Antiques and Vintage Links


Take a virtual tour of everything antiques by clicking on any photo. Linked are different sites about: How to buy antiques, where to meet other bloggers who deal or create with antiques, and shops online.


Please share one of your antiquing hunting secrets. What do you look for? Where to find antiques? Or how to tell if it is real.


Antiques from A to Z. The variety is endless. Discover more about textiles, garden furniture, linens, toys, silverware, dishes, paintings….

What period, or style do you prefer?


Feel free to add your own link (in the comment section,) to anything regarding antiques.


What is your favorite thing to collect?

Photos: of the French flea market.



57 responses to “Antiques and Vintage Links”

  1. Absolutely stunning.
    How blessed you are to have these treasure troves available to purchase.
    Love and hugs and smiles.
    Love Jeanne

  2. I’m just a browser, but my father and stepmother love to go to auctions. They go to the preview, pick what they like, take pictures and then research the items online to see if they’re authentic, and how much they’re worth. This way during auction, they know how much is too much to bid and know where to stop.

  3. Paris Parfait

    I want to know what came home with you! 🙂

  4. My best antiquing ‘tip’is to look UP!! Its so easy to keep your eyes lower than your height but many times there are treasures hung above you if you look. I’m not a big collector but do love wire tea pots and ‘hands’ or things with hands in or on them.

  5. I have a Friday Flea Market on my blog 🙂 Thanks for letting me advertise! I collect ‘feminine antiques’. American antiques aren’t nearly as old as European ones…but they still delight!

  6. I love all antique sales even rummage sales you just never know what someone is willing to get rid of:) one mans junk is another mans treasure! I just posted about one of my favorite places to go to for my fix:) so what did you end up buying? xo

  7. OMG Corey, I would go crazy if I were there. How do you decide what to purchase? One of each please.

  8. I am visiting my daughter in Atlanta…we will be going to fleas markets and antique malls. She collects the dishes shown on your post in the wire basket…Federalist Ironstone…but in white rather than gold. I think dishes are my biggest weakness…probably because they are food related!

  9. i love this post! i don’t have budget right now for big ticket items so i don’t worry too much about authenticity, etc. my price range is small enough that if i find something i love it is worth the price…but, it is exciting when i can confirm that something is actually worth more than i paid for it. 🙂

  10. i love this post! i don’t have budget right now for big ticket items so i don’t worry too much about authenticity, etc. my price range is small enough that if i find something i love it is worth the price…but, it is exciting when i can confirm that something is actually worth more than i paid for it. 🙂

  11. Oh lovely Corey, well my favorite things are rose cups and dishes & jugs etc., enamel kitchen ware, old garden tools, old lace & linen & buttons & millinery flowers, rose paintings and since I craft of course also old book pages and sheet music and emphemera.
    What a pity I can’t click on your gorgeous pics to see the bigger version! xox

  12. I don’t really collect anything, but I do love me some clear glass bottles.
    Your last post cracked me up, my dear! lol

  13. Hmmm… I love to look for English Chintz China – do you see much of it in France? And vintage textiles and trims are always coveted, buttons, too…

  14. angels! lavish floral china esp. english and french. And eccentric vegetable prints.

  15. I collect Eiffel Towers and other French paraphernalia!

  16. Hi Corey,
    I too can’t wait to have a look at yesterdays “finds” !
    When I go on the hunt, it is actually an expidition for inspiration. I never know what I’m looking for. Then it’s such a gift and surprise to know when I’ve found”IT”! Home the treasure comes with me ready for recreation. I rarly keep anything old or new without putting on my own stamp upon it.

  17. Corey – I see a newsletter in the works here, what a marvelous idea to have all your readers share their impressions!!!
    Moth-touched threads, decaying and peeling layers of color, moonlit symphonies and magic stored for my eyes… these are what I look for!

  18. Alright! This post is totally up my fleamarket alley, Corey. What do I look for…anything! Vintage linens, beautiful dishes, anything that catches my eye and heart. Where do I go fleamarketing…thereare several quaint little towns in New Jersey and Pennsylvania with many shops lining their main streets. One of the best fleamarkets that I have been to has been in Saylorsburg, NJ. It’s worth the drive out there AND there is a hotdog bus just ’round the corner. Mmmm…and I don’t usually like hotdogs!
    Elizabeth’s blog is terrific, eh? She has a good eye and her posts about owning a business are interesting and insightful.

  19. This is truly eye candy, Corey! I love a hunt when the pickin’s are so easy to find! My favorites are flow blue (the more crazed the better!), rosey china, and foremost… old laces, linens and buttons!

  20. The 5th photo from the top, which links to etapartça — that’s what seduces me. Also the cherub painting in the previous post. La nostalgie is powerful!

  21. After thinking about it for a moment, I realized that the most precious of my collections are my Frozen Charlottes.{CE240055-101C-44CB-89B5-395765919496}
    I had quite a few of these via my grandmother and over the years they were lost and/or broken. After one of my cats broke my last one (back in the late 70’s) I started looking for them and recreated my collection. I still have the broken bits of my last one. I haven’t added to my collection for a while but now I’m inspired and this morning I found a little treasure on eBay. I hope I win this auction. Thanks for the inspiration.

  22. Friends, I like to collect friends 🙂

  23. I buy enamelware-it’s affordable. I love those pots you have pictured.

  24. I so wish I lived in a country that had such wonderful flea markets. I love vintage textiles and linens,childrens toys and dolls anything pretty that can transport me to another time and place. lucky lucky you!

  25. I want to see a BIGGER picture of the Rose Tea Cup PLEASE!!! Whaaaaaaaaa
    OK some antiquing hunting secrets Tips:
    Go VERY, very early while it’s still dark out and take a flashlight.
    And pretend to be a dealer. Dress like one too..
    Do not be a “box-opener”
    Dealers hate that.
    And do not say you have the same thing up in the attic and how much are they asking for theirs.
    I dated a dealer and wrote a book on his advice 🙂

  26. I love looking at all the sites/links. I feel where I am in the world all collectibles are so pricey! I always love looking at 50’s, mid century furniture and dinnerware but don’t end up buying much.

  27. I just wish we had that variety of antiques in Australia…just beautiful! I could look all day…Nel

  28. hello Corey
    j’aime toutes les antiquités ! jaime faire les marchés aux puces et les brocantes ! je collectionne les poteries savoyardes et j’ai longtemps collectionné les lampes à pétrole comme celles que vous avez photographiées : mais j’ai tout vendu !!!

  29. Wonderful, wonderful treats for the eye! I am an antique lover from way back.

  30. Wish I had been there. One trick, which I’m sure you know, ALWAYS travel with a measuring tape. If it is real, it tells you, and you have to listen carefully.

  31. I collect tins. I have (shh, don’t tell my husband) over a thousand tins. Some in boxes, some in the basement, some on shelves, just about everywhere. I stopped collecting them but now what do I do with them? I once sorted them by tins related to holidays, European tins, candy tins, hinged tins. It’s difficult to part with them but I feel that I have enjoyed them all that I can and they should move on to someone else.

  32. Oh my, way too much eye candy in one post…I don’t know if I am in heaven or simply green with envy.

  33. corey, of course flow blue … i do like the french coffee pots… i’v collected six now but i could always use some more!

  34. corey, of course flow blue … i do like the french coffee pots… i’v collected six now but i could always use some more!

  35. Lovely photos to whet the appetite. I like to buy vintage lace and linen. I also love blue and white china, and lately anything with roses on it.
    Slim pickings around here though. Come summer, in cottage country we have much more success with our shopping.

  36. gorgeous pics!!! great links!
    I usually go to Rozelle Flea Markets in Sydney (its on every Saturday/Sunday) and I love the thrill of not knowing what you will find!
    at the moment Im loving and look out for vintage playing cards, vintage childrens books and apothecary jars…but anything that catches my eye is good too!

  37. my favorite local flea market is Todd Farm in Rowley, MA (sundays april – oct) i try to go early in the dark. then there’s brimfield. my absolute fave’s though are in cali – they’re all great! this spring i’ll be in FRANCE, and when i see all the exquisite treasures on your blog i think france is going to top my list!

  38. I have some favorite antiques/vintage places I love to visit here in Charleston , SC..USA.. One is Page’s Thieve’s Market in Mt Pleasant where I live! ………. ! another is Lowcountry Antiques. There are some incrediby expensive antiques on KING street in Charleston, for the Incredibly wealthy , Dahling…! They are way too frou frou for moi ! I love to go to yard sales around town,,, You would not believe what you can find for ‘peanuts’!!!!

  39. I have been fortunate to inherit several antiques from an uncle who buys and restores. I have a large collection of bobbins, first edition of classic literature, a piano, photographs, as well as tables/chairs, a secretary I adore. I must blog about it soon and show some pictures. 🙂

  40. Tip? ok……… Always look on it’s bottom.

  41. Several years ago I had a mish-mash of things I had collected over the years. Then a big life changing event happened to me. Unfortunatly, I did a clear out the old bring in with the new. I miss my bits and bobs, so i’m starting again. I think 40s, but have an open mind

  42. I’m with Queenie..I love to clear out all the old stuff.
    Then get in some “NEW”
    Vintage cups it is for moi now..
    Who knows tomorrow what I’ll be seeking?

  43. I love antique buttons. Coincidentally, I posted a couple of pictures earlier this week!

  44. Humm…too much to choose from, I love anything pretty-buttons, jewellery, ceramics! Can I come to the fairs with you next week?

  45. I love the yellow crockery, mellow like Provencal sunshine. I love your images, the way you embrace the present momment with your lens. Thank you.

  46. Our little antiques store in McDonough, Georgia is small but packed full of great things. We try to display these wonderful old items in a way that you can picture them in your own home. Also we try to show these old pieces displayed in a totally different way that what you would normally expect. As time passes, the more aged, tattered, crackled and time-worn an item is, the more we love it!! Thank you ~ Dawn

  47. I cannot pick a fav all of them are incredible.

  48. Hi Corey,
    Loved this post, so many beautiful finds just wainting to be found 🙂
    When I go on a search I don’t really have a thing on my mind (most of the time) I let myself go to the beauty of what I see.
    But I got to admit that lately I’ve been waiting to find some big glass globes and some “globes de mariage”. Well I found one that is in my living room with an angel inside ( waiting to be transformed into something else…but I’d love to have more 🙂 🙂

  49. The butter coloured dishes look so Spring! I haven’t done a lot of antique buying, but I love to look. You have inspired me to start!

  50. I LOVE those blue bottles! I want a window full of them. Maybe when we buy a house this summer, and I have a window box in the kitchen, I can get you to send me one or two? I’ll love you long time. 😉
    (Well, I’ll love you long time, anyway.) 🙂

  51. What a wonderful idea to set up this ‘everything antiques’ network. I have only dipped in so far – there is much to explore. And you take a lot of trouble putting your pictures together and making them stay together!
    One of your commenters used the phrase ‘eye candy’ – exactly right, and my mouth waters every time I visit your blog. Thank you so much for enabling me to be there!

  52. Samplers, samplers, samplers !!!
    Old ones, new ones, French, American, English ones… I love stitched letters !
    (what a beautiful blog by the way !!! 🙂

  53. I love collecting old paintings. You can find such gems, by “unknowns”, for a song. I don’t think I’ve ever paid more than $25 for one, and you should see the collection. I think I’ll create an exhibit with them in my shop, just for fun. There was an incredible art dealer at the Flea Market at the Basilique St. Sernin in Toulouse. Great eye and great prices. He researched all the paintings very well and would give you background on them.
    I also like to collect linens.

  54. Corey, i have to admit that i have been a bit jealous for all those bloggers who shows what they have found from antique fairs and fleamarkets ;D
    Sometimes i do find marvelous things from fleamarkets, those moments are the blessed hours for me!
    But maybe when i am visiting Tunis at april i can find a some exquisite treasures…
    Beautiful moments for you <3

  55. Those drip coffee pots are to die for! Such a French thing. I used to live in Louisiana and many people there still use these.

  56. Hi Corey
    Your finds are fantastic. I love the blue glass … and the enamelware … and … everything.
    I’m a dealer in the UK selling antique and vintage linen, textiles, lace, kitchenalia, eiderdowns, etc, and often photograph stock on my blog. I love hunting at flea markets but don’t get much opportunity as I’m usually out selling when they’re on!
    Thanks for the opportunity of commenting here.

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