The Way to a Man’s Heart is through his Stomach


French husband loves to eat. I was taught that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. It stands to reason that we’d make a good team. Except he eats so fast. His plate is cleared-off before I’ve taken my first bite. Honestly, he shatters the French image of proper dining etiquette. He borderlines abnormal in this department. I’ve often wondered why he doesn’t enter a food eating contest.

To slow down his rapid hand-to-mouth feeding, I ask him simple non-threatening questions. (Non-threatening because he could blow food chunks!) Questions such as, "What are you eating?"

Last night was no exception. I made curry lentils in a coconut sauce. I asked French husband if he could define the flavors he was inhaling? Barely coming up for air he answered, "Brown and good!"


"Really," I continued, "I haven’t seen brown and good in the market place. Seriously, Honey what is the flavor of brown and good?"

He guessed cinnamon.

French husband knew if he wanted seconds he had to appease the cook. He said the dinner tasted like bananas mixed with little grainy things and chopped white stuff. Adding there were hints of chocolate, eggs and tomatoes. He almost described a cake until he said tomatoes.


I gave enough clues that the fish in the pond could’ve given me the answer.

I said, "It is white." Yann chipped in with, "White Chocolate!" Not acknowledging that response I continued, "It grows on a tree." Yann said, "Mais oui, bananas!"

You’re probably thinking he is being funny, that he’s pretending to be food illiterate. Trust me he is not kidding. He claimed to our baker friend that mustard would be a sweet flavor to add to brownies.

Looking at him I shook my head, "Remember your children are listening."

One last clue. "It starts with the letter "C" and it is hard."

French husband didn’t miss a beat. He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye. I smirked, "Don’t even say Corey, or you will be eating rocks tomorrow for dinner!"


French husband does love my cooking. Actually that doesn’t sound like a compliment anymore. I’ll let you know what he thinks of rock souffle.

Photos: Of a French vintage journal about love, food and homemaking.


52 responses to “The Way to a Man’s Heart is through his Stomach”

  1. Dear Corey,
    Thanks for giving me a laugh so early in the morning. You two have got to be the cutest couple…”Brown and Good” is just too much for a cook to
    Sending you hugs,

  2. Corey, this is funny!! do you boil the rocks first??

  3. I love the sounds of these culinary differences between you, Corey.
    see you, g xo

  4. oooh! too funny! but then oh la la he makes up for it in other ways, non? wink wink.

  5. I love these snippets of family life. My brother ate quickly at the dinner table, I often wonder whether he knew what he was eating. Does taste actually matter? is food just to fill one’s stomach? I know few people who sees food as a necessity for survival …oh, they are missing out on so much ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Lentils must be making the rounds. We had lentil soup last night. I’d love your recipe for the lentils in curry/coconut.
    French Husband sounds like an enthusiastic audience for your cooking, even if he inhales it.
    The journal looks like a treasure.

  7. I’m laughing out loud!!!

  8. Have you read Angela’s Ashes? That mother fed her children ‘bread and goody’…maybe Yann would like it LOL.
    I’d just like my husband to sit at the table with us.

  9. Fablous and so funny. I wish I didn’t have to reveil this about myself, but I too eat quickly. Inorder not to, I have to really try hard. Though I’m a champ at diserning flavors and recreating food I’ve tried elsewhere without a recipe.
    This story makes me smile, and gives me something to” chew on” today. It’s interesting to hear the tale from your perpective. I long to be more like you the “Savoring Type”.

  10. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !
    EXCELLENT French husband
    Be glad he didn’t suggest it came from a can!?
    Or did it?
    Any leftovers for the mouse in the house..I mean maison?

  11. Funny! I have the opposite problem…my fiancรฉ doesn’t like butter or milk and he can taste it in even the smallest doses. I don’t use them a lot, but there are some things that just need these things, so I have to encourage him to eat quickly when we have those ๐Ÿ˜‰ Awesome pics!

  12. Sounds like a yummy meal, Corey.
    Husbands, can’t live with em, can’t live without em !!!!!
    My husband is a bit of a food freak as well. Sometimes he’ll look at whatever I’ve put in front of him and I can tell he’d rather walk the plank than taste. He’ll then ask what the ingredients are in a tone of voice that sounds like “you are poisioning me, right?”. At which point I just shake my head and tell him “hemlock”.
    Fortunately, we ladies find other things to love in our husbands.
    Smooches and have a wonderful day.

  13. Marie-Noรซlle

    He and I could join in to write an article about lentils in “The Eater’s Digest” !?!

  14. This had me laughing because now my kids are so proud of themselves if they can eat faster than mommy (I’m a notoriously fast eater…I’m lucky if I chew my food).
    Jeff likes to eat plain veggies, plain everything so that he “can taste the natural flavors of the food”. He’ll be at the table eating long after we’re finished.
    I don’t think I’m as food illiterate as Yann is though ๐Ÿ˜‰

  15. Such a delightful post… Sounds like you could feed him almost anything and he would be happy – as long as you were by his side! Truly endearing!!!

  16. I am a fast eater like your hubby. My hubby thinks I need to slow it down too. And does the header on that journal say, “in case of divorce”? How cute!

  17. Mr. Sparkle inhales his food as well- he says it’s so good he just can’t help himself. That makes me smile and I go on with my food, savoring every bite. Ah, men…

  18. i wouldn’t doubt that only you will be able to make the rocks rise in your souffle for tonight’s dinner… suggest he try to switch what hand he holds his fork and knife in… that should slow him down a bit, or at least be a huge source of amusement.

  19. Oh, how funny and sweet! “Brown and good” just made me giggle out loud.

  20. At least he’s not an unobservant but picky eater. Just dish it up and enjoy…he certainly will!!
    Meilleurs voeux!!

  21. frech husband sounds kind of like mine! i love that he loves to eat and loves just about anything i make but wish he would slow down! it’s like he’s fighting for the title of workd’s fastest eater. ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Too funny, Corey! Frenchhusband certainly does not look as if he loves to eat–just like Goldilocks, he looks “just right.”

  23. How funny. Does he have functioning taste buds?!
    And about the souffle, is that with made with quartz or limestone?

  24. He sure is different, that husband of yours but to be honest-I don’t know if my Italian husband would be able to define special ingredients if I started to ask him…

  25. Paris Parfait

    Such a mignon story, Corey! My husband pays attention to what he eats (he’s the chef, after all) but not so much to the decor.

  26. My French husband is more picky and sometimes is difficult to please. I feel a little lacking when it comes to the thousand of years of tradition found in French cooking. My husband often asks what is for dinner when we get up in the morning. I think he’s afraid that I won’t have anything to eat. He can really polish his plate, though, using his bread. It almost doesn’t need washing.

  27. hehe what a funny story! He clearly appreciates you food even if he has no idea what he is inhaling!

  28. Oh too funny! French husband no different than my natureboy..he sits down and inhales his meal..I ask well…how is it..Oh great make it again …the answer!I love him anyway!

  29. Oh too funny! French husband no different than my natureboy..he sits down and inhales his meal..I ask well…how is it..Oh great make it again …the answer!I love him anyway!

  30. Oh, a shout of laughter!
    The Bear also inhales his food. Apparently I eat too slowly!

  31. Maybe it’s that your food is so good he can’t get it down fast enough.

  32. LOL…oh I can’t wait to have pizza with you! Nel

  33. This is just delightful Corey. I’m halfway through my day and came visiting to give myself a boost. This did the trick. Sweet – like chocolat blanc.

  34. what a delightful exchange over dinner…I love the answer ‘brown and good’. He may eat quick but he obviously enjoys it – whatever ‘it’ is. lol! I truly think it would be very funny to do a plate, complete with garnish and well presented….of rocks. He could then say “Corey, your cooking is rock solid”!(if there that expression even exists in French) heehee. being silly I am!
    on a more serious note, I’d love to the recipe for that dish…to give to my husband….to make. (he’s the cook)

  35. I love the humorous exchange between you and Frenchhusband. It would be a great script for a comedy show.

  36. oops -I obviously typed that comment too fast – I missed a few words.

  37. Taht was lovely Corey!!

  38. Taht was lovely Corey!!

  39. Corey,
    Thanks for delighting us once again with your wonderful sense of humor!

  40. “starts with a C and is hard”…
    Oh, the things that would have been said in MY house! LOL!

  41. Stone Soup, or “soup on a nail” as we say in Norway, should be a perfect Valentine dish!

  42. LOL this post made me indeed laughing out loud! ๐Ÿ˜€

  43. I love this story!!! It does not matter if we spend 5 mins or 5 hours in the kitchen its all the same to men.

  44. ja ja ja ja ja! wonderful story! I love this post Corey!

  45. Mustard in brownies? Then again, I just heard of a recipe calling for potatoes in brownies.I have to follow recipes to a T (or to a “C”) to have it work out. I’m impressed that you know how to cook curry lentils in coconut sauce! French husband is a lucky man!

  46. I am sure he kisses the cook often as you season everything with love.
    Thanks for all the joy you bring to me.
    I adore you
    OOoOOOOOh La La~
    Love Jeanne

  47. That was so cute! At first it sounded like you were talking about a Nebraska farmer here in the US of A!

  48. My Mom’s the one who eats fast. And its usually my Dad asking her to slow down.

  49. Very funny post Corey! My husband used to rush through his meals, following in the footsteps of his father but has slowed down a lot. Now he finished only about 5-10 minutes before me. ๐Ÿ™‚

  50. Men… What can I say? They are pretty much the same everywhere aren’t they?
    But I’m glad for the differences. ๐Ÿ˜€

  51. I trek to the top of Unocoi Mtn to have Thanksgiving in the backwoods of TN, the home of my ancestors, the favorite hunting grounds of the Cherokee Nation, and there we celebrate with all our favorite dishes. Favorite, but not necessarily Thanksgiving-like. We are southern–there must be bananna pudding and homemade macaroni and cheese. There just must be! In the south, mac and cheese is considered a veggie! Not kidding!
    Have a happy Thanksgiving!

  52. We will be having a traditional Thanksgiving but I have decided to ad one new annual tradition: Giant Red Velvet Cupcakes with mounds of Cream Cheese Frosting! We’ll see if it’s a hit or not tomorrow.
    BTW- Love Willows. Daughter lived in Williams-now back in Sac, cousins in Corning and my brother is in Shasta. Ah- my old stomping grounds. Thank you for the lovely photos all the time. I look forward to them and……. Happy Thanksgiving!

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