Baby Shoes


My Mother found these baby shoes at a second hand-shop. She tossed them to me saying, "For your blog." I smiled thinking she gets it, and found her gesture to be a perfect compliment, especially since she shares a shop with my sister-in-law.


The tag said, "One pair, one spare and one no-match." I’m easily amused.


The "no-match" is my favorite. Though if I lived in that period of time I doubt I would have ever managed to button-up the buttons. My babies would have spent their days barefoot.


Get a load of my *niece Kate’s feet. Trust me there is no way that her little feet would fit into those vintage baby shoes. But then again who needs cute shoes when you have cutie-legs like this!

*The link takes you to Kate’s first visit to my blog. Kate was several months old then. In this photo she is 16 months old.


Worn and true holes in the baby shoe. I guess you could say: "Those little piggies really did go to the market."


The pair, has a perfect spare.


Happy feet. (The youngest in our family. My eight-week old nephew on his Baptism day last week.)

Photos: Vintage baby shoes and baby feet….a good way to start life, "One pair, one spare and one no-match." Happiness is kissing the ground we walk on and tickling the feet of children. (click on images to enlarge.)


51 responses to “Baby Shoes”

  1. You always put your best foot forward. These photographs and heart strings are fabulous as is everything you post.
    Love you so much
    Love Jeanne

  2. Glorious C.
    And aren’t children’s toes so expresive? Always curling and flexing!

  3. I have a collection of shoes like those! And little socks too. Those baby feet are so so sweet!

  4. those photos are just so precious…they grow too quick and soon they have bigger shoes to fill…

  5. I am grinning from ear to ear over those leggums:) And baby feet YUM!

  6. Darling shoes — I love babies’ feet and fingers. Buttoning up those shoes on wiggly little feet – no way – my babies would have gone barefoot also.

  7. My daughter has that exact dress! The shoes are adorable, but my favorite are those tiny toes.

  8. thank goodness no one is collecting the shoes of my toddlers – they never looked this clean or well-cared for!!
    They remind me of some very cute little boots that my mother bought in USA 12 years ago when I was first pregnant. Turned out they weren’t the right shape for baby feet anyway and are still brand new!!!

  9. Oh this post made me smile so much 🙂 Thank you Corey! Among the many things I love: tiny baby/kid shoes and baby nails…

  10. My children’s wigglin’ piggys would never allow me to button ’em up. It’s bad enough just getting them into the shoe.
    And it’s nice to see that your mom “get’s it” 🙂

  11. I love my little girls’ toes!

  12. Maybe it was for Jake-the-Peg…with his extra leg????
    Don`t you just want to kiss that adorable cute legs!!

  13. patpaulk

    I remember a pair my mother had on a plaque, I think, that were bronzed. Not that old though.

  14. Truly enchanting Corey, both the shoes and the baby legs!

  15. Marie-Noëlle

    When lately opening the bag in which I have kept a few baby things (that belonged to my children), I just could not believe that their nowaday big feet in thick “tank-shaped” Nike TNs once fitted in those tiny little leather shoes !?!
    Lovely pictures, Corey! I like the way your whole family gets inspired and implied in your blog…

  16. The old baby shoes are beautiful. You would have been able to button your children’s shoes because you would have had a shoe hook (I have one left from my great-uncle). The picture of the little niece is absolutely adorable. Our 11 months old granddaughter is just standing, but by summer we should see her chubby legs walking around, too. Thanks for sharing these and for your Mom thinking of all of us out here waiting to see the next lovely, enchanting item you put up.

  17. Paris Parfait

    Precious little shoes. And there’s nothing more adorable than baby’s and cherub’s chubby little feet. (And how nice that your mom “gets” your blog).

  18. I love leg and feet shots! (I don’t know if you’d caught up with my posts, I have an entry called ‘happy feet’ :)) Love the beautiful vintage shoes and your niece’s baby feet and legs are just adorable!

  19. The shoes are very nice, but not as sweet as those litte legs and toes.

  20. You continually amaze me, Corey- I don’t even know what to say to this post- I just feel all squishy and lovey-dovey on the inside!

  21. Too too cute, my goodness, the shoes are adorable

  22. Who could resist those baby feet and toddler legs…just precious. I remember the birthday card my mother sent me this past year; when I read it, it made me well with tears because I knew she finally “got” me. I’m so glad your mother gets what you do with your blogging.
    And about those buttons…they used button hooks back then, remember? No hand buttoning.

  23. Oh!! Baby toes!! Can’t get enough!

  24. Wish my feet were as cute as lil-Kates…! What a delightfully charming and full of whimsy post dear Corey! Shoes to make any girl happy!!!

  25. How adorable. And not just the shoes and your niece’s legs, but her hair is beautiful!

  26. There just isn’t anything cuter than chubby little legs and tiny little toes.

  27. Oh those little chubby legs, so cute.
    I am off to Paris tomorrow Corey so enjoy the rest of your trip and I will be trying to report all things French but I bet I can’t do it as well as you.

  28. As soon as I saw that derriere and those legs I knew the owner..!
    The baby girl with the chubby little toes & painted nails from an earlier post.
    How quickly they grow. Can you imagine putting those baby shoes on, only to have them constantly kicked off…my babes would be barefoot too..!

  29. those are the cutest little shoes…and i think it is so sweet that your mom ‘gets you’…what a compliement!

  30. You placed the buttoned shoes on the perfect polka-dot background!

  31. Cool mom! Also, cool post.

  32. Every day I look forward to your photo prose and poetry!

  33. Oh those shoes! And those feet and toes!!
    Thanks so much for your comments in my blog!!! :O)

  34. I am so laughing at this post! I love the antique shoes and oh my gosh Kate is so adorable! Your Mom has it right on.

  35. My great-grandmother-in-law’s favorite part of newborn babies are their perfect, teeny tiny toes, which she looks at collectively on each foot as “peas in a pod”! Thank you for sharing such a sweet post!

  36. OH how I love the chubby little legs and tickly feet of babes…. There is nothing like it in the world to bring a smile and a little tickle to the heart!

  37. You got me with the “legs”! How adorable is that?????

  38. how sweet are those chubby legs!
    my babies (ages 2 and 3) wore these soft leather shoes forever! and we lost one, so we have a spare as well….I guess I will keep it.

  39. Another beautiful post. And those little chubby legs are just too, too much…

  40. I just love those button shoes. No danger in losing one of those off the baby’s foot at the store.
    How come we think baby’s tushi’s are cute chubby but now we want to look like a
    Take care,

  41. Your mother is so sweet…haha ‘for your blog’ made me laugh…precious shoes, how charming!!

  42. oh, how cute all those little feet and shoes are! Thanks for making me smile every day!

  43. I wonder about all of the stories those shoes could tell if they spoke to us. Darling little legs …so makes me long for the baby days again.

  44. those shoes are so adorable! i love the one with no pair especially.
    and those cute chubby legs remind me of my fiona, she is 15 months and not able to fit in baby shoes any more either.

  45. Chubby little baby legs and feet make me happy! So adorable!!!

  46. Wonderful post. I love the shoes, feet and legs. I agree regarding the shoe with the little buttons. Cute as can be but who holds the baby down?

  47. I just want to know the story behind those baby shoes with the holes in them. Did you ever see a worn out pair of baby shoes before? Never! Little feet just don’t wear out shoes; they outgrow them. There must be something interesting hiding in those soles…Oh! If they would only speak…
    Meilleurs voeux!!

  48. i love her little chubby legs…always wonder why that look has to go by the wayside as we get older. i just want to pinch those little rolls!

  49. Would you get a load of those gams? Tres gorgeous!
    Makes you want to scoop her up and get big hugs!

  50. These are simply precious! Those chubby little legs remind me of my daughter’s at that age…she’s now 23, almost 6 feet tall with the longest, lankiest legs you’ve ever seen…thank God THAT apple fell FAR from the tree 😉

  51. I adore this picture. I always take pics of my babies’ feet! I’m so glad I have them.

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