La Joie de Vivre

The seeds we leave behind, be it our words, our actions,
Or our small daily doings, will bloom one day.
We do not need to know where or how,
Nor seek to gather the harvest to ourselves.
But to believe that what we do has a reason for good,
For someone or something, beyond our garden wall.
Photo: One of my favorite places to take photos…La Joie de Vivre (The joy of living) by Leon Drivier. One of many statues at the base of the Trocadero garden in Paris. The stone statue, intertwined and combined movements in a small space. Two women viewing life in opposite directions. Cramped though not crowded. Their toes are touching…we are connected to one another.


36 responses to “La Joie de Vivre”

  1. French Twist

    ….their toes touching.
    Even the smallest of gestures can say so much.

  2. Touching…
    Did our toes touch under the cafe table when we were in Paris last week?
    Did I kick you??
    Why can’t I remember…
    Lovely thought Corey
    So well put.

  3. What a thougtfully beautiful post. If we looked for some small joy in whatever life was presenting in the moment, our whole lives would have joy built in.

  4. I can’t believe that I missed these at the Trocadero..Corey, thanks for making me pay attention to the details!

  5. Paris Parfait

    Lovely, Corey – the art and your words.

  6. Lovely indeed.
    Bloom where you find yourself planted.
    I love you dearly.

  7. I love the way you do that – bring one small feature to life like the toes touching. You have a gift. I’m glad you share it. In some way it really does connect us.

  8. Beautiful statue, beautiful words. This really spoke to me as I believe so deeply that we are ALL connected and that EVERYTHING we do, say, think is connected to the universe in some way.

  9. Beautiful and words I needed to hear today.
    Much love,

  10. Marie-Noëlle

    Kneeling, sitting, standing by others …
    It’s difficult to fulfill every day…
    This post is a beautiful reminder, Corey…
    That little branch of oak in the corner as the symbol of strength, courage and justice must be kept (or stored) in a corner of every mind !
    Thank you ! (I’m still there with you)

  11. Those words that you wrote, I believe in whole-heartedly. I just wish I could make others around me believe it too.
    Have a wonderful day.

  12. These are beautiful words to match your photograph. Katrina’s words touched me too. Thank you for sharing her link.
    When we serve others we too are are blessed.
    Selfless giving is one of the secrets to experiencing La Joie de Vivre!

  13. The ability to give without regard for getting something in return–words of wisdom that will fill your heart with more than you could possibly imagine. Thank you for a beautiful start to my day, Corey.

  14. Thank you, Corey, for I so needed to hear those words today. Been having a bit of a little mental struggle within myself, and wondering in which direction my prayers are going… but now I’ve been reminded that I “do not need to know where or how”!

  15. Lovely Corey. It’s all about the ripples.

  16. Oh Corey…I would love to read that EVERY day….you are such inspiration

  17. Toni Mason

    Corey thank you for showing me Paris!!! WOW!!

  18. What a beautiful thought, and a beautiful sculpture. I didn’t even notice their toes were touching until you pointed it out, so focused was I on where they were looking. Thank you for the wonderful reminder. (And thank you for linking me…I’m so touched!)

  19. patpaulk

    It truly is a small world we live in. Even out of stone you can find warmth. Amazing!!

  20. “Two women viewing life in opposite directions ~ toes touching.”
    Well said Corey 🙂
    Beautifully put together!

  21. I love how you interpreted this wonderful statue. Toes touching, we are all connected…I hope I am not a stumbling block or an obstacle to others.

  22. Thanks for that link Corey. What a lovely story, so moving.

  23. Little trials come to me. And, I have to close my eyes, and do “the right thing.” I never can sucumb to the bad…And I am thankful for that everyday…xxo,Vanessa

  24. Beautiful words and observation. I’m trying hard to absorb this very notion into my life at the moment.

  25. Hello!
    I followed your funny comment at Ree’s…and see you are from France. Lovely photos…we were in Paris last week.
    It was so lovely.
    I am missing it already.

  26. Beautiful thoughts and photos…love the seeds metaphor so much!

  27. j’adore all your snaps corey>>>your photography is AMAZING as well as your writing…i know i’ve said this to you many a time, but i’ve been away…each time i return, your posts never fail to INSPIRE…
    love & hugs to you,
    mary ann

  28. Corey-I try to remember these thoughts as I go through the day to day life with two toddlers and a deployed husband! I know what I am saying now will impact them for now and forever.

  29. Beautiful interpretation Corey.

  30. I don’t think I’ve ever noticed these two at the Tracadero. I must be more alert. I’ll have a search next time I’m there.

  31. dear corey…i have missed you and your wonderful insights on life…and visual treats…hope all is well with you and yours. will have to take a break and catch up on what i’ve missed. xo…annie

  32. these words were exactly what i needed to hear today.
    i find it so hard to do what i believe in when i am sick. it would be so much easier to not do anything when there is no immediate sign that it has made a difference. but it is worth the effort, even though i can’t now, and may never see it.
    thank you.

  33. Karma. Let it all pass to Karma.
    I like these thoughts.

  34. Such lovely words for such a lovely photo!!!

  35. Corey,
    Looks like an archetype for blogging, the two women, close yet not, distance and otherwise. Yet connected, grounded by the toes. I love it! You see so much into everything. You have an eagle sharp eye! xo

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