A Miracle


My friend’s little boy Raphael was diagnosed with cancer when he was not quite two years of age. The doctors said he would not see a second Christmas. Every treatment and avenue for a cure was tried. Their family and friends prayed, and sent thoughts of healing and courage.

Raphael beat the odds that were stacked up high against him. After years of struggle his tumor disappeared. The Doctors said if ever there was a miracle this was one of them.

Raphael’s story rose like a glorious sunrise. Those who knew the saga of his ordeal believed their prayers had something to do with his healing. Little Raphael is now five years old.

Yesterday my friends sent me an email that said, "Guess what!? Raphael has been offered a place in the annual pilgrimage to Lourdes on May 1."

I love stories like this….that show the mystery of life, and encourage me to believe against all the odds.

Do you have a miracle to share?

Photo: My nephew at his baptism being bathed in love by his cousins.


47 responses to “A Miracle”

  1. Miracles happen daily, looking around, is it so hard to believe? (wonderful picture)

  2. Don’t always believe the doctor’s. You must always believe in the positive, the miracle, the hope! Without hope….what it left?

  3. I love stories like this too; thanks for sharing 🙂

  4. how wonderful! i agree with crust station. miricales are everywhere!

  5. What a beautiful and uplifting story.
    Your little nephew is precious. Isn’t he lucky to be born into a big loving family?

  6. I believe that miracles surround us everyday — BUT we have to be open to recognize them, share them and receive them.

  7. Thank you for this post Corey. I bet Raphael is one special little boy!
    I too believe in the power of prayer. I beleive in miricales. I believe in hope and I believe in giving thanks and being appreciative.

  8. How wonderful for your friends and their beautiful son..xx I hope he continues to be well, and has a complete recovery.
    Many years ago my husband was found to have an abdominal tumor, it was found during a routine exam, he had no synptoms or pain.He had major surgery, and we were all very anxious and prayed it would be alright. One day a woman I barely knew told me..”I heard about your husband… I told the people at my church and we have been praying for him”.
    I was speechless…to hear that people we did not know could be so kind and giving.
    He recovered and has been well since then, almost 25 years ago. How can we not believe in the power of prayer..?
    I will remember Raphael in my prayers.

  9. Oh what a sweet wee one* and the love in that photo gives me goosebumpys:) I’m thrilled to hear of a happy ending for baby R…God is good:) xoxo

  10. I love this photograph… surrounded with love. Love is the greatest miracle 🙂
    So glad that Raphael has survived such a battle.

  11. I would like to share a future miracle about the healing of Kelli…will you guys pray for her? A kidney donation is needed for this sweet mother and wife.

  12. What a beautiful photo! And a beautiful post telling of the power of prayer and of God’s love!

  13. My sister is a miracle. When she was 20 yo, her heart stopped during surgery. She was “dead” for several minutes and ended up in a coma for a month.
    She was not expected to live and had many prayers said for her. 20 years later, she is alive and the mother of two. She has brain damage, but it has never stopped her from doing what she can. She has a great spirit and wonderful attitude. She is my miracle.

  14. Ten years ago my son was in a car accident. He was the passenger is a small car that tangled with a big rig. The car was spun around and caught on a back tire of the semi and slammed the side and was dragged along before it broke free. This all on the passenger side, my son’s. He came out of it without a scratch. If I ever needed proof of guardian angels and miracles (which I didn’t) that would have been the proof.

  15. That picture is a miracle!

  16. Miracles happen every day … this is a beautiful story for all of us to never give up…
    Thank you for sharing it and the picture of your nephew’s baptism… he’s precious.

  17. I am a real believer in miracles, and I don’t believe there is a limit to the number available. We just need to be bold enough to ask for them and then believe that our request will be honored.
    Thanks for sharing about little R.

  18. God bless this special child.
    Prayers and love and hugs.
    Thanks for all that you share with us.
    I adore you.
    God bless all the little children so fresh from Heaven!
    Love Jeanne

  19. What a beautiful story of blessing over that precious child’s life…everyday is a miracle, but these ones are especially wonderful.

  20. My little brother died when he was 1 and half. He was literally, pronounced dead upon arrival at the hospital. I was in junior high and this strange lady came to pick me up at school. I had never seen a “social worker.” She told me there was an accident in my family and I was being taken to them at the awful local hospital. Awful because it is a hospital at a mexican amercian border, notorious for letting people die. Sooo, my father refused to believe my brother was dead, so he chartered a helicopter. My brother was taken to an amazing hospital in another city. You see. He had fallen in a swimming pool. It was winter. The nanny left him to go answer the phone. He rode his baby motor bike straight into the pool. My mother found him, she had just gone inside to do some housework and had asked the girl to please watch him for a second. My mom doesn’t remember. But, she pulled him out and gave him cpr. There was just no life in him. So, here we all were. In the most horrible car ride of my life. Heading to another town where my btoher was being taken. My uncle drove. My mom’s expression on her face is one that will haunt me late at night for the rest of my life. It was just a horrible time. When we got to the ICU at this great hospital, they hooked him up to all kinds of machines, etc. They started pumping water out of his lungs. The only lucky thing, it was winter, the water was freezing and had caused a bit of hypothermia. At the same time, the whole town got together, and had a huge vigil at the cathedral on the hill…My brother was revived. But, there seemed to be no sign of life… He was in acoma for over a week. My mom wouldn’t leave his side. Finally one day, she went to a nearby hotel to shower and regroup. I sat with Adam. Talking to him. My aunt who died last year sat by me. We both Talked to Adam. Then I was left alone with him. Begging him to come to life. They said he would have major brain damage if he did wake. All of a sudden. Me at 11 years old. Sitting talking to my baby brother – he sat up. Looked at me and said he wanted to go outside. It was UNREAL! A true miracle. We went outside. My mom came back only to find a clean sheeted bed and almost fainted. She thought the worst. But no, we were outside. He is 19 now. He is a genius. He was president of National honors society and is studying cinematography at a University. A miracle.

  21. My oldest son fell in a swimming pool with a baby sitter who couldn’t reach him. A neighbor heard her calling for help, jumped in and he was saved. Eventually was on the swim twim and now has children of his own. I believe in angels.

  22. Paris Parfait

    What a wonderful story – so many miracles all around us. Beautiful photograph too.

  23. Corey I am racked by chills and absolute joy to hear this! Miracles are among us every day aren’t they. Our prayers are definitely answered!!!

  24. Cousin Chris

    Miracles? Everyday,if I wake up breathing….It’s a miracle.
    Cousin Chris

  25. There are miracles all around! How joyous for you, Raphael and his family!

  26. What a beautiful testimony to faith! I try to find a miracle everyday. Sometimes the small ones are overlooked.
    Beautiful photo Corey!

  27. I am sure I have seen or been a part of many miracles. I cannot think of any right now that struck me as much as this one you have shared. I think I will tuck this into my heart and remember it for a long time. I am so happy for Raphael. What a lucky child!!!
    As for the 23rd Psalm, it always touches me, and brings a tear. I think any kind of prayer or sermon that can do that has touched a place inside that only God has access to.
    Good day, Corey! Enjoy! xo
    And thanks for such an uplifting and hopeful story.

  28. what a wonderful story, what a beautiful example!
    my miracle is very simple but very beautiful too, my fiona. i can’t believe that she was created from the desire to have her, that she is healthy, loving and blooming like a flower.

  29. Oh, Corey, THANK YOU for this story! What a wonderful bit of news, in a world that is too often dark.
    We just need to wait for the miracles…
    love to you!

  30. Bathed in love – what a perfect way to start life!

  31. you’re the best thing about
    blogs corey…that i can visit and find something like that.

  32. Raphael is a beautiful miracle.
    Miracles surround us. My miracle is the one God did in my life with His amazing Grace and salvation. Unbelievable.
    I love Psalm 23, thanks for the touching link to it.

  33. Thanks so much for this post! I don’t have a story (that I can recall at the moment), but I am so grateful for yours and I wish the best for the little guy and his family for the future!

  34. This is so uplifting! My miracle is my favorite Aunty. At age 87 she was diagnosed with tongue cancer. She always took care of herself and is very religious. She loves to talk and one hour phone calls (even though we live two miles from one another) are normal. It was the one time in my life where she asked me for help and prayers. I told everyone I know to please pray for Aunty Bertha. Well, she had the surgery with minimal removal of her tongue, no post op problems and was back to talking a blue streak one month later. She just celebrated her 91st birthday-healthy, happy and cancer free!

  35. What a very beautiful miracle. I don’t think I have any one miracle. But I think Scout has definitely been my saving grace in search for a treatment to my depression. I don’t know where I’d be without her. Or Shawn. They keep me going!

  36. Oh wow…I say thanks for daily miracles and answers to daily prayers….If we believe more, we will see more miracles…..I truly believe that

  37. That’s beautiful!

  38. I have a friend in the Army serving in Iraq. She has many many miracle stories from there, which she emails on monthly basis. Too bad our Media is not interested in reporting those Miracles. She actually contacted a reporter and told him about a soldier’s story who saved 2 kid’s lives while almost losing his. He was unconscience for 3 days and the 4th day he woke up , as if nothing had happened. Unfortunately, the reporter did not cover the story. Because our society does not believe in Miracles.

  39. such a touching story!! what a marvelous outcome for little Raphael. So happy for them!
    St.Raphael is a very loved saint in Cyprus’ Greek Orthodox religion and very well known to perform miracles…
    I love the photo from your nephew’s baptism! such admiration!

  40. Thank you for this beautiful story. I so believe in the power of prayer and so when my water broke early in the morning, I sent an e-mail to all my friends asking them for their good thoughts. During the delivery, our baby was unexpectedly found to be breeched. I had chosen to birth without an epidural, but the midwife was not allowed to deliver me breeched without an X-ray of my pelvic bone. Standard clinic regulations demanded a C-Section, but there was no time. I was pushing and there was only one way to go. So all the angels and prayers that I knew were coming our way, gave me the confidence to deliver a beautiful, healthy baby boy.

  41. Wonderful story. Blessings to all.

  42. angela marie

    I needed this today. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful story of a miracle!

  43. What a wonderful story. Thanks so much for sharing. My cousin’s son just lost his first child (who stopped breathing on the day of her birth and succumbed to pneumonia, three weeks later) last month. It’s so nice to read a story with a better outcome!! 🙂

  44. it is a very nice storie
    I believe in a miracle
    There were an angel near him
    Sorry for my english

  45. A miracle indeed…positive minds transport positive energies and beautiful miracles happen.

  46. Dennis Malamas

    I am suffering from anxiety and depression caused by ocd.
    I am praying for a miracle and for my entire body to be healed from sickness and imperfections ,mainly scars.
    Thank You.

  47. Tracy Tuason (Manila, Philippines)

    I was just searching for a perfect shot of Tour Eiffel and I saw your page. It’s lovely and inspiring! I’m a native of the philippines and currently studying in Alliance Française de Manille.
    And I do have one request from you. If ever you get back to Lourdes, please include:
    *My grandmother (82 y.o. who is having problems with her eyesight)that she could live until all her affairs are settled and see me have my own kids,
    *Uncle Vic, diagnosed with lung cancer to at least extend his life until he gets to see his son before he leaves this world.
    *and my friends mom, who was also diagnosed with cancer and is currently undergoing chemo.
    Thank you very much!
    I’ll include you in my prayers too 🙂

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