Inner Truth



We have a choice in everything we do.

To bloom where we are planted or not.

To strive to be our best, or to raise our head just enough.

Love creates a circle, seed, soil, roots, sprouts, buds, blooms, decays, returns.



41 responses to “Inner Truth”

  1. Corey,
    When we accept choice, we have a bright new world to exploe!

  2. And none of us can hide from the responsibility we have as individuals, nor can we blame the system. We all have a choice.

  3. Amen~
    My Mother always taught me well as did Grandmother who are both my examples of the finest.
    Strong brave ladies who conquered and never crumbled in spite of it all.
    Life is fast and fleeting and a test and lessons learned for your eternal life.

  4. So true Corey.So many people rely on finding lucky path rather than chosing their own.

  5. Marie-Noëlle

    Let’s imagine, let’s have a dream… and let’s make it true !
    O Siyeza, o siyeza , sizofika webaba noma
    (we are coming, we are coming, we will arrive soon)
    O siyeza, o siyeza,
    siyagudle lomhlaba
    (we are coming, we are coming, we are moving across this earth)
    Siyawela lapheshaya lulezontaba ezimnyama
    (we are crossing over those dark mountains)
    Lapha sobheka phansi konke ukhulupheka
    (where we will lay down our troubles)
    (written and sung by one of my favourite singers)

  6. Very true, and i hope to bloom wherever i am planted 🙂

  7. Marie-Noëlle

    I’m in a lyric mood today, so I am adding these words from a French song – well-known tune as it was used in a funny film :
    Chacun sa route
    Chacun son chemin
    Chacun son rêve
    Chacun son destin
    (=each one’s own way
    each one his/her own path
    each one his/her own dream
    each one his/her own destiny)
    Dites-lui que:
    (tell him/her that:)
    Chacun sa route
    Chacun son chemin
    Passe le message à ton voisin…
    (=each one his/her own way
    each one his/her own path
    pass the message on to your neighbour…)

  8. Love and life; if only they were seen as one instead of separately, yes?

  9. We do have our choices. “ours is not to reason why, but bloom, bloom, bloom or die”. something like that…

  10. So beautifully said……so profoundly true.

  11. Oh yes! Life is just too precious to waste a moment of it. Blooming is what we must do – and in so doing we create lives that are rich gardens.

  12. it certainly is a choice…an ours to make.

  13. We have a choice in everything we do.
    To bloom where we are planted or not.
    Some of us would prefer to bloom in Paris…

  14. My Amaryllis isn’t in flower yet, i await it eagerly.

  15. Choice, may we use it wisely and well.

  16. When I clicked on John Lennon…I burst into tears.Wow!

  17. Dear Corey,
    I’ve moved a lot. Each time I’ve had to pull my roots out of their familiar soil. For awhile they’re raw till they take hold in their new environmnet.
    But when they do take hold I bloom. By making the choice to accept moving as part of my journey I have met the most extraordiary people, and know what it is like to live on the west coast, east coast and middle of the U.S. Moving has broadened my horizon! I also know what it is like to reach out to a new kid on the block, and as you say
    circle them in love.

  18. I believe that is true, and hopefully you have all the nourishment you need and a little tender loving care to go along with it!

  19. What great wisdom to wake up to this morning. Thank you.

  20. Sometimes it’s necessary to repot yourself, and give your roots more room to grow further down.

  21. Beauty shines through the darkness and makes itself seen.
    A flower will always bloom anew no matter how many times it’s been crushed.

  22. I needed a beautiful flower and a word of encouragement this morning. Thank you, Corey.

  23. Simple but so true. Make the best of whatever your circumstances and keep reacher for the stars.

  24. Such a beautiful flower. I wanted to curl up inside of it and nestle in.

  25. Beautiful. I hope you have a lovely day!

  26. The Amaryllis strives on surrounded by love and blossoms. John Lennon airport in Liverpool have the slogan ‘Above us only sky’. Love transcends all barriers and we are all under the same sky.

  27. Bloom where we are planted..Oh most definately yes..!
    I wasted many years yearning for something I missed, only to realise it was with me all the time.
    Today is all we have..

  28. IMAGINE and ML King together – now there’s a dream… Lovely post, pure and simple – HOPE…

  29. Your lovely photo looks like a painting, Corey!

  30. Our choices made also comprise our path in life, forwards and backwards…when we look behind us we see the choices we HAVE made, when we look ahead, the possibilities.
    Each of us blooms in our own sweet time, and the soil of our choices nurtures our existence!
    You always post such amazing food for thought Corey! Thank you.

  31. c’est vrai mon ami

  32. Thank you for such an inspirational quote, Corey

  33. Beautiful and True!

  34. You have a wonderful way with words and making them sing-

  35. Oh my gosh, what you just wrote is so similar to the message of “blooming” and “choicses” I just wrote about on my blog!!!! Sort of, come and see what you think.

  36. Oh these words are so beautiful and so true. Touched me Corey

  37. Beautifully written Corey, thanks for sharing.

  38. Yes and, funnily enough, every decision we make is the right one.
    At the time we make it.

  39. Just right Corey. I needed that today. Thankyou.

  40. yes, but sometimes, life seems greener on the other side of the world 🙂

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