Life’s Medal


Heart on your sleeve. Penny in your shoe. Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket. The day begins what do you put on? What are the first words you give? You are standing at the end of the rainbow! Do you see the pot of gold? Put on your life and wear it well. There is a star above your name!

Photo: A 1920s French souvenir. A saint medal. Simply attached to a ribbon that is sewn to a safety pin worn during first communion.


47 responses to “Life’s Medal”

  1. Hello Corey, I have clicked over from Judith’s place at Not Dead Yet, and have just popped in to say hello and have a look.
    Lots to look at too, thank you very much!

  2. I had to stop by and mention you much you made me laugh with your last comment on my blog! So funny! 😉 Thank you!

  3. I just had to come back, after my visit, and say thankyou again, you have some really fascinating things… beautiful…

  4. Everyone deserves a medal for something in their lives don’t you think?
    You deserve one for bringing us such wonders and for doing it daily which is a daunting task.

  5. A metal star above your name,
    Will never put you to shame.
    In fact you may claim your fame,
    If you put a metal star above your name…

  6. Lovely words as always my most beautiful friend.
    I adore you.
    Love Jeanne ^j^

  7. I think all those are true for the author of this blog!!

  8. You always give me a beautiful way to start the day and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Now, let’s see — what should I put on today??

  9. Corey …….you’re the best!!

  10. These were words to get my day started on the right foot 🙂

  11. Have I mentioned lately that I love coming to this place?

  12. You are my star!!
    Hope you are doing well my friend.
    Hugs to you,

  13. The first words I give? “It can’t possibly be six o’clock yet!” Then, off to the computer to see what Corey’s showing today 🙂

  14. That is where I find a pot of gold.

  15. As wonderful as it always helps me feel reading your words and studying your pictures, it always makes me feel even better to read through the comments you evoke. The whole world glows just a little bit brighter 🙂
    Corey Responds:
    I agree! The sharing that goes on in the comments is what this blog is about: sharing thoughts and ideas. Most of the time the comments are post in themselves!

  16. Hi Corey:
    I miss your blog and wonderful wisdom.

  17. Have you seen “What The Bleep Do We Know”? One of best ideas from that movie is ..when you get up every morning…put to the Universe…these words…”I create my day the way I like it’! see your day unfolding in a positive way! Follow that Star!!!! hee hee.

  18. Oh and there are two stars above yours, Corey dear.

  19. “The day begins what do you put on?”
    Well, quite literally, I put on my slippers and then kind of wobble and shuffle into my day! I’m not so sure that a star is with me at that point.

  20. Beautiful as always Corey!
    Everyone’s a star in their very own way.
    Annabelle ~^..^~ xo

  21. Are you sure the star above our names isn’t truly an asterisk, referring to some highly interesting parenthetical information? 😉
    The first thing to put on–a smile of course! And the first words–“I love you.”
    (Could this be the beginning of an article for submission?)

  22. Very inspiring words, Corey! And thanks for visiting my blog:)

  23. “put on your life and wear it well”–great advice!

  24. A lovely ritual of hope and positive declarations to start our day.

  25. As each day begins, I put on my glasses and glance briefly at the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling of our bedroom… And now, thanks to you, this ritual will take on new meaning.

  26. Thank you so much. I love your writing.

  27. I am spending A Year With Rumi and his words are the first I read every mrning – today they are:
    Break open your personal self
    to taste the story of the nutmeat soul…
    If it weren’t for the sweetness of the nut, the inner talking,
    who would ever shake a walnut?

  28. I actually prefere standing under the rainbow, with the seven colours making a sign of hope over my life. I have no need for the pot of gold somewhere in the end.

  29. What you do at the beginning of your day can color the rest of it! Thank you for this very gentle and beautiful reminder!

  30. Paris Parfait

    I saw lots of old war medals at flea markets in Spain – it always saddens me to see these, apparently unwanted by family members (or perhaps the family members are all gone). But your post is lovely and uplifting.

  31. Beautifully stated (both in writing and photo)! Thanks for such an inspiring thought (and blog)!

  32. What inspiring words!!
    Thanks for always doing it Corey…you are the best

  33. are such a gifted photographer. And there you go with your words of wisdom again! You’re just so awesome girl! Thank you!

  34. Yes! Let’s approach life with reckless abandon.

  35. Thanks for the comment on my blog….I appreciate the thoughts.
    Once again, a beautiful picture to summarize your thoughts. I vow to live a simple abundant life each day!

  36. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I appreciate your thoughts!
    What a beautiful picture to make a person think….I vow to live a simple abundant life with each new day!

  37. Corey you may not remember but you once told me…
    “live life simply so others may simply live” and I do
    Your words inspire!hugs to you
    *Do pop by my space on Thurs.

  38. heart on my sleeve indeed –
    which i want to share
    with everyone:)
    love your posts – and
    very beautiful pictures:)

  39. A star over my name? What a wonderful thought…I hope it shines bright! There is definitely one over you…

  40. I wish I could start every day with such a meditation as you write here! Today, if I’m honest, I woke and thought 2.5 hours sleep is just not enough woman!
    The Dog, needing to go outside twice in the middle of the night…say no more….just pass the coffee!

  41. Marie-Noëlle

    I have a real love for language and languages ! And this post is a delight for whoever wants to get more and more about words…
    “un bain linguistique” in Corey’s pot – being like a (gold-) fish in water !!!

  42. Fascinating read: (Wear your Heart on your Sleeve)- probably related to a English/French old Valentines Eve practice of drawing a girls name from a box. The male agreed to protect the girl for a year. He wore her name in that year on his sleeve -did you know this?

  43. Good Early Morning, Corey, Thank you from my heart for your lovely and inspiring (as always) words and photos. I just love the sentiment: “put on your life and wear it well.” Good, sage advice. I shall try! Interestingly, just yesterday, I worked on a theme in my blog of ‘wearing your life’ with pride.

  44. My First visit here…wow…so beautiful. Thank you for bringing a smile to my face this morning. I shall return again and again.

  45. Strangely, I had the Moody Blues playing this morning while preparing breakfast, dreamily looking out at the snow and thinking, “Today you could be anything, be someone new, think new thoughts, go someplace new, it’s all up to you! What would you like to do and who would you like to be today?” I decided to be a happy person and laughed all day. Then I read your post – it must have been something in the air…you were thinking the same thoughts!

  46. corey, please put this on my list to purchase. hope i am not to late…it is so amazing…

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