Aim for Love


Put your desire on the tip of an arrow.


Take the first step.


Aim at loving.

Photos: An eighteen century miniature oil painting.


34 responses to “Aim for Love”

  1. Marie-Noëlle

    “AIM at loving”
    I AM a Sagittarius… aiming is ok for me.
    AM I using the good arrows though? … hope so !!!

  2. Sometimes, if we are not good at aiming, we may make ourselves the target.
    A way of chasing the object of our affections, until THEY catch US..!

  3. Shannon

    Aim straight for the middle and you’ll find your target!! Middle is the place for me….never too high and never too low.

  4. Even with it’s crackled places….love is worth it!

  5. Cupid is in the garden. Guess I’d better go out there and help DH with the chores today *grin*.

  6. patpaulk

    What a beautiful bullseye to shoot at!!

  7. Lovely: I’m enthralled with puti…..where did you find this delightful chubby one? Pat

  8. Barbara

    You are a delight and joy in this world. I am so glad I read your words. You add another dimension! Blessings and thank you. You have such wonderful ways and give such pleasure.

  9. I will aim at being extra loving today! =)

  10. This is always a good hunt – for love – for ways to love – for who to love – for how to love. Thanks for the very creative reminder.

  11. Ah Love… it makes the world go round!

  12. I love how your close up of paintings tell a story, may we have arrows in abundance.

  13. Ces peintures miniatures sont vraiment très belles
    et bravo pour le commentaire
    D’où proviennent-elles ?
    Brocante, antiquaire, musée ?

  14. Ces peintures miniatures sont vraiment très belles
    et bravo pour le commentaire
    D’où proviennent-elles ?
    Brocante, antiquaire, musée ?

  15. such a wonderful little chubby one!

  16. such a lovely sentiment. thanks for sharing.

  17. Mine went straight to my love’s heart. Last Thursday we celebrated our 100th monthiversary.
    Sending love your way as well, dear Corey.

  18. Beautiful (I just love how you “see”)!

  19. oh corey – i hope the last days have brought you peace. the images are lovely and calming so i hope they are a balm for you too… thinking of you and your family with kind and healing thoughts. grace is graduating soon too! next life experience… look out! here it comes!

  20. I’m aiming at you!
    Thanks always, for beautiful words!

  21. Right now, I’m not feeling much love hereabouts; send a few arrows my way . . .

  22. It is a good aim to aim for LOVE!
    No aim provide return like LOVE!

  23. I hope you tell us more about Lourdes!

  24. I fall so in love with people…Friends, little old men who I help daily, cross the street…Family…and of course, boys. And boy, cupid gets me right in the center of my heart…Can a person love too much?

  25. Lovely, lovely, dear Corey. Once again you struck a note that makes us think and appreciate and love.

  26. Love is the absolute.
    Deb in FL

  27. How right you are, Corey.
    I am still lingering over the beautiful image of the rose petals with names dropping into the water. What poetry you write and feel!

  28. Faith hope and love…but the biggest…love…

  29. love….this time apart from my hubby has shown me how much love we have for each other. Despite all the miles we do have love.

  30. Thank you, Corey. 🙂

  31. Ah, loving–the greatest gift to give and receive.

  32. I wanted to share your beautiful blog with others, so I tagged you. You may not have the time to participate, but at least others will enjoy their visit ~ I’m sure!

  33. Je n’ai pas de mots. C’est un pur bonheur de te lire Corey, je suis touchée.

  34. lovely.
    love your captions…esp.. put your desire onthe tip of an arrow.. 🙂

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