Open Door


When a door closes another door opens. What if one door closes and another opens only half-way. Do you believe that the door is shut, hoping you will open it anyway and enter? Life teases us and asks us to trust.

photo: Spice shop door nearby where I live.


38 responses to “Open Door”

  1. Yes each step we walk in life is a lesson and a very valuable one…….
    When God closes one door He also opens a window.
    I love you

  2. Opened/closed…
    The little bit of RED around the Blue door makes the pale GREEN door sing
    Beautiful picture !

  3. Just want to say that this a beautiful photo!

  4. Great photo; you’ve beautifully captured something that I see all the time here in Italy too. And can I say that I’m so happy that when I saw the photo I thought the door was half-open? Of course, perhaps that’s from the experience of peering inside so many of them to see if someone, anyone would be willing to sell me something of whatever is inside ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. I’m putting great faith in a half closed door hoping that it opens all the way….for me.

  6. If I saw a door half open I would have to take a peek inside. Your door pictures are lovely…..I have always loved looking at pictures of doors on old buildings and homes.

  7. Beautiful photo…I love the various colored doors you share with us.

  8. Ahh how can we stop from peeking around the edge of the door to see what’s inside (or to free whatever is inside)? We can’t and shouldn’t. Open those doors that’s why there are door knobs and keys!

  9. How long can we stand and consider, before we either enter or just turn and run?

  10. how very thought provoking! The photo is so gorgeous! The colors are lovely! Happy St. Patty’s Day!

  11. Beautiful words and good food for thought!
    Standing behind the doors of your links were beautiful strong woman too. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  12. Something I’ll think about all day. And thank you for the links; thought-provoking and beautiful.

  13. Beautiful post today with fascinating links. I’ve bookmarked two of them for further perusal.

  14. Love, love, love this.

  15. You have no idea how timely th at message/reminder is for me!!! Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Have been reading so many people blog about the significance of ‘Doors’ in their lives, I love how they represent so many things, provide inspirations and opportunities at the same time.

  17. Thank you for stopping by and for the lovely comments for me on Sunday Scribblings.
    You’re so right about the doors. Sometimes, quite a few may open and close too in succession one after the other.
    But the grand thing about life I feel is that one door will always be open somehow somewhere.
    Thanks for this. It’s made me smile. ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Oh I so needed to hear this today (and now my eyes are watering)! I’ve recently felt as though a door is most definitely shut, and I’ve been so busy being upset that I haven’t looked through all the ones I am sure are open!

  19. Don’t you know: When one door is closed –
    when one door is closed,
    many more is open?
    So says Bob Marley in-
    Coming In From The Cold ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. A half-door open is better than a whole door closed. If the door is closed, I always try the handle first; you never know — it might be open!

  21. Is a glass half empty or half full? Guess that door depends on your perspective on life. Just wanted to stop by and thankyou for your kindness Corey.

  22. I like the way you focus on the smaller green door, leaving the sparkling blue in the shadow.
    Sent inspiration my way…..

  23. I love that line from The Sound of Music. And I do believe in opportunities presenting themselves in different ways; we must be open to whatever is supplied to bring us joy.

  24. Thanks for the link love. Lovely foto. How fortunate you are to live there.

  25. Lovely, lovely!!

  26. Doors are open to us, if we believe they are. As for the “door within a door”, sometimes, you have a small window of opportunity, that you MUST seize. As for the rusty lock, sometimes, a little coaxing is all it takes to open any door.
    Great post Corey! xo

  27. What is on the other side of the door is always such a splendid mystery isn’t it…one that tempts us to go through that door! I love how you get me thinking Corey!

  28. open and closed doors…such a great metaphor for life. I have many closing and I am waiting for new ones to open…and when they do I will be ready to explore with much anticipation of the adventures ahead.

  29. You used the magic word, “trust”. We must trust the higher being for what happens to us, sometimes, it is for our highest good.
    Thank you for acknowledging my blog, your words in this blog is always inspiring. Thank you for being.

  30. It can be hard to look at a closed door as a blessing but it sure can be. Learned that the hard way.

  31. Always an open door somewhere, always.
    Take care, Corey.
    g xo

  32. peggy fritz

    sitting here reading this with my skirt caught in a closed door.
    Corey responds:
    What a clever comment you left me regarding the open door.
    Isn’t it so true, that when the doors of our lives open or close…a small part of us stays in between.

  33. patpaulk

    Some of us dummies keep banging our heads on the closed one.

  34. I think the most lovely thing about france is the doors. Last visit I counted 140 photos I took just of doors. They are so beautiful and nothing ever repeats! All different, all lovely shades of color!

  35. Having been through great adversity when my DH became paralyzed, in an operating room no less…talk about unexpected immediate life changing circumstance, forever) I will add, that if you have to break the lock or pry it off its hinges FIND a new door to open. LIFE goes on after everything and we do live through whatever it is that happens, somehow, some way! And, its up to “you” to make it a GOOD LIFE! One earthly life to live, don’t waste it grieving for what was or what can’t be. To me this is called having faith in God and in ourselves. Of course you have the right to the thorns that will resurface on occassion BUT you also have the ability to pluck them with tweesors to and move on…forward, onward upward! One day at a time, one mile at a time, and always with guidance from God/Universe or any higher power you connect with as strength.
    Loved this pic Corey. Just read todays post too and have some fun for me while you are there, will you? Can’t wait to see your treasures. Pics from the truck perhaps where they hide till its safe to stash them wihtout being noticed? haha.

  36. angela marie

    Great photo! I love pictures of doors and windows! I guess it would have to be what they represent.
    I look at this question you have asked also like looking at your glass… is it half full or half empty!?
    Love this!

  37. a lovely post..lifes little paths – which door to enter?!!
    id love to visit that spice shop…I bet it smells glorious..

  38. Portals to different realities…one open, one closed. Who is brave enough to venture through when the other side is obscured? To be sure, it feels better when the spice of life sits along side, flavoring the experience. Still the void can be scary…will you explore?
    Meilleurs voeux!!

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