Be Yourself


The band members didn’t notice each other’s odd habits anymore.

It didn’t matter that the twins, Bubba and Bip, hid behind things while playing their instruments. It didn’t matter that Bubba wore yellow socks, and Bip never wore any and complained about blisters. It didn’t matter that Billy Bob was a ham seeking attention, and that Beau never made a peep, and refused to face the crowd.

They were friends.

Billy Bob often said, "We are who we are. If the crowd can’t understand, they’ll walk away… Never remembering us as a group who wore mismatched socks. But, if they do stick around, and listen to the music, they might discover us, and dance their heart out."

Beau smiled.

photo: Antique music announcement, with silver knife ends thrown on top.


39 responses to “Be Yourself”

  1. Those knife ends and a band, the mind boggles – what did they get up to?

  2. Marie-Noëlle

    The pleasure of SHARING !
    Sharing our differences to make one (band, body, company, country, world, friendship,…)
    Beautiful post… sending you a link about sharing !!!

  3. Marie-Noëlle

    The pleasure of SHARING !
    Sharing our differences to make one (band, body, company, country, world, friendship,…)
    Beautiful post… sending you a link about sharing !!!

  4. Sweet sentiment with a nice amount of whimsy! Thanks.

  5. Shannon

    Guessing what the silver knife ends actually were could’ve made for another great contest!
    Do you have any other unusual gadgets for us to guess what they are?

  6. Cool knife ends….

  7. You can put the most disparate images together and create a whole world!

  8. Never remember them? who can forgot someone named Bubba?

  9. You have a delightful imagination :o)
    And those dancers and gymnasts! Very cool!

  10. have THE best imagination ever! This post tickled me! hee hooo!! LOVE it! Thanks for making my morning!

  11. Only in France would one have silver ‘accessories’ for ones knives… And mis-matched socks completely in fashion… You live in the soul of creativitiy and height of style!

  12. What a wonderful message — let’s all dance our hearts out! Yesterday’s post was a beautiful testament to a mother’s love and intuition … I’m so glad you survived. xx, JP

  13. We miss a lot when we judge on first impressions, don’t we? What a charming story you’ve woven around these fellows 😉

  14. It’s truly amazing what we can do when we choose to work together. Great story, Corey, made me laugh!

  15. I usually AM myself, except for the odd Tuesday.
    Gotta go look for matching socks.

  16. GREAT! Your such an awesome artist…able to see and communicate the subtle so well! Thanks for sharing your gift!

  17. Err…that was that you’re an awesome artist (I’m a terrible typist)!

  18. Star is right — charming!
    I spent my twenties getting very good at being myself, and then my whole life changed, and I’m learning to be myself all over again. Will this happen every decade?
    Adaptability and acceptance are key.

  19. This is too funny… we call my hubby “Bubba” and he is a musician to boot! =)

  20. I go for musicians with yellow sox!

  21. What a charming music sheet, humorous and fun! Thank you for the happiness shared today (the knife ends are fascinating)…

  22. Bubba should rock out with his bad self and those yellow socks of his. Although can you imagine poor Bip’s wrinkly sweaty feet after a jam session? Yikes. hee hee…

  23. I’ve never seen knife ends before – do they have a practical purpose or are they sheer folly?
    I think Billy Bob should be more worried about those sad looking hats they are wearing, rather than their socks!
    Do you think I’ve missed the point of the story?

  24. Happy belated Mothers Day, Corey! Thank you for always putting a smile on my face and a giving me a pick me up, just when it is needed. How do you always know?

  25. What fun silliness!!! I love love love the idea of the friends who make music and accept eachother the way that they are, quirks and all. Chris

  26. Those knife ends look like small helmuts to me. Interesting. Only you could spin a wee story like this.
    Two words for you missy: Creative Genius!
    You never cease to amaze me with your little wonders.

  27. sweet music to my ears, as always……

  28. Beautiful imagery and poetic words as always. Thank you!

  29. You find the coolest things –
    why don’t you own a shop?

  30. You are wonderfully clever.. Wonderfully and magically so…xxo

  31. Paris Parfait

    I have never seen silver knife ends without the knives! Cute story about the band and their all-too-American nicknames!

  32. patpaulk

    I love ballet!! Unfortunately I have two left feet.

  33. Oh your stories make me smile, Corey. 🙂 I’ve never seen knive ends (covers?) before. You find the coolest little things on your trips to the market.

  34. Bubba and Bip! The twins?!! I’m laughing my head off here.

  35. I love this image – and your wonderfully wacky imagination
    xox – eb.

  36. I love this image and your wonderful imagination
    xox – eb.

  37. Corey, you are such a great writer! I love the image on this post of the band with the silver knife ends on top! It works as art! I loved your Annie at Lourds post too, and most especially the one about your mum for mother’s day. Simply beautiful in every way.

  38. Hi Corey,
    Have you ever posted a copy of or spoken about a YouTube video that had an excerpt from a ballet movie? It was the one with Neve Campbell, named The Company I think…I linked through from a blog once and watched a scene (though it wasn’t with Neve) and saw the most hauntingly beautiful dance routine I have ever seen. Seeing this video, I wondered if I might have originally seen it here on your spot.
    Hope this finds you well – we are gearing up for our honeymoon in Europe for three and a half weeks! We leave June 13th.

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