18. Oh to be a cherry tree!

  19. what a delicious photo.

  20. We had a cherry tree for years but the birds always got to it before we did. Cherry jam is my favorite next to marmalade. Happy jam making!!!

  21. oooohh! you lucky! Cherries are my favorite!
    What fun, handpicked fruit and homemade jam! Can I come over and play? 🙂

  22. Cherry jam sounds absolutely delicious. I’m starting to think about jam and applesauce making.

  23. oooh yum yum yum… be careful in that tree! how pretty is this photo!!!

  24. Ah yes, isn’t home made and home canned so much better. I just talked to my Aunt who just lost most of her sight. She said her daughter was there visiting and they are going to pick some rhubarb and make some rhubarb pies. I am going for a week to the town my two brothers and one sister live. I hope to come home with enough rhubarb for jams and pies also.

  25. A lovely photo of the cherry tree…makes me think back to childhood days at my grandparents house, playing in their cherry tree and eating my grandmother’s cherry jam. Sigh…thanks for the memory Corey!

  26. That is so great!! I wish I could do that too!
    Have a wonderful time making jam.

  27. I came home from a week abroad just a couple of hours ago, and the first thing I did was going out to snap some photos of our still small cherry tree which is finally blooming.
    My husband makes most of our jam, and my favorite of what we have now is cherry jam made of cherries from my brother in law’s garden much further south in Norway (from last year :-)).
    By the way Corey – my bil and his family are flying up to Svalbard tomorrow for a week in the snow. Would be something for Yann wouldn’t it. And while you are home alone I can come down and climb the trees with you.

  28. corey, connaissez-vous une très vieille chanson française qui s’appelle”le temps des cerises” ?
    voici quelques refrains :
    Quand nous chanterons le temps des cerises
    Et gai rossignol et merle moqueur
    Seront tous en fête
    Les belles auront la folie en tête
    Et les amoureux du soleil au coeur

    Quand vous en serez au temps des ceies
    Si vous avez peur des chagrins d’amour
    Evitez les belles
    Moi qui ne crains pas les peines cruelles
    je ne vivrai pas sans souffrir un jour

    J’aimerai toujours le temps des cerises
    Et le souvenir que je garde au coeur

  29. Very merry and sun kissed indeed!

  30. Do you want to borrow my cherry stoner? It makes the job really fast! Here is one on ebay…http://cgi.ebay.com/ANTIQUE-CAST-IRON-ENTERPRISE-CHERRY-STONER-PITTER_W0QQitemZ280117105995QQcmdZViewItem Oh! Before ebay we paid $69 for ours

  31. Did you hang pairs of cherries from your ears? 🙂

  32. Sounds like you are ready to jump into summer! Isn’t the start of a new season such a happy, wonderful time???

  33. Hey! Be careful what you post: All my taste buds just started jumping up and down, like so many excited puppies at supper time!

  34. I remember how very grown up I would feel when I would find two cherries held together by shared stems. I would put them over my ears and walk around thinking how very sophisticated I was with those glorious dangling earrings….

  35. Well…if you have to be in a tree….let it be the cherrie…..always on top ….

  36. Your pure delight in what you’ve chosen to share this week has been extra scrumptious!

  37. Yum…cherry jam! Freshly made and spread on a soft roll *sigh*

  38. How this brings me back to my childhood. I would climb the neighbors cherry tree and eat my way out. I can still taste them. They remain one of my top five food groups. Thank you for the trip back in time!! Rebecca

  39. How poetic. Because Bossy’s first kiss of knowing summer is around the corner are mosquito bite scabs.
    Hi Bossy
    Yeah when i was growing up in Northern California I thought the same thing, dang those mosquitos!

  40. Makes me think of a soft edged holly bush, all the red and green.

  41. I can almost taste the sweetness of this jam … much peace & love to you Corey … xx, JP

  42. Last night I watched with joy as J and K picked cherries from a bowl, eating them, discussing the various flavors of the darker vs lighter ones. K even challenged J to try to tie a stem in a knot using only his tongue. Who knew that a bowl of cherries was such fun?
    But wait! Isn’t life a bowl of cherries??
    Happy jam making…but watch for stones.
    Meilleurs voeux!!

  43. Wow, summer has sprung.
    The cherries will make the tastiest jam I just know it.
    A hot cup of tea and some toast for that jam would be perfect.

  44. Very pretty. You always have such amazing photos!

  45. I love Mr Porte’s tree too! And I see the jam above…mmm

  46. …quand nous chanterons, le temps des cerises
    et gai rossignol et merle moqueur
    seront tous en fête !
    les belles auront la folie en tête
    et les amoureux, du soleil au coeur !

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