Gathering and Letting Go


February is a month full of anniversaries for me. Each year when the calendar turns to February the flood gate opens wide filling my mind with memories. Some of the memories are swift like a current, coming in and moving away just as fast. Others are deep, and touching them takes me under to the dark place that I have grown from. While others seem to have washed themselves clear, reminding me that time does heal all wounds. February does not come easy, it challenges me to stand amongst the raging waters of my past, and to trust the bridge that I stand upon as strong.

Photo: Leaves floating on the water, and gathered at the bottom of the pond.


41 responses to “Gathering and Letting Go”

  1. Paris Parfait

    Beautiful post Corey and lovely photo. Hope this February is a better one for you.

  2. I am early for once! One of the best things about your posts, Corey, is that you always have such interesting links for us! Thank you! Like you don’t have enough to do!
    This will be an interesting February for me as well… hope your challenges only end in triumphs…

  3. Such a beautiful photo, the important thing is do more than just drifting through life, to float and be carried by the current (those who love you) and let the good come in, the bad be washed away…

  4. Have a few of those anniversaries myself. amazing how a date can eclipse one’s life. May this Feb. pass quickly.

  5. such great colors in this photo for the usually dreary colored month of february..

  6. Your words and photo are food for meditation and reflection….absolutely beautiful!

  7. Thankfully there are seasons that come….and go.

  8. All those memories are of things that made you who you are and I think you are one special lady.

  9. Marie-Noëlle

    “J’ai traversé un buisson de grands mimosas
    Ils s’écartaient de moi sur mon passage
    Ils écartaient leurs branches avec un petit sifflement
    Car ce sont des arbres de sensibilité”
    Blaise Cendrars – (French-speaking Swiss author)
    (= I have walked through a bush of high mimosas
    They stood aside to let me pass
    They parted their branches with a slight hiss
    Because they are the trees of sensibility)
    I bought myself a bunch of mimosas from the flower shop this morning…
    I put them into the vase where another bunch of red flowers was fading …
    Gilding the lily lit up my day! Hope it will enlighten your February!

  10. I wish February was a better month for you.

  11. The photo is very beautiful! A great contrast of complimentary colors! (Reminding me that I need to leave the computer and paint! Beauty is healing!)
    February may be here again, but things are different each year. May you build and collect some lovely memories this time!

  12. “Some of the memories are swift like a current, coming in and moving away just as fast.” This is such a perfect expression of how it can be. And your photo reminds me of something Monet might have used as inspiration for one of his paintings.
    Wishing you joy this February.

  13. I hope this February passes quickly for you.
    It is a beautiful photo.
    I also thank Marie-Noelle for the lovely poem. I’ll have to look up the author one day.

  14. Monet could have taken that beautiful picture…
    Those leaves will drift away
    And no longer hold you in their sway…

  15. I felt currents of my
    own past swirling as i read this – most notably
    a broken heart and
    it is odd – February is also a month for me for these reflections…
    gorgeous gorgeous picture:)

  16. A beautiful photograph. It’s good February is the second month of the year; it’s out of the way and not dreaded. A grey month for grey thoughts; then it’s over.

  17. OH I don’t think I could trust the bridge!scary
    Feb. is a month of celebration for daughter’s valentines day and of course the mammography..a test of my hope and will…to survive..breast annual checkup..3rd I ~celebrate~ with a hEaRtfelt
    *give-a-way …do drop by!

  18. Corey,
    February is the same for me. The anniversary of my mother’s death on the 24th. I am thinking of you…

  19. February can be a downer but, yea!, it is the shortest month of the year.

  20. THe photo is gorgeous! Another perfect for a painting! hmmmm. February is my brother’s birthday. THat is the only thing Feb. has for me! Well, of course Valentine!

  21. Your writing is so wonderful! It always takes me away. I love and adore the red tones in the leaves! Amazing leaves.

  22. For me it is August…But i know what you mean.
    I hold you in my arms and offer you love. I hope you feel it.
    This picture is lovely! The colors are wonderful.
    oxoxo 🙂

  23. Oh Corey, I am sending you sweet sugar kisses from yesterday, warm hugs from today, and many many kind soulful blessings for tomorrow…

  24. Picture is stunning!!

  25. Such gorgeous colours, very Monet as others have said already. Hope the raging waters seen from your bridge, calm down to reflect a beautiful mass of colour like this.

  26. here’s hoping february’s love will wrap around you as you stand in it’s challenges

  27. Your post is texured and layered. You get your point across in such a creative way…. Crisscrossing and intertwining your ideas, photo, and links with imagination!
    You offer up something deep for others to ponder. Thanks for sharing yourself and your talent.
    P.S .At first I thought the photo was a painting. Beautiful.

  28. Thanks for this gorgeous color palette. I will attempt to use it in some bead embroidery later this afternoon.
    Being amongst the raging waters of your past with a trusting heart is the pathway to peaceful acceptance. You are a brave traveler to go there.

  29. Corey,
    Gorgeous photo.
    Forgiveness is the greatest of healers.

  30. beautiful beautiful colors – fall colors for us in the height of summer heat.
    Corey, I am new to your blog so I don’t know why February holds these things for you, but, as you stand at the door of the month, look ahead to what might be, and not backwards at what was?
    presumptious of me, sorry…

  31. i will be thinking of you and sending you positive energy this month!

  32. thank you for sharing your heart in a way that invites us in, but still leaves space for you to be you…I love that, it teaches me…take care this February, Nel xo

  33. I see Febuary as another month past until DH gets home. But now I wonder if I am just letting life pass by and not really living it? I know I want to share life with my husband, but I don’t have that choice this year. Thanks for showing me insight with another beautiful photo.

  34. February is a month full of COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD for me!!!! It’s already begun!

  35. I will give you a big real world hug very soon Corey.

  36. Corey please tell did you take that photo or is it a painting? I love it. If I had seen that before my colour love post I would have chosen that for you. I always think of Lilac Fields when I think of your blog but I think that may now change.

  37. I absolutely LOVE this photo, Corey! It makes me want to paint it!!!

  38. Corey you ARE strong and you will maintain your footing in this month that brings you memories. Sometimes just when we think the bridge is about to give way something miraculous happens…and it doesn’t budge any further.
    That photo is amazing!

  39. Dearest Corey, Sending you lots of warmth and little pink hearts that say…YOU ARE ADORED. This picture looks like a vivid impressionist painting. What you do with a camera, Renoir or Degas did with a brush.

  40. Stunning photo. Fits the post so well.

  41. Beautiful photograph, Corey. I find February to be a contemplative month, too, especially when it comes to family. I haven’t started to long for Spring yet so maybe there are a few more things I need to think over.

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