Roses that cannot be Picked


Though my thoughts are many they are not ready to be picked today.

Memories lead me down a lane, with roses growing on a wall,

Where a soft silence touches my face, and fades.

Photo: Roses that hang on a stone wall. Reminding me that it isn’t what you say, it is who you are, being there is what is important.


39 responses to “Roses that cannot be Picked”

  1. I like your choice of words describing thoughts not ready to be picked, a feeling I can relate to.

  2. Corey,
    I’m reminded of a Woody Allen quote:
    “80 percent of success is just showing up”
    Let the thoughts brew like good Cafe. The words will come when they’ve arranged themselves to say what you want.

  3. Your blog ALWAYS! reminds me of the different shades of life we are lucky to have around us.
    May this day bring you joy.

  4. Your meditation is beautiful. Who but you could write about the not in such way?

  5. Pink roses are one of my most favorite flowers…….
    I love them………..
    A rose by any other name.
    Thank you for being a most precious flower in my friendship garden.

  6. The play of the textures against one another in this photo is so very interesting. You certainly have a painterly eye.

  7. Marie-Noëlle

    Your memories show you the lane… Just follow it up and new rosebuds will show along it and you will soon show up again, outstanding, alike that beautiful outshining amaryllis you showed us lately…
    “La parole est d’argent, mais le silence est d’or”.
    “Just show up”, that author says, I agree…
    Showing and showing up are far better than showing off !

  8. Ah, but even the word evokes the memory of roses. Would we have thought of them while staring at that stone if the word had not been there?

  9. lovely sentiment thank you!

  10. Beautiful thoughts, Corey…..yours, Patricia Ryan Madson’s and Rumi. Such a great way to begin the day. Thank you!
    I pay Anna to say nice things to me!! But this is going to cost me alot 😉 Thanks Anna, How I wish it were true!!

  11. I love your garden of roses 🙂 Share them when they bloom.

  12. I love roses and I love that rusty roses sign – Lovely words too Corey as usual!!

  13. Your picture speaks a thousand words. Sometimes the unexpected like a rusty sign can lead you to a garden of memories. Perhaps the roses are not in full bloom to be picked, some nurturing is in order…

  14. Sometimes too, it is not what is said but the way that it’s said. The ‘roses’ in your photo are hard and cold, but in reality are soft and fragrant…Who would know unless they held one..?
    Sheila, You have a poetic mind, and I appreciate your sharing it with me!

  15. A rose is still a rose by any other name… but the name is not still a rose in this picture!
    You always find wonderful contrast with your photos and add such poetic words.

  16. We are created to bloom also on a surface of stones.
    This reminds me so much of a wall i saw during my visit at Lindisfarne in October.

  17. I’m curious… this is Corey being vulnerable and yet reserving herself when necessary.
    Lovely way of expressing this!

  18. I hope they are ready to be picked by tomorrow 🙂

  19. Roses kept creeping up in my mind also, so I posted what I had left, now, in winter.
    And then I saw your writing on the rock ….
    Must be the time of year.
    Do you know what the original use of the sign was or was it always meant to be simply beautiful art?

  20. A new favorite post 🙂 It has been fun to visit after my Different Days and find your energy radiating so strongly.

  21. Some days my thoughts are my own and belond to no one else, even if they ask. Sometimes they need a day or two to blossom, to come into their own, before their sweetness can be released.
    (BTW, loved the words you left for Michelle. Sexy is everywhere.)

  22. The metal on stone makes for an intriguing photo. The fact that the metal spells out roses (such a exquisite flower) makes it a beautifully intriguing photo. I love it.

  23. WEll, my thoughts are blooming all over the place today! I cannot shut up! I am picking them and putting them in vases everywhere! whew!! ha! Roses are my favorite…I love the photo! It would make a great watercolour!

  24. We find the best answers when we look deep inside, sometimes silence helps…

  25. Best of luck Corey My thoughts are with YOU

  26. I like that, don’t prepare, just show up. Very much like life, really it is not possible to prepare for all contingencies. I am a Capricorn, so this is definitely a reminder that I need. To let go and just show up. Simple yet profound.
    Have a lovely day!

  27. Madson’s book – yet another to add to my list. Beautiful picture – the hard steely rose again the cold hard wall still conveys such warmth and potential for life.

  28. Being there is what is important – you are so right about this. After the moment has left there is no turning back.

  29. I love that first line, Corey. It resonates with me completely, as I’ve been finding it hard to write anything coherent and interesting recently, unfinished sentences all over the place. You remind me that some things need time to be mulled over and will come out when they’re good and ready. Silence too is ok.

  30. What a lovely way of describing that certain state of mind. 🙂 I so often feel that way lately… must be the wintery weather. 🙂

  31. how annoying…
    you are so right.

  32. beautiful photo… beautiful reminder to us all. thank you.

  33. Beautiful poetic words by the *~rose~* we all know as… Corey..hugs NG

  34. I felt like this this morning and had to go and do a PR stint in the city, met lovely people and left the city and returned to my cottage feeling on top of the world. We’re a strange species us women.

  35. Pretty juicy for not having any ripe words! 😉

  36. Actions definitely speak louder than words.

  37. lovely way to say you can not find the words… lovely !!

  38. “Mignonne, allons voir si la rose….”
    As you can see, I respond to the photo.

  39. I smiled a little inside-me-smile at this image, because I immediately thought of it as a pun. A very fine, floral pun.
    It’s, of course, a Rock Rose.
    And, per those homeopathic Bach remedy-things, it’s a remedy against terror. Rock rose!
    So you see how fine your find was? Thanks for sharing — I have some work things going on today that are a bit scary, so I really appreciate your Rock Rose remedy.

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