Family Affair


Yesterday I called home to confirm to my parents our flight information. My little nieces and nephew where there. I had already bought gifts for them, but I thought I’d ask anyway what they might like me to bring.

Chelsea said, "Mommy, why did you ask them what they wanted? When are you going to find the time to buy these things. What if you don’t find what they want? Mommy, you do remember we leave tomorrow?"

My daughter thinks before she acts. I’ve said she should have been the Mom.


My niece Gina (8) simply asked for a fancy doll to put on her shelf. "As in breakable?" I asked. I love carry-ons. Especially fragile, odd shape ones.


Gina told me that Marie (8) wasn’t there to say what she’d like. I asked her if she had any ideas. Gina said, "Sure I do, Clothes! Something sweet and pink. But not fou fou Aunt Corey."


Next came May-May (6), she told me she wanted a horse. "A HORSE! How am I going to stuff a real horse in my suitcase?" She reassured me, "Silly Aunt Corey. It doesn’t have to be real. Just soft and blue."


"Soft and blue."


George (4) my Godchild, asked for Spider Man. "Hum. That is going to be a challenge. Tell me if I can’t find Spider Man, will Superman, or Snoopy, or Mickey Mouse do the job?"

"No not really." He replied. "I like Spider Man."

Hum, Chelsea was right.


Molly (4) thought the longest. After awhile she said, "I cannot make up my mind. I’m going to tell you two things and you can surprise me. I’d like a seashell and Jesus."

Oh God help me. We leave today.

Photos from last summer.


72 responses to “Family Affair”

  1. Molly will have both gifts in the end I believe – Sea-chel…woops, I mean Chelsea, and Jesus by the way you bring forward your own belief.
    These kids seems worth travelling half the world for!
    Have a safe trip. Blessings to you all.

  2. You have some MAJOR shopping to do Corey! Have a safe trip!

  3. First I’d like to say that each and every one of those children are absolutely beautiful…and add to that their sweet and delightful requests, priceless.
    I know in the end that the real gift for ALL of your family will be the arrival of you and your children.
    I can’t believe we’ll be in the same state!
    I wish you all a very safe journey sweet Corey!

  4. This was priceless! Oh my – good luck with your shopping! And have a safe trip – enjoy!

  5. have a safe and wonderful trip. but, i know that you will…

  6. Sweet children all but be sure to tell Molly that Jesus is the easiest gift to find. He lives in all our hearts.

  7. ja ja ja ja ja! you are hilarious Corey! I love this post! so refreshing. Have a wonderful time there! and keep posting if you can! Hugs and love

  8. Can I please have May-May’s hair? ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a safe trip.

  9. I’m doing the blog rounds after a busy week. What a great post! And don’t they ALL look gorgeous. What a beautiful family! I loved reading their requests. Looks like it might be easier to find Jesus than Spiderman ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a most wonderful trip and sojourn Corey.

  10. .. “she should have been the Mom” – listening to one of my daughters this morning, I was thinking how wonderful, that our children seem to develop traits, that I wished I had, to near perfection. I’m constantly at awe about those sweet creatures, and you seem to have a great many of those around you.
    Have a wonderful and safe trip,

  11. Marie-Noรซlle

    GORGEOUS little faces, Corey… and lovely presie ideas, especially as last-minute ones!
    Let me imagine the next step…
    Marseille airport. Friday morning. An early plane is about to take off. All the staff are ready. Mรฉlanie is the new air hostess. This flight to San Francisco is her first real flight. She spent all the night rehearsing what she would have to do and repeating to herself what she had to say… “bonjour Monsieur”, “Bonjour Madame”, “Veuillez me suivre” … trying her English “Good morning”, “would you follow me”…, not forgetting her “s’il vous plaรฎt” or “please” and choosing the right gestures and always keeping her smile on…
    Her head dealt the posts… She is to welcome the passengers at the front door with her. She is very nervous but finally manages to calm down as the first lots arrive…
    Within a few minutes the plane is nearly loaded when 3 more people arrive. The first 2 are teenagers. Very nice. Very polite. Very “ordinary”. Then Mรฉlanie looks up and stares at the next one: a lady who obviously did her last shopping from the airport duty-free. She is dressed in a Spiderman’s costume and in a pink tee shirt with a fancy glittering Eiffel tower on the front, holding a blue hobby horse in one hand and a vintage porcelaine doll in the other…
    Mรฉlanie forgets her smile and lets out a whisper “doux Jรฉsus!” (=sweet Jesus!) to which the lady replies “yes, it did well!”. She follows Mรฉlanie to her seat thinking to herself : “hope it will work on Molly too” and then asks her son “have you taken the sea shell, Sacha, just in case?”
    By the front door, Mรฉlanie comes closely to her head and asks: “Are all American ladies as “fo-folle” (= feminine for fou-fou)?”
    La vรฉritรฉ sort de la bouche des enfants! (= children speak the truth)
    – Waiting for the next step! –

  12. Corey,
    Bon voyage!

  13. Have a wonderful trip Corey and good luck with the shopping. my youngest is currently asking the universe for a menagerie of real animals including a squirrel, so you’re lucky May-May is happy with the idea of a blue one.

  14. Good luck finding gifts for them all. They are beautiful children and I bet you have a fabulous time in the States.

  15. Have safe travels my darling friend……..Your family members are gorgeous and so are you. YOU are the best gift of all.
    They will be thrilled to see you again.
    Love Jeanne

  16. I havent smiled and giggled this much in a long time Corey. And ~such~ a lovely bond you have with your family. I pray this is a truly blessed trip for all of you!
    Blessed Lent <>< Wendy

  17. Paris Parfait

    Those children are all beautiful and photogenic! But your daughter is right! ๐Ÿ™‚ And I like Marie-Noelle’s imagined account of your trip’s beginning. Safe travels, dear Corey. xo

  18. What wonderful gifts you bring. Love the last line!!

  19. Happy Trails To You C:) those kids are beautiful and the blue eyes oh myyyyyyyyy goodness:) xoxo

  20. OH such beautiful children. Wishing safe travel to you Corey and happy times with family.

  21. Those are gorgeous kids. Have a safe flight and have a wonderful, loving time with your family.

  22. I see you have 5 little presents already waiting for you don’t you?
    Chelsea was right of course but clever you will figure something out.
    Have a good trip!

  23. I bet your family can’t wait to see their fabulous daughter, wonderful sister and magical Aunt Corey! What a blessing that you can be together whih Chelsea and Shasha too.

  24. GOD how are we going to manage without you around ?
    Take the time to forget , take pleasure to wait and enjoy the T.TIME of sweetness with them.
    Have a nice and safe trip
    take care Corey

  25. Ask me Corey! Ask me what I want!
    First off I’d like beautiful little neices like yours and a little god-boy like yours, then I’ll take France! Will it fit in your carry on bag?

  26. What beautitful children you have waiting for you arrive. Maybe the easiest alterntive would be to give them all a shopping day with Aunt Corey once you arrive for those last minute gifts of choosing. I want an Aunt Corey, just like you!!! Have a wonderful trip, surrounded in family love Corey. I’ll miss you.

  27. Well best of luck with the shopping and have a wonderful trip.

  28. Don’t you just love the way their little minds work?
    I came home one day to find my nephew digging out my mom’s hall closet wearing a Bob the Builder Construction Hat, purple fairy wings, Elmo slippers, and little white underwear with Spiderman on them, all the while singing “The Wheels On the Bus”! I should have gotten on to him for making a mess, but I was laughing too hard. Twas truly a sight to behold!

  29. Corey, your nieces and Godson are beautiful. I LOVE those curls! Anyway, if you find Jesus please tell him I’d like a word with him, too.;)

  30. Dear heart! I expect none other than Jesus in your bag when you arrive!!! Be safe and come quickly! We all adore you!!!

  31. What sweethearts they are. This list seemed to get progressively more challenging. I think if Molly’s asking for Jesus, he must already be there in her heart. Perhaps the shell will do for her ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Safe travels, Corey.

  32. What precious children! I do hope you were able to fulfill their wishes…
    Wishing you safe travels to fun fun places.

  33. Love this post, Corey…the children are all just precious! I think that has been said already..
    Enjoy your time with family!

  34. Wishing you safe travels and a lovely trip.

  35. Oh my goodness- what wonderful faces! Have a wonderful trip!

  36. I’m with Molly. I’d like a seashell and Jesus, too. She’s wise beyond her years.

  37. safe travels Corey as you to go your warm and loving Cali home xoxo

  38. Hah! Oh dear, you are certainly going to be one busy woman today, Corey. First to the toy store, then to a non-frou-frou dress shop, then to a unique farm, then back to the toy store and then all the way to the beach (or church). Lord, you are one terrific aunt! I would’ve just brought candy!

  39. What beatiful children and their comments were wonderful. Of course you know the best present for them will be seeing their Aunt Corey and family!

  40. Have a wonderful time with your family. Those children are just too precious.

  41. Have a wonderful trip and happy travelling!
    Sweetest faces!

  42. Corey,
    That was so cute! Have a great trip and hopefully I will see you while you are here visiting.

  43. Jesus! What are you going to do?
    sweethearts – each and every one of them – awesome
    have a brilliant time!

  44. I have just returned from a whirlwind visit in the States. Have fun. Enjoy.
    I visited everyone that I could and enjoyed every minute of it.

  45. Wonderful photos. Corey, the love you give is the best gift of all. Travel safely, sweet friend.

  46. So wish we could hook up while you are here. Lovely post Corey.

  47. Have an absolutely beautiful and delightful time drinking in your family and looking for blue horses.

  48. Dear C,
    They obviously have great faith in their Aunt.
    Safe journey.

  49. What adorable children! Im sure they will love anything you give them! have a great trip!

  50. What beautiful children and what an intelligent little girl you have. Hope you find what you are looking for.

  51. what sweet faces! i love their requests.
    have a wonderful trip, corey!

  52. They are all so adorable…I am sure you will have such a wonderful time with your family. Safe trip Corey xo

  53. Those blue eyes! How can you resist?

  54. Have a wonderful, wonderful time! I have been away visiting family, too – wish you were going to be on the coast in August when I am there but I will think of you when I touch a giant redwood for the first time and watch the waves crash on the shore. Did you find the Spiderman and the blue horse in time?

  55. HILARIOUS! The look on the little boy’s face was absolutely priceless! Oh yeah have fun finding Jesus! Oh my ..I amstill laughing! Have a great visit! No doubt you will!

  56. wow! gorgeous family you’ve got..May God continue to bless them. Have a Safe trip.

  57. This put a smile on my face; wonderful post!

  58. Have a safe and glorious trip!!
    Whar stunning photo`s and lovely children…I know that going overseas-present-buying-ritual… of luck!!!

  59. They are stunning photographs and absolutely gorgeous children!!!
    Of course, the last request is the easiest for you. I would love to see the way Jesus is in you, if you came to visit me!

  60. The children in the family are so so beautiful, I love their blue eyes! You’re blessed with the most wonderful love, enjoy your time there.

  61. Children are the best. Your nieces and nephew are so gorgeous, they remind me of porcelain dolls. Delicate and sweet.
    Have a safe journey Corey.

  62. Oh Corey, how precious! I hope you found all those special gifts…..especially..Jesus:) Nothing like a child……..

  63. Well, if i need to help you with an overnight shipping.. I think I can help with the sashell and Jesus part… This was delightful. Look at these unbelievable angelic and beautiful children! Are they all brother and sisters???

  64. Lovely photos of your family! My daughter wanted a horse, too…her’s had to be pink!

  65. What beauiful children! Looks like everyone had fun.

  66. What beautiful children : )

  67. Those are such beautiful faces, the kind of faces poets write about. Lovely.

  68. Oh, that last one. oh my.
    I would kill for May may’s HAIR!!!
    They are all so pretty, Corey.

  69. There is nothing so moving as the beauty of children.

  70. Oh, Good Lord. What a lovely post about such lovely young ladies. ahhhh. sigh. I just caught up with your trip posts and I am, as always, moved by the poignancy of your thoughts.
    May God bless you and your entire family.

  71. Morgan Carney

    Corey, I get on often to check out your blog, but never write a thing. After I saw this one I couldn’t help but write a little something. All of your blogs are just awesome, but this one is so special! I loved it. Those pictures were just crystal clear. Very very cute!! Hope you have a wonderful time with your family while your home! Loves and kisses!

  72. Your nieces and nephew and daughter are absolutely precious. I was actually in happy tears reading this. What wonderful, funny, smart kids! Haven’t checked in for a while, so a howdy do from Vancouver…I have missed your wisdom, and promise to be back more often.
    I recently got married, after making the decision 15 days earlier to move the wedding up by a few months! Story and photos to come real soon on my little blog.

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