Flow Blue Shelley


My friend Shelley loves flow blue. She collects it passionately…even if it is cracked, or chipped or mix-n-match. Every piece is worthy in her eyes. Shelley doesn’t judge perfection as flawless. She takes what she has been given, and drinks from it. The taste might be bitter to us, though Shelley doesn’t complain. Instead she shows me that life doesn’t have to be sweet to be rich.

                   A cup of chocolate for Shelley.

              Do you know someone who is a miracle?

photo: A mix-n-match flow blue cup, without a handle. Good-bye Shelley, see you this summer, my love and prayers of grace and courage I leave with you.



29 responses to “Flow Blue Shelley”

  1. I remember your previous post about your dear friend Shelley. The two of you have a one of a kind friendship, worth the flowing blues. God bless both of you!

  2. Which one among us isn’t a miracle? We’re all flow blue in some way, yes?

  3. Yes I do and am so proud to know them.
    All my friends and family are miracles in many ways.
    We are always on our way to a miracle.
    I love you dearly.
    The cup is beautiful and so are you.
    Love and kisses

  4. Shelly sounds like an amazing women and a great friend. Friendship is such a comfort.
    Thank you both for introducing me to Flow Blue. I have never heard of it before today. It’s beautiful.

  5. True blue friends
    Held together by a special glue.
    They constantly renew..
    All that is lovely and true.
    Something for us all to aspire to…

  6. Special thoughts for your friend Shelley.

  7. But you’ve just proved, it’s all in the perspective. The lack of a handle isn’t at all noticeable, now, is it? In many ways, we’re all miracles, then, aren’t we?

  8. Corey,

  9. Prayers for Shelley…and for Corey who collects friends like Shelley collects Flow Blue!

  10. Love the post…….I too collect flow blue and this post really hit home:)

  11. Oh my.
    I lost a sister to ALS.
    BON COURAGE a Shelley and to her family and friends.
    How many Americans do you think are living somewhere in the South of France with significant I-Beam experience in their DISTANT past?
    Now I know there are at least DEUX.
    Oh-la… best to all.

  12. What a lovely cup of friendship!Friends flow through our lives and we love them with all their chips and cracks and missing pieces!

  13. I won’t be able to look at another piece of flow blue without being reminded of Shelley. She sounds like a very brave and courageous woman.

  14. What a lovely post, lovely snetiments, lovely thoughts. I believe all those that surround me are miracles in their own way.

  15. Beautiful posts about your friend Shelley, she sounds absolutely amazing. I’ve known some wonderful people who are miracles, some of them have sadly left this world and others fill my life with light. Love the methaphor of flow blue. Much peace, JP

  16. Every baby is a miracle, so I’d have to say everyone I know is miraculous…of course that doesn’t mean they’re my cup of tea (or chocolate)…
    Hope your early morning visit with Annie was a good one!

  17. Perfection is when something is just right and needs no more. As with flow blue; it may have been a “mistake” but it is beautiful and needs no more. xox

  18. As always, love the post. Absolutely LOVE the blue dish!

  19. You have the loveliest of sentiments attached to each post that you author. They are a treat to read, and always leave me joyful!

  20. Shelley sounds like a lovely woman with the right perspective on Life.
    I am lucky to have great family and friends, too. Each one of them in unique and special and they enrich my life in so many ways.

  21. when I read a book and something in that book moves me beyond anything or transforms me to another level, I consider that author to be my Miracle. Eric Butterworth is a Miracle, specially because when I read his book (discover the power within) he was already dead. So he transformed me when he was not even living among us. He and many our authors are Miracles. Ayn Rand is another author who really change my perspective when she was dead…
    Thanks for asking that question…

  22. Shelley is indeed a miracle- we should all have Shelley’s in our lives- and be Shelley’s as well to others. You, Corey, dear, are my miracle!
    Please give my best wishes and prayers to Shelley as well…

  23. I have a beautiful old china cup with a chip and crack in it just to remind me that we don’t have to be perfect to be beautiful…we are all miracles! Lovely post and Shelly sounds like a lovely lady!

  24. Tammy at http://www.mylifeasawarrior.blogspot.com is a miracle…
    btw that little sugar cube looks good enough to steal!!

  25. Marie-Noëlle

    I know someone who’s been on death’s door-step for months … – one year today – And we do hope that each day is one more step to a miracle…
    Thinking of Shelley … very deeply… so that she can still manage to float along “le flot bleu” (=the blue wave) of life…

  26. Yes! I’d collect that too!
    take care, grache

  27. That’s a lovely thought. Shelley sounds like a treasure.

  28. At the bridal shower on Saturday, Corey, Flow Blue was everywhere. It turns out that Susan, Erin’s mom, is a collector. This is a very good thing to know for the future, yes?

  29. A beautiful photo and another beautiful post about your friend.

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