Two Sides


There are two sides to every story and maybe even more. The side of the reflective that listen without haste. The tangible side that we can lean on and hold to be true. The side where the murky waters stare at us challenging us to get our feet wet….and there are stories that ripple outward when a pebble is thrown in…

photo: One of the sentences that runs through Venice.


40 responses to “Two Sides”

  1. Françoise

    je suis ok avec les propos et la photo est belle !
    c’est toi qui l’a prise ?
    Corey Responds:
    Thank you, Yes, all the photos on my blog are photos I have taken.

  2. Yes two sides to every story.
    Somewhere in between lies the truth.
    Love you
    Listen to your heart.
    Take good note when it speaks.
    Love you
    Every picture tells a story

  3. My heart did a roll when I saw the photo. Of course it’s Venezia. I am back in Nati House in less than two months……

  4. My theory is:
    Best not to be too reflective
    Or your castles in Spain will not be erected.
    My dreams I protect.
    Less they be misdirected.
    Get your feet wet…
    Toe in the water…
    I’m in over my head you can bet.

  5. It seems we must tell our stories in order to make sense of our lives. That we make them up as we go along only makes them that much more interesting. Wonderfully simple, thought-provoking post.

  6. Ahhh Bella Venezia….one of my favorite cities! Thanks for reminding me why, Corey!

  7. Paris Parfait

    Lovely photo and sentiments, Corey!

  8. This photo immediately brought Edward Hopper’s art to mind for me.
    Solitude and introspection.

  9. More wonderful food for thought
    *Christine Baldwin also provides lots of food for thought
    Corey responds:
    *Christine Baldwin in the author of the book that I linked to my blog today under STORIES

  10. And the side that lurks beneath the dark waters. Personally, I like the reflective side returning into view just after the ripples have smoothed out.

  11. You bring up an important topic. Before radio, tv and technology (not so long ago), storytelling, music-making, and dancing were traditions since ancient times. Now it seems to be fading away. It’s good for the soul to listen and read stories. It is an art to tell a story well. I adore listening to a good story! Especially one that I can learn from also one that lead me through a span of emotions. Amazing the power of the word!

  12. I lean on the tangible side…

  13. I love reading Christina Baldwin and then writing with her words/stories in mind.
    And yes that is Venice, to be sure. We could meet there and tour a gallery or three 🙂

  14. There’s also the side that we don’t want hear unfortunately. Beautiful post Corey.

  15. I love that you named the photo “listen to what you see”. I could linger there on those words for hours.

  16. Good Morning Corey ~
    A great post to begin my day by.
    Many years ago I read Christina Baldwin’s “Life’s Companion”. I’ve read many books over the years, but none had so profound an impact on my personal life.
    Two sides to every story – the perfect example of all of nature in balance.
    Have a wonderful day, everyone !

  17. When I think of Venice I do not picture such tranquility and quiet. This is a beautiful photo.

  18. venice always reminds me of nuns…i stayed in a hostal there run by wonderfully sweet nuns and we slept in a hugs open room filled with beds and framed by two huge paintings of christ on the cross.

  19. I love Venice. No dirt road or side street ever looked that peaceful!
    Glad I happend onto your blog~

  20. ooooh I wanna go there !!

  21. What a lovely and peaceful photo, and description. I always love to read your words of wisdom =)

  22. this image is breathtaking…

  23. Fantastic photo! How DO you write so beautifully? You have a gift…. a wonderful gift that I am grateful to witness! THank Goodness for Computers and blogs! One of my friends is leaving for Paris tomorrow.! She goes twice a year to visit friends and shop..sighhhhh.

  24. Beautiful picture.
    I was just talking to my mom today about this idea. She was talking about how she and her sisters all had this different idea of the reality of their childhood… So many sides. All truth.

  25. I like your idea here, Corey. I can’t seem to respond as eloquently tonight but I like your thoughts in this post.

  26. so true. What happiness in our lives is 10% fact and 90% is our “stories” of that fact. Our interpretation, our judgment, our take, etc, etc… It’s US who give meaning to every action.

  27. As a quilt designer my design has my story attached. Then when women pick up my pattern and make it for themselves, or for a loved one, that design takes on their story. Nothing touches me more than this. Oh I could tell you some wonderful stories…

  28. Breathtaking, Venice is another ‘must visit’ place. I love the idea of stories rippling outwards when a stone is thrown , what a perfect picture for reflection.

  29. I was in Venice many years ago. I don’t remember ever seeing the water calm there. It was alwyas churning and full of waves and ripples from all of the boats and the motion of the sea. Next time-and I hope there is a next time-I must explore the little lost streets and canals more.

  30. Don’t get your feet wet,
    In Venice’s waters.
    Use your tete.
    And from those gondoliers…
    Protect your daughter.
    Venice waters will tempt you
    With it’s briney brew.
    Still, don’t get your feet wet
    In Venice’s waters.

  31. The ripple effect…seems a pity to think of it disturbing such a beautiful reflection…Stunning photo! Nel

  32. Good Morning Dear Cory,
    I have not had any sucess reaching the voting link to vote for the blog awards. Have you heard anything ? Do you have a good link?
    Have a wonderful weekend
    Corey Responds…
    Thanks for your votes!! Here is the link to go to:

  33. I guess the side you choose to listen to depends on your perspective at the time. I like to listen to the side of reason with a little bit of passion thrown in 😉

  34. This is marvelous. Beautiful photo, and oh — “one of the sentences that runs through Venice”! Tu es poete!

  35. Love this photo .. the reflective water can tell you soo much and show you different colors.

  36. A beautiful reflection on a beautiful picture… thanks, Corey.

  37. Marie-Noëlle

    There is such a wide range of stories…
    I can venture through some of them in a canoe, even if I have to row hard…
    Some others are a real water maze which I may tour musing in a gondola or speeding up in a vaporetta…
    I do not mind murky waters, they often challenge me. I have my go, wherever and however I may end up : either clinging to a raft-wood or rescued on a cargo, or even completely wrecked…
    But there are some stories I cannot enter … Then standing on the embankment and watching it is the only thing I can do… or I might just as well take my bicycle and ride home.
    I love this post of yours!

  38. AMAZING photo and philosophy — I love your words!

  39. The colours you painted that photograph are beautiful and true as the words.

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