Letters Exchanged with Miss Molly

Dear Aunt Corey,
When are you going to come down? You have to as I have been waiting forever.  So you better come down really quick.
If Uncle Yo-Yo is sick you will need to leave him there.
I am sick too, I have a cough from Winter.
My baby brother is sleeping, and I am sitting on my mom’s lap.
To get to our house you have to go on road T to road 63 and then road M.  If you see equipment and moo-moos that is our house. Don’t park in the garage my mom’s car is in the garage.
If our door is locked go to the other door.
Do you know our friend Aunt Piggy, she isn’t a real pig.  Mom what is her real name?
I want you to come real bad! I can’t wait to see you. I really want you to come to my house!
Talk to you soon.
(My niece just turned 4. My sister-in-law wrote the email.)
Dearest Miss Molly,
We are coming to see you!
We are coming home.
We will be at your house (on road M where the moo moo’s live.) in eight days.
Please have the door unlocked and some cookies on the table. Alot of cookies.
Chelsea and Sacha are coming. But Uncle Yo-Yo has to stay home to take care of the bunny.
Hey Molly you called Aunt Peggy, Piggy! I hope you don’t call me Corky, or Porky.
Give your baby brother a kiss for me. I cannot wait to meet him.
See you very soon. I hope your Winter cough is better so we can run and play with Sadie dog.
Love and  pinches on your cheek,
Aunt Corey
Photo: My niece Molly last summer and some antique French pieces arranged as a prayer for her.
Please visit the incredible sites that were left in the comment section yesterday. You will find interesting new people, places and things to see. Go check it out when you have time.


44 responses to “Letters Exchanged with Miss Molly”

  1. Too cute! I treasure all of my emails from my niece and nephew back in the States…on homesick days, they sure know how to make me smile ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. More than words letters mingle souls.
    I love you so very much.
    Love Jeanne
    How sweet and precious is everything you share!

  3. Aww…. really full of heartfelt LOVE.

  4. Aww…Molly is so adorable. Thank you for being so generous in your giving, your invitation to open doors to new adventures and opportunity to meet new friends.

  5. Adorable!!!!!
    And thanks for some new readers from yesterday’s post! It is much apreciated!!!

  6. Home is where the heart is Corey. You are fortunate in that you have TWO homes, perhaps that explains why you have so much love.
    Safe journey..and may your visit give you comfort and love and happy memories.
    Going home is so often bitter sweet..

  7. Marie-Noรซlle

    Rhyming “Corey”…
    with choccie,
    antique flea,
    lentils curry,
    son mari,
    pacific sea,
    pink peony
    brewing tea
    Sacha, Chelsea,
    and miss Molly,
    sweet pea!

  8. how adorable little Molly is. Bet you can’t wait to see her. Have a wonderful time. Nel

  9. Too cute!!

  10. It will be great to get back! So happy for you, Chelsea and Sasha. Thank you for the post yesterday. What fun, and there’s still plenty more for me to check out. I adore The Land of Blog, and you.

  11. GOING HOME! Two verrrry sweet words when used together. Have fun! It has been awhile since my nieces and nephews were little and I miss those people so much! Now don’t forget….our antiques over here aren’t very old ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. I’ll be thinking “welcome home to CA Corey” in 8 days. Your family must be thrilled that you are coming for a visit.

  13. An absolutely beautiful post Corey!! I loved reading it so much and what an adorable little thing your Molly is – I’m sure you miss seeing her very much and when you do see her I’m sure you just hug and squeeze and kiss her all over!!

  14. As lovely as it must be in France, I can see why you can’t wait to get back to your other home! Cookies that have been kissed by small children are twice as good ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Enjoy your visit!

  15. This was a cute post, Corky…er, I mean, Porky,…uh, Corey!!

  16. What an adorable post…lovely

  17. Corey, this is just the CUTEST invitation… How could one refuse??? Hope I get to see you too! How long will you be here??? Save travels to you and yours…

  18. Being an aunt is a treasure! My niece and nephews are the loves of my life (until I have my own children, and then they will still be!). What a sweet and precious thing to receive letters. I just got a Valentine from my 4-year-old nephew in the mail.

  19. I just found your blog via your well-deserved award. Congratulations and thanks for all the wonderful links in yesterday’s comments. They’ll keep me busy.

  20. SWEEET! And safe travels my friend:) xo

  21. Looking forward to seeing you when you are here, Corey. WooWoo!!

  22. Wonderful family!! I didn’t visit yesterday so will go visit all the wonderul sites and links!

  23. A is for adorable…

  24. Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to. ~John Ed Pearce Had trouble trying to comment yesterday. Hopefully this works…CONGRATULATIONS Corey…well done.

  25. Molly is such a little treasure. Wishing you and your not-so-little-ones safe passage.

  26. Paris Parfait

    By golly, little Miss Molly is too adorable! Hope you, Chelsea and Sacha have a wonderful trip to California. Safe travels…

  27. Love your blog. Please email me if you’re going to be in the Sacramento area. Would love to have a latte with you! Best wishes for a safe trip.

  28. Oh, why do little ones have to grow up?! That was just the sweetest, Corey- and I hope you have a wonderful time with your family!

  29. How precious and wonderful! Safe travels – I will check back for updates!

  30. Corey this absolutely warms my heart!

  31. Look how cute she is!! I can see you in her face a little, I think.
    Is this from the summer, or are you coming again soon??

  32. have a safe trip ! Hope everything is ok with your family ? xoxo

  33. More evidence to explain why your blog wins awards. Molly’s letter is a real keeper-and so is she. Have a terric time back home!

  34. How lovely. Makes me want to call my Auntie.

  35. Yay! Corey in California!

  36. Oh wow is she a sweetie! And I LOVE how you made her lovely prayer piece for her, you can almost touch the love and peace there. Maybe it will find its way into a frame now and then into her scrapbook when she is older, I just really like that thought : )
    Blessed Weekend : ) Wendy

  37. How adorable is that child? How adorable is that email to you? How loved you are. and may I say how I truly, deeply, madly, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, seriously…wish I could meet you while you are here in CA!

  38. Where in California Corey! I want to meet you!!!! You are so amazing! ๐Ÿ™‚

  39. Except for love letters, there is nothing more precious than a letter (or email) from a small child. You are so blessed, enjoy the journey, enjoy the stay.

  40. so sweet, so cute!

  41. the sweetest letters between a niece and an aunt far away and so close at the same time.

  42. Corey ~ I have a very strong sense that the sweet miss Molly has her dearn auntie’s eyes.
    She is a lovely child.

  43. How touching and dear that exchange was! Thanks so much for sharing it and showing how to make precious memories can be made for our special little ones.

  44. She’s so cute! Are you really going to Calif sometime soon?

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