Holy Water


I am in Lourdes.

Do symbolic actions mean anything?

I wrote your names on rose petals, one by one, saying your prayer, I dropped them into the river by the grotto. They moved quickly, swirling and rushing with the current.

Letting go and letting be.


50 responses to “Holy Water”

  1. I’m sitting in my Silent Garden (my garden for prayers) reading The Song of Bernadette. My prayers are with you, with Shelley and with the son of your friends today dear Corey.
    And also with all of you who commented here yesterday.

  2. This is beautiful.
    Letting go and letting be . . . . . .reminded me to “Let Go and Let God”
    He does hear our prayers.

  3. Sometimes it is difficult to let go and leave things in God’s hands, we hold onto things with tight fists thinking that we are able to cope by ourselves. Thank you for the reminder that we have to let it be and prayers will be answered.

  4. Thank you Corey. Writing the names on rose petals is such a beautiful thing, I love it.

  5. Thank you Corey. This really is beautiful. I can’t wait to tell the girls.

  6. Thank you for your beautiful and thoughtful prayers. God Bless You!

  7. You are a sweet selfless lady.

  8. Shannon

    I’m lucky to know you Corey.

  9. Thankyou Corey.

  10. I hope “A Paris appartment” fit on that little rose petal of yours…sigh

  11. Corey, may all your prayers come true. This post moved me to tears. Your are a miracle yourself.

  12. Thank you Corey.

  13. Let go and let be…if only we remembered to do this more often. May all the thoughtful things you do for others be returned to you a thousandfold.

  14. I am often moved to tears when I come here, for the beauty of your words, your kindness & thoughtfulness of others, for touching the soul with your glimpses of places and things that are only found in dreams.
    Bless you Corey and all those whose names are written on rose petals by you today.

  15. rose petals, wishes, holy water and grottos – how can the message not be received when done with such care? May blessings shower you today…

  16. Thank you Corey. I am so grateful for your thought to share our pleas for mercy at this holy shrine. I pray for a miracle for all who are in need.

  17. Corey~
    Thank you! You have lightened my heavy heart.
    God bless you my dear friend.
    Letting go and letting be.

  18. Prayers sent on rose petals in a river of love…only you would think to do that.
    Corey, thank you.

  19. Corey, you are such a beautiful soul. Thank you! I will keep everyone in my prayers as well. My heart’s best wishes and many blessings for Shelley and her family.

  20. How absolutely wonderful and magical! I hope all the dreams come true!

  21. Yes, yes, symbols are very powerful. Love you. Colette

  22. Blessings to you Corey. May God draw close to you and to your loved ones and kiss you all.
    BLessings. And thank you for being willing to seek him.

  23. Thank you Corey.
    With tears,

  24. thank you….what a precious soul you have to think of others on your trip

  25. K. High

    Wow….you are a special person indeed! As I go into surgery on Friday morning I will repeat your words “Letting Go and Letting Be” I will turn it all over to God and it will turn out fine.
    Thanks for such a kind act you did for so many of us!
    May God Bless You!

  26. My soul weeps for the selfless gesture and lovely ceremony. I am sure our prayers will be answered. A rose for you from my heart will be on my blog this evening.

  27. You are such a poetic woman.
    Great heart. Sheer love of life.
    I am quite good at letting go-
    once I have blessed with love whatever
    it is i am letting go…

  28. I’ll join my prayers with yours tonight as I say my little litany of evening prayers. Thanks for being a light for the internet, a place where the weary can find rest. Peace to you on your journey. Cyndi

  29. Thank you, thank you, thank you…….

  30. Marie-Noëlle

    Thanks to you, I can read “HOPE” everywhere !
    THANK YOU so much, Corey

  31. Oh! thank you Corey! you are so kind and beautiful!

  32. oh, how kind and generous of you, Corey. Miracles do happen. I visted Medjugorje a few years ago; the miracles and love there were tangible.

  33. patpaulk

    That does sound sweet as honey!!

  34. Julie Loeschke

    Thank you so much, Corey.

  35. Corey..I am deeply and profoundly touched and ever so humbled and grateful. I am feeling quite wonderful this morning! Merci…You are good and kind and sweet. Bless you and yours!

  36. Sylvia Erbolato Christensen

    Thank you, Corey. For giving of your time and caring about each one of us.
    nothing could be more beautiful than rose petals.

  37. Thanking you, dear sweet Corey.

  38. I can’t believe I missed this and the last post, Corey! How wonderful for you, that you were able to visit this holy place. I have been to Knock twice, where the Blessed Mother appeared… and I was overwhelemd with the love there. I made a decsion then to try and visit every site of Mary’s apparitions- Lourdes is to be my next visit.
    God bless you, Corey, for all you do for us.

  39. Thank you, friend. I am so thankful for you…

  40. erinc kesin

    thank you…

  41. erinc kesin

    thank you…

  42. Rose petals soft and gentle just like whispers caressing our lady’s tender heart, the thorns of grief and sorrow removed and just the softest prayers. Merci cher Corey.

  43. Yes, I really believe they do mean something. The intention is holy, and the Lord feels that intention, I believe…

  44. What a moving thing to have done, Corey. I include myself, after the fact, in this wonderful act of loving kindness.
    Love, (another) Shelley

  45. Symbolic actions can be just as powerful as any others, I think – what a wonderful, beautiful gesture.

  46. WOW! That is so beautiful and moving! I can’t get the image out of my head…
    Thank you so much!
    Paix, Wendy

  47. Thank you! You’re such a romantic.

  48. Corey, I’m sorry I missed the post prior to this one.
    Please know that symbolic actions mean EVERYTHING. You’re an amazing woman. x

  49. You are too kind to do that Corey….muchly appreciated!
    loving this blogging community…

  50. Wow.
    Guess I need to find one of those gorgeous Opuntias in bloom now, and write your name (ow!) on a petal.
    (Did you know the Opuntia — most know it as Prickly Pear or Nopal — is botanically related to the rose? Wishing you more roses with fewer thorns…)

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