Miracle at Lourdes


I am on my way to Lourdes to witness a miracle.

If you would like me to put your name, and or special intention, in the water at Lourdes, please let me know and I will.

Shelley, I am carrying you in my heart, your name will be the first one on my lips.

photo: Old church facade still standing faithfully.


48 responses to “Miracle at Lourdes”

  1. God bless you Corey. I know you will keep my friend Anne-Kari with you.

  2. Corey,
    Can one ask for a ‘healing’ of our WORLD? A prayer that asks for the embracing of diversity, the hope of peace, the ceasing of war?
    I am so upset with what happened in Los Angeles on May Day – and how ‘immigrants’ were treated as second class citizens, and families were ‘shot at’ with rubber bullets and pushed to the ground.
    Our world needs a healing.
    Imagine PEACE,

  3. Really Corey? What a gift! How about my Dad, Charles C.? He has parkinsons and it really sucks.
    Thank you Corey.

  4. Corey, compared to so many, I consider my life already blessed.
    Please just take along a heartfelt “Thank you!” from me.

  5. Hello thoughtful Corey. Pray for our wonderful planet and for peace within it for both humans and all nature.
    Peace to you. hugs NG

  6. Comfort for my father, Maurice would be wonderful Corey, thank you. Blessings to little Raphael as well..xx

  7. What an honor to share in the joy of Raphael’s miracle! l will be intrigued to hear of your experience in Lourdes. Is this your first time?
    Would you please light a candle and say a pray for continued health for Lois.
    Also, like Jolenemarie a prayer for Peace on Earth!
    Thank you friend.

  8. Shannon

    Corey, please ask for a cure for diabetes 🙂
    Thank you 🙂

  9. I would like to ask something for myself…to please heal my severe asthma and allergies…When I feel well, I can do more good things for people and animals! I have been praying for a miracle cure! THis is humbling…Thank you Corey.

  10. Julie Loeschke

    Dear Corey, Would you please pray for my friend Donna and her family. Thanks and God bless.:)

  11. Please ask for a cure for the common cold
    Oh yeah and world peace

  12. To ask for a prayer for oneself always seems so selfish. I have always thought that when things were difficult for me that there was always someone worse off and so my trials seemed less. We seem to have been on the same difficult road for a long time now and each time that we have felt that the tide was going to change it did, but not for the better.We have learned lessons and helped others along the way. We have cried and shouted and despaired, we have also smiled and laughed. We now need to move on we have been on this road for so long. So please just send a prayer out for my family and all those who also find themselves on the same road. Hope, faith and love a new road to turn onto to lead to a new destination a brighter,calmer, gentler and more prosperous time (in all senses of the word).

  13. Dear Corey, please take with you my prayers for your dear friend Shelley!

  14. For a dear friend, Pat.
    Thankyou Corey, thankyou.

  15. Please remember two troubled friends, Francine and Toni. Thank you dear friend.

  16. Pray for Darfur. Pray for the children of the world. Pray for Peace. Pray for yourself and for me. Thank you.

  17. Corey, very cool. Please mention Alyson Thrift and Abigayle Van Cleave. Alyson is the mother of a one year old little boy. She is fighting breast cancer. Abigayle is 11 and she is fighting for her life. Thank you.

  18. By the way, I DO believe in miracles. God is the same today as he was back when miracles were common. I believe he wants to amaze us.

  19. I wish for you to put something in there for you. Your heart’s desire. Then just toss in a lucky charm for me! xo

  20. peace….I pray for peace.

  21. Corey… a prayer for my son Robert going to Kuwait this coming Wednesday, the troops, healing-peace of the world, ceasing of war.

  22. erinc kesin

    dear Corey, you know my hearts desires..please dont forget me…i am back to Turkey..gonna mail you soon…

  23. Marie-Noëlle

    One name: Christophe.
    Last year he had an “AVC” (= Accident vasculaire cérébral)- would you say a cerebro-vascular accident or CVA? – He had hust turned 35.
    My children’s world toppled over (as it occurred before them)
    We all think of him here – every single day.
    A word, a prayer, a candle, a thought, a smile, … everything will do, Corey, thank you so much…

  24. Marie-Noëlle

    AND I want to add SHELLEY and HER BROTHER.
    Thank you.

  25. Just one name: Jessica Anne.
    You are a blessing and an answered prayer in your presence on your blog.
    Always something filled with grace/always grace received when I visit here.

  26. My family please. Thank you, Corey.

  27. All who are in pain, sorrow, or any kind of trouble.

  28. firvidas@aol.com

    Please add my daughter’s name to your list. She is Daria, 28. Had her first brain surgery at seven days of age and is still fighting for her life.

  29. That is so kind that you asked us! I would be very grateful if prayers could be asked for me and my partner to find the right spot of land, and the ability to afford it, to finally make a solid stable healing home there : )
    I hope your miracle journey is very blessed!
    Paix, Wendy

  30. Dear Corey, thank you so much. Will you put Marshall’s name in the water at Lourdes? It would mean a lot to us. He is diabetic with kidney failure and dialysis is to begin in June. I know there are many with problems so if there is someone with a greater need, we would wish a miracle for them also.

  31. Please put my husbands name, Brian, into the water. He has hurt his knee badly. We are paying for a mirilce healing so that he will not need surgery. Thank you so much

  32. Sylvia Erbolato Christensen

    Corey, thank you for thinking of others.
    Please put our names in the water, Paul+Sylvia+Henry+Greta, as we seek guidance in this new phase in our lives.
    Bless you.
    – Sylvia

  33. My boys.
    Patrick and Matthew.
    Thank you, Corey.
    You bring me to tears with your kind offer.
    Blessings and love.

  34. Thank you for the kindness. Please remember Michael & Rebecca. Find peace at Lourdes. Mary of Lourdes hear our prayer. Watch over Raphael.

  35. Shelley

    O Corey, Your love, kindness, and thoughtfulness spreads so far and wide. I am very proud to call you my friend. Thank you for thinking of me and Marie Noelle thank you for adding me and my brother to your miracle list.

  36. for my mother, whose still recovering from heart surgery. thank you so much and God Bless you and your family!

  37. Kay High

    I’ll be having major foot surgery on Friday May 11th. All prayers appreciated. God is good and miracles happen every day!!
    Kay in Illinois :o)

  38. For my family, please. You’re a sweetheart Corey!

  39. a beautiful gesture Corey…
    Id love for you to put my grandmother Evroulla’s name in the water and to pray for peace in our world…

  40. Gail Sullivan

    Yes, and thanks, Corey,
    these names would be wonderful…mom, Carol, Dan, Alyson, Athena, Serena, Matthew and me

  41. Can I? This makes me want to weep, Corey. xoxo
    (My intention, to have another great love again.)

  42. You are so sweet, thinking of your father and shelley. A prayer for my parents too. xox

  43. juanita

    Prayers for my son Ken and his children and for healing in our family. God bless you for doing this for us.

  44. You may have already left Lourdes, but if you haven’t, would you please send out a prayer for little Taylor Parker from Chico? Beautiful story about Raphael.

  45. please add my name, thoughtful Corey…and for my special intention, I wish a wish for you…

  46. What a wonderful, inspiring miracle to behold. What an amazing story – I’m so glad that miracles do happen and this one in particular – so young, so tiny to have such a burden. I’m so glad that the story is continuing on happily. Thank you for sharing this.


    I would like you to take my daughters name with you to lourdes. We pray every day since the doctors diagnosed her with MS.
    Thank You very much
    George and Priscilla Kelii

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