Spring Rose


The vernal equinox, the first day of spring, when the day and the night are of equal length. Light and dark. Perfect balance. Rose and thorn.

Finding balance: Standing on tiptoe like a flame on a candle. Burning grace.

photos: Roses from my garden last year. I read that on the eve of spring it was a tradition to leave a bouquet of flowers on the doorstep of those you loved or admired.

Pink roses are on your virtual doorstep.

Thank you for reading my blog, for your comments and generous words of encouragement. 


55 responses to “Spring Rose”

  1. Thankyou Corey for sharing such beautiful thoughts and images.

  2. How wonderful it is that you, Corey, leave roses on our doorsteps every single morning and that we don’t even have to wait until the eve of spring. Thank you for being in my life.

  3. Sorry for not posting comments lately but I am in Paris and the internet is not treating me well. Back to England later today so hopefully I will be back to normal. There has to be a price to pay for being in such a wonderful place!

  4. How very lovely of you. Blessings and thanks and a bouquet to you.

  5. How very lovely of you. Blessings and thanks and a bouquet to you.

  6. Thanks Corey. They are beautiful..and I bet they smell wonderful!

  7. Oh the first day of Spring and beautiful pink roses and you
    three of my most favorite things on Earth!
    How beautiful indeed.
    I love love love spring.
    I love pink roses too.
    Love Jeanne ^j^
    Love you!

  8. Ah, the Powder Puff Rose; you know I love this picture!
    Thanks for virtual doorstep gift!
    Happy Spring!

  9. Hard to beat a pink rose for beauty. Spring is finally here. I am always impatient for its appearance.

  10. My favorite rose is called Pristine~and I’m scattering petals on your porch today 🙂

  11. Roses? For me? On the doorstep? My, what a wonderful way to start my morning.
    Thank you and a kiss on the cheek. Or, in France, both cheeks.

  12. patpaulk

    The rose you leave on our daily screen is you. Thank you!!

  13. gorgeous rose, Corey. Thanks for your keen eye and thoughtful heart!

  14. Thank you for the pretty rose you left dancing at my door step. The fragrance of your words fills the air with hope and beauty.
    Happy Spring!

  15. Thank you for the picture of the pretty roses.

  16. Beautiful rose. Happy Spring!

  17. I’ve always thought roses would be difficult to grow. They are just so beautiful so I’m going to give it a try – who knows. I’ve placed two roses in my garden and have plans for two climbers for the white wall that spans my backyard……soon I’ll have roses for your doorstep as well!
    Happy Spring, Corey.

  18. Such a beautiful specimen! It looks to be of the old fashioned variety, the kind that were so fragrant you could stand at the back door and smell them from the back fence.
    “Standing on tiptoe like a flame on a candle.” Such a good analogy.
    Unaware of this fine tradition, I humbly lay my belated bouquet on your doorstep as well–please make sure that French Husband does not trip over them as he comes and goes 😉
    Thank you for another season of your thoughts and insights.

  19. Lovely gift for this first day of spring! Oh, how I am looking forward to the roses in the garden…


  21. Roses are pink, Violets are blue, Sugar is sweet but not as sweet as you. Love the tiptoe photo, gorgeous 🙂 Happy Springtime!

  22. Breathtaking roses! And there’s a bunch on your doorstep too!

  23. My first insight to your blog and so wonderful it is too.
    The beauty of the rose with elegant words of expression.
    Blessings to you on this Spring day.

  24. Hi Corey,
    Thank you for this wonderful photo and idea. As you know we used to do this on May first-May Day in the US. I still continue
    this tradition for family and friends.

  25. Thank you for the sweet flowers you leave us everyday.

  26. Happy first day of spring to you my sweet friend.

  27. Lovely, Corey. Have a beautiful Spring.

  28. Oh, how beautiful! Happy Spring to you! ♥

  29. Paris Parfait

    Thank you for the roses! Lovely photographs and sentiments.

  30. Sping is here YAY! this rose if gorgeous my fav color of all so delicate and sweet.
    Thank you for your constant inspiration and lovely posts.

  31. Mmmm…those roses must smell so beautiful and the way the colours blend from pink into yellow…so pretty! A big virtual bouquet of roses on your doorstep, too, Corey. I’m so glad to have found you!

  32. It’s a pleasure and a blessing to drop by each day…and a big bunch of roses to you too! Happy Spring…Nel xo

  33. thanks for sharing every petal with ussssssss !

  34. Thank you for the roses Corey..xx
    You love the roses – so do I. I wish
    The sky would rain down roses, as they rain
    From off the shaken bush. Why will it not?
    Then all the valley would be pink and white
    And soft to tread on. They would fall as light
    As feathers, smelling sweet: and it would be
    Like sleeping and yet waking, all at once.
    George Eliot

  35. Soft velvet petals , you just want to bury your face in them, smell their heady aroma, brush them gently across your cheek and hold that moment suspended in time.It reminds me of the first time I held my grandson, his skin was like velvet and his touch just a whisper against my cheek. A treasured moment in time which will return each time there is the slightest hint of that beautiful delicate scent.
    You make me gasp in awe.

  36. Still a blanket of snow in my garden. I was north of the artic circle yesterday and had beautiful winter weather. But days are getting longer, and Ronia The Robber’s Daughter’s Spring Scream is building up in me.
    This is my favorite time of the year.

  37. a beautiful rose for a beautiful blog! may your spring be as beutiful and multi-petaled as an old garden rose…

  38. Thank you, TICA! And on your doorstep, the first snowdrop to appear underneath the pine in my backyard 🙂

  39. What a beatiful thought…and such fabulous roses….the bright pink gypsy rose on your step…is from me my friend…

  40. Such a beautiful rose and a beautiful sentiment! Thank you! I’ll think of this post when my first rose opens this spring!

  41. Beautiful photos and sentiments. Roses always bring to mind the poem welearned as schoolchildren: “Mignonne, allons voir si la rose…” Some words are never forgotten. xox

  42. Happy spring to you Dear Corey and may your beautiful roses be returned to you a hundred fold.

  43. You are a haven of generosity and inspiration.

  44. Corey, voici un très beau poème de Ronsard (XVIe siècle)
    Mignonne, allons voir si la rose
    Qui ce matin avait déclose
    Sa robe de pourpre au soleil
    A point perdu cette vesprée
    Les plis de sa robe pourprée
    Et son teint au votre pareil…

  45. Corey,
    Spring dances into our lives with it’s perpetual hope of renewal.
    I love this:”Standing on tiptoe like a flame on a candle.”

  46. en faisant un petit tour chez Eivlys, j’ai découvert un trésor…ton petit monde de l’autre côté de l’océan, que j’aime beaucoup. Lovely, nice to meet you

  47. You are a picture of generosity of spirit. Those roses I found last night at my door steps where out of this world! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. May spring stay for good,

  48. Ahhhh… thank you! The fragrance is divine… doing to put them in my best vase right now…

  49. Thank you, Corey. And I would leave a rose for you, too.

  50. angela marie

    Thank You Cory ~ For sharing with us your beautiful thoughts and your life. You are a breath of fresh air!
    I would leave you a bouquet of flowers on your door step!

  51. I am running out of ways to say thank you, Corey! You are an inspiration…

  52. The roses are lovely. I can imagine their heady fragrance.
    Thank you

  53. Betty at Country Charm

    I’ve visited your blog many times and always have found enjoyment but I don’t think I’ve ever left a comment.
    Thank you for the beautiful roses. Roses and Hydrangeas are my favorite flowers.
    I am so happy for the child that has beaten the odds….
    If ever you are inclined to visit with me you will certainly be welcome.
    Betty at Country Charm

  54. Beautiful roses, beautiful you.
    Thank you for your blog 🙂

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