A Tour of Paris


Laurie, asked me for an unusual door handle. Do you see the two nymphs Wendy?


Joanna, here is a French breakfast for you. Kristen, here’s your order of a cafe au lait. I’m toasting Teresa P. with my "Orange Presse."


Marie-Antoinette, will bring the cake to your birthday party, Jenny.


Martina, I think French poodles live indoors. Is that why I never saw one on the streets Connie? Though I did spot a stuffed black poodle at the flea market! Here is a vintage toy whistle for Beachy. French "LA MODE" patterns for Endment who collects dolls. Janepoe a tender moment of caring I extend. (Amy and Acey I took these photos at a flea market in Paris: click on images to enlarge.)

Baby_shoesImg_7952Red_shoesBaguettesParis_storefrontPlaying music_by_the_sacre_coeur

Standing in line at la Boulangerie. Looking at the shoes (wanting to hold the baby!) Listening to the music nearby, (Do you think Mr. Red shoes ever has the blues?) Admiring the store fronts, thinking how delicious the baguette was going to taste….and hoping there would be a baguette left after the waitress came and bought an armful worth! (postcards for: Amber, Ally Bean, Lea, Jeanette, Vanessa, and Darla.)


Britt-Arnhild, I didn’t see the "pigeon man," this time. Perhaps this pigeon is going to find him?


Allison, in your travels have you been to Paris?


Di, aren’t those stone urns amazing?


A French garden tour for Cindy.


Blue and Michelle, fairy tales and double wreaths, for two sweet women.


Annabelle, I imagine you sitting amongst the roses of Paris writing poetry.


Kimberly and Deb R. the restaurant’s tabletops are set with silver, and large cloth napkins. Isn’t this one very pretty?


Nel, when you come to Paris where do you want to have lunch?


Tell me Clarice, do you want to share a Strawberry tart?


Susanna, there are many famous art galleries in St. Germain des Pres. Nevertheless, this is a vintage gift that an antique dealer gave me.


Pere Lachaise is a cemetery in Paris. It was created to be a city of the dead. Edith Piaf, Colette, Moliere, Fontaine, Jim Morrison, Chopin, to name a few are buried here. Ilva asked to see the grave site of Parmentier, who brought the potato to France. Potato plants grow around his tomb. Sheila, the cobbled streets of Pere Lachaise are vast, twisty, and even with a map one can easily get lost. You need an eternity to see it all. Note: A real potato sits on his tomb.


Jus and my brother Mathew, asked to see the metro . Thanks for being part of the tour!

Photos: Of my walks around Paris. Click on any photo to enlarge.


54 responses to “A Tour of Paris”

  1. I love and adore everything you have shared with us.
    Keep up the great work.
    Oooh La La!

  2. I LOVE these pictures!!!!!!!!!!
    I can’t wait to get to Paris 🙂

  3. angela marie


  4. Thanks for your visual postcard. You are too sweet to think of all of us while vacationing. I’m sure enjoying tagging along tho.

  5. I am having so much fun reading these! What a feast for the eyes!!
    You make me want to jump on a plane right this minute (even though I am in my bathrobe) and see for myself these amazing delights!

  6. beautiful photos again…making me want to come and visit even more! Lunch anywhere, as long as it’s in Paris.

  7. Oh Corey, sei un tesoro! I never thought you actually would take the time to go there! When we lived in Paris, we lived close to Pere Lachaise and I often went there to take photos or just walk! I love it. And I’m so happy to see and here that people still put potatoes on his grave! THANKS!!
    Corey Responds:
    Pere Lachaise is one of my favorite places in Paris. I have taken a few guided tours of it. The lives and stories are amazing of the people who once lived…..
    I went on a looooooooooooooooooooooong search for Mr Potato. I kept getting sidetracked and lost. It was well worth every step.
    I use to live on Voltaire and you?

  8. Thank you for the “toot” photo, Corey! I am in love with the little baby photo – just seeing a darling little pink shoe and pink hoisery on her little leg make me cringe with motherly-glee!

  9. Beauty abounds in Paris through your eyes. You must fall into bed exhausted each night.

  10. Corey, Your images are stunning and witty! How do you ever remember what everyone wants to see?? Thank you! Cheryl

  11. oh my stars!! what a nice visit to paris without the long flight! (which i would take in a heartbeat, haha) stunning….thank you for sharing, xo

  12. Almost as good as being there! Thank you again!!!

  13. Dear, dear Corey…do you have any idea how appreciated you are????

  14. I don’t need to go to Paris!
    I can just come here and inhale your lovely vision of it…

  15. What a delightful treat these postcards have been! I’m glad the clouds finally lifted above the Eiffel Tower, I love the photos you took of it.

  16. Enjoying every minute of Paris with you. Why aren’t you in one of those pictures. I’m sure you must have a favorite spot.
    Corey responds:
    Because I do not like to have my photo taken. Secondly, I am the one behind the camera. 🙂

  17. Hands down, Corey, you take the most magnificent photos of Paris!

  18. Corey,
    Love the pictures! And those tarts in the window look really goooood! Thanks for sharing.

  19. Great photos! I’m getting a vicarious trip to Paris and finding out what interests everyone, too.

  20. Another beautiful day in Paris. Thank you so much Corey, for these photos that you are sharing with us. Especially the ones of Pere Lachaise..and those marvellous links! I had no idea the cemetery was so large..

  21. how precious!! what a grand tour!!

  22. What magic! How I long to be there…I have a black and white picture of that same metropolitain sign….How lovely of you to share and share….xxo,Vanessa

  23. Corey…drooling at the thought of you visiting the flea market!!! I love those pinkish roses with the greenish-white tints in them. I have never really seem the same thing here in the US! Thanks for letting us tag along again!!!

  24. Will those Stone Urns fit in your luggage? I could pick them up next time I’m in France.
    Thanks Corey, you are taking me back there without having to pay the air fare. Enjoying every minute of your stay as I hope you are.

  25. I loved the Eiffel Tower grigris, and the boulangerie photos and comments.
    Could you please spare a thought for me among this beauty? I’ll feel it in the air…
    Mille Merci.

  26. This is exactly what I needed to see today, Corey! It’s raining over here, in my part of the world, and everything seems quite…grey. So your photos are a bright sight for me this afternoon. I’ll have to go to St.Germain des Pres when I go to Paris. And you know, I completely forgot about the cemeteries so I’ll have to add those to my future Paris To Do list. Thanks for the tour today, Corey!

  27. more inspiring paris momentos! you really make me want to hop on the tgv now 🙂

  28. Dear Corey,
    I’ve been reading your blog for many months, and it always brings me a welcome sense of happiness, mystery, and generosity. You seem to have outdone yourself with these marvelous postcards from Paris, though. The time and attention you’ve given to sharing these beautiful, personalized images with us! I feel lucky to have stumbled across your blog. It is better than a Parisian croissant!
    – Amy

  29. You are amazing. What a friend you are to so many. I am enjoying immensely this vicarious visit to Paris. Brings back so many memories. Thank you, sweet Corey. (And if you should pass by Parc Monceau…)

  30. Looks like the weather has stared to behave and became pretty for you two. The photo of the cafe the photo of the French Jardin are my fav’s.

  31. i love it! thank you corey!

  32. Oh, Corey! I’d like a strawberry tart and coffee and a wonderful bread and cake and ………oh, everything is so yummy. I’m getting stuffed from eating with my eyes. ;-p

  33. Corey, you are soo sweet to include me on your little trip. And yes I would love some strawberry tart but only if we can have it together. Thank you for this min-trip. It is just what this girl living in day, after day, after day of grey rain needed.
    xoxo Clarice

  34. Massilianana

    Magnifiques photos , Corey ! I love the door handle and the golden baby shoes . Oh and the strawberry tart aussi !!!
    You have such an eye for striking beautiful details.
    Bravo! Chapeau !
    Keep on enjoying your stay in la Ville Lumière !

  35. Wow! And what a beautiful tour, too.

  36. I feel like I am walking right there beside you Corey! What wonderful memories these photos conjure up! Merci! XOX Deb

  37. Sweet Corey – a woman of grace with a heart of pure gold. She inspires our dreams with her portraits and prose. Because of her, our world is truly a much more beautiful place.
    Thank you, thank you Corey – my cup runneth over!

  38. Here I am again to enjoy all the wonderful sites.
    I haven’t seen any béret wearing french men? Maybe they are inside with the poodles?
    The cemetary sounds interesting. I had not been there. I love Edith Piaf. My French teacher (who was french) always played her for us. Oh the memories. It seems you are having a marvelous time.
    …….those wee baby feet in those delicate pink shoes …..delicious!

  39. oh that breakfast looks wonderful!

  40. It’s almost like being there…stories in every photo! Keep on snapping pix!!
    Meilleurs voeux!!

  41. We have two days at home in between travels, and this morning it is like getting an extra travel fit in – to Paris. How wonderful. It is several years since I’ve been to Paris, now I want to go again, soon. May be this fall…..
    Thanks for great photos Corey. I am sorry that you didn’t see the pigeon man. Thanks for the pigeon anyway…….and I will take dove photos for you in Venice instead 🙂 (together with Marisi)

  42. Marie-Noëlle

    You are the new Doisneau, Corey!
    I am so pleased and proud to have seen the artist at work!

  43. these posts are a treat to the eye and soul!!! wonderful pictures – thanks for taking us along….

  44. I love the unusual door knocker. Everything in Paris seems to be decorated in style, the delicious looking food (Mmm strawberry tarts). French garden, gorgeous statues and stylish ladies -what more can you ask for?

  45. Such delights for the senses…I can almost smell the cafe au lait now.
    Bisous Mon Ami

  46. I love the wreaths. And all of it, thanks Corey~!
    I hope I get to Paris one day, I am taking you out for some vin blanc, two Portuguese women in Paris.
    I promise to notice the important things, like sunlight streaming down through the Eiffel tower.

  47. Merci for the wonderful cake for my birthday Madame! Did Marie Antoinette really say “let them eat cake?” I enjoyed every slice of the delicious cake from Paris! Thank you too Corey for taking me there! When I arrive in Paris someday I will drink a toast to Corey at the top of the Eifel!

  48. Corey,
    What a GRAND TOUR we’ve had. It has been so much fun seeing what you have found for everyone. I loved the door knocker. Thank you so much. It seems like there is so much of interest to see and do. Your pictures were very fun and beautiful. It was fun to check every day to see what you came up with. A great idea for making your trip unique. Thanks again. Laurie

  49. Thank you Corey for you generosity!

  50. Thank you for the wonderful tour – a visual extravaganza! And, thank you for your caring words.
    Much peace & love, JP

  51. Wow, you have had such a tour! And that really is a cool door handle! Just saw it becuase i’ve been offline an awful lot this week…
    A Very Blessed Easter Corey : ) Wendy

  52. Thanks for the eye candy. A movable feast, right?

  53. COOL

  54. Tracy Tuason, 25, Manila, Philippines

    Bonjour Corey! Je voudrais aller à Europe. C’est mon rêve! Specially France!
    I’d like to visit tour eiffel, champs elysees, cannes, marseilles and a whole lot more! Definitely, I would make a pit stop to your place when I get the chance 😀
    If you ever go back to Pere Lachaise in one of your tours, can you please write this on Jim Morrison’s tomb?
    “Your musical genius is forever admired.”
    Merci beaucoup, Corey!
    God bless you and your wonderful family!

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